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Must-See Highlights of the Eternal Celebration
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- Written by Sara Landon
Everything is always happening for you. And if something is not happening, that’s also happening for you.
It doesn’t mean it won’t happen. It means that divine orchestration is underway and most likely will present to you an experience of true creation beyond your wildest dreams.
What are your wildest dreams? What are your wildest dreams? What are your wildest dreams? And instead of trying to figure out how you would ever make those happen, we invite you into the energy of the day after and the week after and the month after and the months after.
Your wildest dreams have come true. What’s beyond? Because if you will go beyond your wildest dreams, seeing them, knowing them and experiencing them as already your reality, you will literally leapfrog over timelines that keep you from experiencing your highest expression, your highest potential, your highest joy here and now.
The dream in your heart, the dream that you have set free or are in the process of setting free, your wildest dream, the wildest one of all — how about that? — the big bold one, it’s already here, it’s already done, it’s already your reality. Step forth the day after, the week after, the month after, and look back at the timeline as already in your reality. You’re living it now.
And now that the big bold dream is your reality because you expanded into it and it was all part of your expansion, now what? Now what? And for many of you, the answer is now I’m free. Now I’m free to be me. Now I’m free to really have fun, to really live in joy, to really do what I want to do when I’m inspired to do it and create what I want to create when I’m inspired to create it, and play and dance and have fun and live my life to the fullest and do everything I’ve always wanted to do, and let my life be abundant and prosperous from a state of wellbeing and freedom and joy and peace and harmony.
Go beyond. Look back at the big dream that was a next perfect step that is now your reality. It is here for you. It is here for you now. And your question, what do I need to do? What do I need to do? What do I need to do to close that gap? And this is your answer. Go beyond the dream come true moment, the moment that your big bold dream moved into reality, and witness it one week later, one month later, three months later, one year later.
You not only close the gap, you expand the reality. You expand the force field. And this will provide the final piece for you of how it feels when you let go of all the resistance and set your dream free and set yourself free. Because yes, the dream is part of it, but it was because of how you would feel when the dream became your reality. How you would feel.
Feel it now. Feel it as truth now. And don’t go into resistance by creating a reality that is other than. For example, the very witnessing of your dream as not your reality is what keeps the gap active between you and the dream.
And there are some of you who are in the absolute knowing of what we are saying to you because you are experiencing the pure bliss of those moments when the dream has come true. You set it free. And because it is your dream, it not only came back to you, but it came back bigger, better, deeper, richer, more fulfilling, and more meaningful because you allowed it to be everything it was intended to be without imposing your lack and limitation or limiting it because of what you think is or isn’t possible.
Again, master, you put the dream in your heart. You placed it there, and you’re the one that has kept it tucked away to try to keep it safe, to keep yourself safe so that you don’t have to be big and you don’t have to be bold and you don’t have to be powerful and you don’t have to allow the infinite abundance and infinite wellbeing and infinite love and infinite intelligence that are all that you are. And that doesn’t mean that you have to do something bold in order to be enough. You determine what is big and bold and wild and exciting for you. For you.
Excerpted from Join the Eternal Celebration,
channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on August 7, 2024
Click Here To purchase the audio recording of this full channeled message
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