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Message from the Annunaki: Humanity's Origins and Reclaiming Divine Power!

Message from the Annunaki: Humanity's Origins and Reclaiming Divine Power!

Greetings Humans,

We are an Ancient race Annunaki coming again through this channel, as we feel it’s necessary for us to communicate again with humankind.

We are the ones, who created the human race a long time ago. You don’t remember now; how flawless you were and your life in higher realms. You were Gods, who didn’t age at all, didn’t experience any diseases and lived for thousands and thousands of years. Nowadays, you only stay on Earth for a very short time before you are forced out of your human body. Living in 3D is not rewarding and very unpleasant.

The history of Mother Gaia has been changed so many times, that no one knows, what really happened and why humanity became so weak. You attack us, by saying how Evil we are, and it’s faraway from the truth. We are independent, mind our own business, and don’t get involved with others. For humanity is quite hard to understand, why things ended up this way, what they are now.

So many countries, languages, cultures, religions and nationalities were created for a reason to keep you separate and divided from each other, so you would always have differences between each other and have reasons to fight each other over these differences to stop the spiritual growth of the whole humanity. When we left Earth, you were superior beings without any flaws.

The location of your planet in the Milky Galaxy has always attracted Outworlders to explore, learn about Gaia, it was enjoyable for them to stay on the surface of Mother Earth. Your planet was beautiful, full of unseen animals and plants with pristine clean waters. Many of Negative Galactic civilizations didn’t care to preserve anything in your world, and took with them, what it was desirable and unique for them.

Eventually, they captured you and started experimenting on your bodies and completely messed up your DNA to the point that your height shrank, life expectancy become so short from thousands of years to hardly of 80-90 years old with many health issues before a complete body destruction. We recommend for you to go back to your routs by recognizing, that you are Gods, and not just human’s bodies by reconnecting to your spiritual part through silent meditations, and not to the physical part.

Message from the Annunaki: Humanity's Origins and Reclaiming Divine Power!

Ascended Masters have been quite often reminding you to let your soul be in control and not your mind. The free time you have in your life needs to be dedicated to multiple daily meditations in silence, and not by guided ones with words or music, If you want to go back to your origins of being Gods again. A spiritual work is required to bring your power back and your strength, that you lost over a long period of time.

No one can fix, what you have lost, your connection to your soul and Universal Consciousness, only you can. The Dark Outworlders are not allowed at this moment to get involved in your business, in your transition to 5D to a New Earth. The Collective Consciousness needs to continue to raise the vibrations of others to higher levels, as of right now, humans are still in different stages of their spiritual development. The main concern we have now, that there is no unity between humans.

You attack each other over small matters, and when the truth is presented to you, then you attack the source, it came from and do not support that source at all. We believe, if you cannot accept the truth, then you are not ready for the next step in your spiritual evolution. Making us your enemy, only the Darkness came out with this idea. We are neutral and don’t engage ourselves with the Galactics or your human affairs. We are communicating with you, as your creators. One more important point you forgot about that you are one big family.

The separation by race, religion and etc. reflects duality and illusion of the 3D Matrix. When you drop the old beliefs and negative attachments, you are going to move forward very quickly in your advancement, It will take some dedication and consistency in your spiritual journey. Believe us, it’s worth it, to take the risk. We went through different stages of Darkness and Light in our history. Please, remember we are routing for you, as you are our creations. The Dark Entities are not strong anymore, they are panicking for their survival and starting to fight among themselves.

It has been going on for too long, now you need to fight back. The process of transformation comes with a price, some of you are going to leave your physical bodies during this road to freedom. You can’t anymore be obedient to the Dark Rulers on your planet. Be courageous and stand up for yourself and others. Divine is helping humanity by bombarding your world with super high frequencies from the Cosmos. Harmony, peace and freedom will come to you, when you are ready to accept all of that. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Supreme Love For All Of You


Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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