Lady Luna: 8-8-8: Path to Light Consciousness
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- Written by Arthura Hector

Full Moon: Light Consciousness Returns to Earth: Disconnecting Illusions & Demons
The full moon of August 19, 2024, creates a great revelation in the collective consciousness, this marks a very special period. The light consciousness enters the earth, so that everyone will experience the increased frequency.
When you make contact with the new light consciousness, the masks will fall off and the light will shine where the illusion and deception are greatest. The darkest places now become visible, so that they can be transformed.
In the world of illusion you live from fear and your base becomes an unsafe place. The choice is now yours; do you want to live in fear or in the light of Divine Source.
Negative words that still echo in your head come from a distant past, voices of what you should not do or what weird is, emerge in the mirror in which they are reflected, the illusions you are connected to create lies. It is the illusion of fear that is being overthrown.
Why do you keep denying your intuition? Why do you keep pushing your own light away? You collapse under this backpack, because the tears behind your eyes become too heavy. You drag it along with you in the denial of who you really are, because you don't dare to face it.
Realize carefully: They told you something, the Divine Light was for the few, the exception? You could only achieve this through rules and structures that the established order had established? This is not correct.
A completely different law now emerges, that of the natural universal order and through cosmic consciousness. These are the paths of the sacred heart and everyone can walk them.
But the heart is locked. You became lost, led away from the creation that you truly were. How many children, young people and young adults lose their way? Digital has arrived and what has it brought? A new illusion in an older illusion.
The children, young people and young adults will show the wounds of the family traumas and the policies that the government has put in place. The shock will be great, but there will also be great relief.
Those who have collapsed and become overtired are waking up. The dark part is part of you, you created it yourself at a time when you were scared as a child. The heart path was marked in your mind as ’The wrong turn', but you did stay longing for that unreachable part. The constant pushing away of the original self is now coming to the surface.
You you wonder, why does this annoying part come up again, what is this? Go away, I don't want you. You place it outside yourself and you see it as a strange energy that keeps bothering you. The outside world is becoming increasingly negative, that's true. But it is the reflections of the disturbance that confirm the fear in you, convert this. Get a grip on this situation, because you are not powerless. Follow your own inner light. The voice of peace.
Stepping out of the matrix of illusion can sometimes feel like entering an endless maze. If you don't dare to solve this alone, ask for help. There comes a time when you can see through the fear and slowly recognize your true image, the shape changes into something beautiful and your gifts emerge, they can be there again.
Your memory becomes complete again.
The negative part has lost its existence and is floating around you. It wants recognition and love. Take this light force out of the dark cellar and convert it, open the inner light.
The denial has placed it in another field, where it has become dark and lonely. As a result, diseases and confusion have arisen in the mental part. Various demons can be observed, as it always transforms into a different creation to distract attention.
Once many traumas have been transformed, you can really descend to the point where the sting is hidden. This dark side is just an illusion. The outward appearance can sometimes be scary, but the actual truth is not.Pandora's Box is only a symbolic explanation, but it contains the truth of the game of illusion.
When there negative images enter the collective consciousness, this strengthens your inner fear, it confirms again and again the inner triggers that have been pinned down. It reflects back and forth in the lower frequencies. The lower frequencies of illusion, they want to weaken and deceive your energy. It is a sucking power and the light is the medicine. Open this medicine within yourself.
Once you know how this works, you can recognize and convert parts. It can no longer get a grip on you. You are much stronger than you think and the light in your heart can create an Angelic force to raise your energy to a higher frequency.
First you will realize that there are dark energies, but alone there where it can exist. It must have a foundation to be brought to 'life' and your mind is that foundation? It is a bubble full of illusion.the bubble is an illusion in an illusion. From an early age you are taught to work with fear and increase it, instead of developing the inner light power. Denying your own light power hurts. A wound is created in the brain and everything goes that way otherwise resonate.
It evokes strong emotions in relationships and friendships. Anger, aggression, disgust, aversion, fear of commitment, fear of failure and much more. Relationships and friendships often fail as a result. Try to overcome these fears step by step and convert them to a higher frequency, then a special experience will arise. The energy will rise and you will feel love flowing through you.
Some are terrified of this light. You can develop an addiction that can arise in the dark field. It's a habit, an automatic thing and you don't know any better. Here are ways to transform this behavior into a different lifestyle. This world is full of negative impulses. It is the illusion that distorts everything. Pay attention to the triggers in your system, don't push them away but dare to look at them or tell yourself that it is not right. Stop believing in the distortion of your world.
There are people who steal your energy instead of feeding it. These systems have been put in place so that the true Divine light (in you) does not have a chance.You you are the key, the gatekeeper of your own system. Believe in this system and protect yourself well.
The full moon energy will activate this inner power through the energy that flows into the earth from the 8-8-8 gate. The eyes start to SEE. Understanding and seeing through how the illusion works within you may now come to you. After the shift of the great 8-8-8 portal, a shift will also take place here in the collective consciousness. The illusion is broken open. Your heart is going to SEE the truth.
There will be changes on a large scale. World politics will reveal a shocking revelation, immediately triggering and dissolving shadow parts and demons in your system.
Take care of your mind and physical body, become immune to the illusion and that is hard work, but it is very satisfying.
Inner Light Opens The Heart!
Arthura Hector
16 August 2024
©Arthura Hector All rights reserved.
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