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Jayde & Sierra: Pleiadian Messages for Humanity

Jayde & Sierra: Pleiadian Messages for Humanity

Jayde and I are very pleased to bring you our channeling of two Pleiadians who connected with us last night. The session was uplifting and delightful. It is clear that they care deeply for humanity.

Thank goodness for voice to text technology. It made my job so much easier.

My questions are in italics. The transcript starts at the point where Jayde is in a room with the two Pleiadians - in the Pleiades. There is a large crystal orb in the room emitting frequency.


Now do you recognize those two Pleiadians at all?


Do they know you?

They say, in some form.

Were they expecting you today?


Can you ask them how was this meeting engineered?


A friend of mine said that this meeting was orchestrated.

Would that be a good way to describe how we ended up here today?


How do you feel when you're with the Pleiadians?


So can you check in with them?

I am telepathically.

Is it time to ask a few questions?


They would like to ask if they could just come and speak instead.

Yes, please. Please go ahead.

Sorry, we were just quickly adjusting.

It's not very often we do come through and speak through

beings that we are not truly connected to in this way.

Right. Thank you. What would you like to say?

We are here for your benefit today.

We understand there are many questions to be asked.

Yes. Then may I ask the first question please?


Will there be a solar flash type event on Earth this year 2025?

We smile at that question.

We cannot say for certain, but we would say it is a very high possibility.

The event occurring all depends on the vibration of the planet and its people.

It is not set in stone on a certain date or certain time.

It will happen when it happens.

Almost like an iceberg ready to flip.

Okay. Is there anything more to add?

We aren't able to comment a lot on that situation.

It does solely depend on the collective.

So how is the collective doing in its preparation for this event?

We see the collective are struggling.

Yes, many people are struggling right now.

We are aware of the shifts and we are aware that things are getting a lot harder for people in situations. With the family, financial situations, job-related stress that falls under so many categories.

So yes, we would agree with you on that.

Is there anything that can be done though? Because it feels as if the vibrations are getting so low for the people who are struggling and trying so hard. What is the solution?

We are aware.

But we must say that no one said it would be easy.


There is a reason that there are the strongest of the strong.

And all we can say is that it will come when you are ready.

Okay. What comfort can we give to people while they are going through this?


Love solves all problems.

We know that it's not easy.

It is easier said than done.

But we ask that you go deep within yourselves, within your heart space.

We ask that you meditate or say mantras.

These also help.

These also help to raise the vibration.

Being together in love and harmony will also help.


What percentage of humanity are destined to ascend?

We would say the majority.

Oh, lovely.

We see very few who have chosen not to. Because it's a very rare event to miss out on.

So the ones that are not ascending, is it because they are of a very low vibration or have they just chosen not to do it?

It is a hard conversation.

Some have decided not to ascend and stay in a low vibrational state, only solely because they are not really too evolved into that state.

But mostly those who have not awakened yet, that does not mean that they have not chosen to ascend.

So you can't tell by looking at people whether they've made

a decision or not based on what they appear to know about things.


Their vibration can exist at a different state.

So what will happen to that little minority of people who don't

ascend. What will happen to them?

It is just like different timelines.

There are timelines all stacked together.

For example, say there's a timeline where, so we're trying to find an analogy that will make sense.


Say you are in an ice cream shop.

And you walk up to the ice cream shop and you have three choices in your mind.

Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

In those decisions, you may decide vanilla.

But that branches off into different timelines.

So one timeline, you chose chocolate.

And the other timeline, you chose strawberry.

All timelines exist and all timelines are very real.

This goes to say the same with people who do not ascend.

They will just move to a different timeline where the Earth continues where it is.

Okay. So they go and we stay.


How long will it be before this current Earth situation gets to a point where we can see evidence of the fifth dimension around us? It seems like a long way away to many of us.

Well, that is understandable. But we may say it's all about perspective.

If you resonate and vibrate at a lower level, all you will see is lower vibrations.

If you think with a positive high vibrational mind, you will see high vibrational things with ease.


That is such a good answer.

Now, this is quite specific and it's something that many people are curious about.

Will there be such a thing as an emergency broadcast system worldwide

to inform humanity of the truth of what has happened on this planet?

We love that question.

It will be voiced to the public as an emergency situation, but not in the way that you think.

Okay. Are you able to give us a bit of a hint there?

I am being cheeky, but we are curious.

We feel that we too can be cheeky...!


Let's say it is from an advanced civilization.


And advanced technology.

That is all we will say.

So from an advanced civilization using advanced technology, is that correct?


And that is all you will say.


Oh, wow.



I'm sorry about the whining, my dear Pleiadian friends, but you can see we're all very exhausted down here. When will humanity start to have financial abundance and be free of their worries?

This will occur after all the events occur.


Now, first contact, galactic landings on Earth.

Can you please tell us what you're able to tell us about timelines?

How it might unfold?

Again, it is to do with the Earth.

Us beings need a certain vibration to enter.


So we are waiting on that green light.

Ah, okay. Good.

Am I allowed to ask approximate time frames?

Again, it's to do with the collective and the timing.

Timing is to do with the collective.

As you know, Sierra has been seeing ships at night for many years. So when the ships go past above me and then they show the flash of light, I'd love to know specifically what is happening then. What is the mechanics of what goes on when they do that?

It's our way of saying hello.

We can emit a light.


As we said, frequency is all.

They can either emit light by themselves to say hello. Or they use ships just like in your car with head lights.

It is a different frequency of light and technology.

But the principle is the same.

So they can use their ships to emit light, like a car.

Otherwise you're saying that it's the beings themselves as they go past who do it.


We can collectively send love and light vibration which reaches you.

Is there anything else we need to know at this point that is helpful because we're very exhausted. I don't want to moan, but this absolute exhaustion is a universal thing. Jade and I were joking that we're even tired of talking about being exhausted.

Can you just give us something that will reassure us, make us feel better.

This exhaustion is systemic now amongst the light warriors.


We are fully aware.

We do repeat ourselves and say that it is not easy.

You are almost terraforming an entire planet which is not easy.

And we know that you are all the strongest of the strong.

We know you find it hard.

But we also know that deep down you still keep pushing on.


Because you know.

And you all know deep down no matter if you try to silence it.

It is still that knowing that you have to keep pushing.


And that is why you are the strongest of the strong. Why you chose to come.

And we do say being with others, loving others and yourself, will make things so much easier.


So we need to make a point of spending more time with our light warrior people.


You are a collective working together.

Nobody is alone.


Nobody is alone.

Can you see the day, hopefully soon, when the dark will stop censoring our free speech?

That will be the day of the event.

So everything like that will go that day.


As always there are the last that will fight to the very end.

And they will do everything to inconvenience and lower everyone's vibration.

You all must remember that they, the dark and the low vibrational energies,

have made it so difficult for you to not only live but survive.

Whether that's your food or water, your air, your mentality,

and have taken away your spirituality.

And we are all so proud you guys have come this far.

How amazing is it that you all pushed through and here you are now.


And despite them trying to take away everything from you.

Thank you.

So that's Jayden and Sierra signing off for now.

We will be back.


Yes, we will return.

So we thank you and we honor you for your time.

It's a very precious opportunity to be with you.

And speaking on behalf of both Jade and myself, we will be much more conscious now of you around us.

Because it is such an incredible blessing to have you right there on our shoulder.

We would say it is a blessing to have you.

...End of channeling...!

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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


I am Sierra. I am a Galactic ambassador for the Light. There are many Galactic ambassadors on Earth right now. We came to help humanity ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Beloved Gaia is already well on her way in her Ascension. I will share with you my personal Ascension journey and my thoughts on global events. Welcome. Where We Go One We Go All!

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