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Insights from It’s All About the Feeling - Wisdom of the Council

Insights from It’s All About the Feeling - Wisdom of the Council

You can have it all. You can be fully in realization of all that you are and in the realization of your soul’s desires fully manifested in your physical experience.

Infinite intelligence is available to you in every moment, always guiding you, always supporting you, always out ahead of you orchestrating things on your behalf. Your soul’s desires, your soul’s highest expression in physical form is known throughout all of the Universe. So come into absolute knowing of the divine, perfect unfolding. You wait for nothing. You want for nothing. You lack nothing. You are powerful. You are Creator. You are a realized master. Let it all in. Let it all come to you. 

When you are in the moment of your most glorious manifestation presenting itself to you, take one more breath, savor this moment, expand this moment, and truly receive all that is here for you because there is so much even beyond the physical manifestation that is available to you in the moment, and while you will fully, completely enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your glorious manifestation, it is the feeling that you truly desire most. It is feeling excited. It is feeling expansive. It is feeling free. It is feeling. It is the feeling of love. It is the feeling of abundance. It is the feeling that really is the best part. 

And you can feel it now. And you can feel it in the moment of the glorious manifestation. And you can feel it forevermore, happily ever after because you know, you know the manifestation is fun, creation is exciting, but it’s all about the feeling, the feeling of excitement, the feeling. It’s all about the feeling. 

We understand that as you observe the emotions that are present from time to time you would say, Well, I don’t always feel joyful or happy. But we assure you, if it is your choosing, happily ever after is not a place you go, it’s not a thing you get. It’s a state of consciousness that is truly available to you in every moment.

And some of you might say, Well, sometimes I feel awful. So when I do feel happy, it just feels that much better. I need the days and the moments of feeling awful so that the moments of feeling joyful are obvious to me. You are Creator. You get to choose. 

You might also be aware that living in a state of being where absolutely nothing could make you any happier than you are right now is the feeling most closely aligned to the truth of who you really are. Feeling unworthy is not the truth of you. Feeling angry is not the truth of you. Feeling depressed is not the truth of you. Feeling alone is far from the truth of you. Being so satiated, in your power, in the moment, so filled up with all of you, the love that you are, the light that you are, and all that is here for you now as the consciousness and the energy that is in everything is your natural state of being.

And as you feel into this place and you begin to move your awareness that your reality is that absolutely nothing could make me any happier than I am right now. This is where I am, this is who I am, this is what I am. I am the absolute knowing that absolutely nothing could make me any happier than I am right now.

And those of you who have already shifted your awareness and your perspective upon this potential that is a reality, that exists here for you if it is your choosing, would readily agree that the more you are in that state of absolutely nothing could make me any happier than I am right now you continue to experience more happiness and more happiness, and even more satiated feelings of being happy, and even more things to be happy about, and even more happiness in the world and the experiences around you. 

You get more of what you are, not what you want or think you need. You get more of what you areThe more you allow the happiness that is the natural state of you, the more happiness you draw to you, the more happiness is reflected to you in your reality and all around you, the more things there are to be happy about. It is a state of being that you can choose, just like you can choose to be frustrated, just like you can choose to focus your thoughts upon your unworthiness, just like you can choose to focus your thoughts upon your lack, just like you can choose to focus upon the unknown and fear the future. Or you can focus on the unknown and get so excited because you know infinite intelligence is always available to you. Your soul’s desires and the highest expression of your soul in physical form is known throughout the entire Universe, absolute knowing that it’s all being orchestrated for you. 

You are Creator of your reality. You do create reality, and it is created for you. You are the observer, the one who realizes, the one who witnesses, the one who enlightens, and you are the one that created it all. You get to experience God while also being God. You get to experience creation while also being Creator and the consciousness and the energy that created it all.

Excerpted from It’s All About the Feeling, channeled by Sara Landon during a live MASTERS CLASS call on September 20, 2023
Click Here To purchase the audio recording of this full channeled message


sara landon
Sara Landon

Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara Landon is a guide for leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers contributing to raising the vibration of the planet.  She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world.

As the masterful channel of The Council, Sara focuses to be the ultimate student of the wisdom and teachings she receives and is committed to conscious, impeccable creation. Her intention is to be the purest channel of a grander perspective of what is possible and to help others discover that they have the same ability to connect to higher levels of consciousness and guidance.

Sara holds the vision of living in a fully awakened world where all beings live harmoniously with one another, the planet, the animals, and within themselves. She helps those who are ready to play in new levels of energy reconnect with all that they are so they may live, love, and lead in this time of awakening. 

Allow Sara Landon to guide you to feel complete freedom, be totally satiated in the present moment, and know your purpose!

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