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I Am Gaia: Unite for Healing and Balance

I Am Gaia: Unite for Healing and Balance

Dear children of my womb! I AM GAIA!

Many actions are being taken. Many consciousnesses are being activated.

The time is ripe for this. For when you realize, all the evil, all the imbalance, all the bad actions done against me, you begin to act.

There is no judgment, there is a finding.

Today, your consciousness is changing. You actually seem to be looking at me with more love, with more responsibility. This is the way. The path to your evolution passes through awareness of the environment; by awareness of the environment where you live; by awareness of what you consume and discard.

Everything is very superfluous. Everything is disposable. For the vast majority, there is no type of concern. The vast majority of this planet thinks I'm a piece of rock, full of water; and that gives them something to eat, what to drink and the air to breathe. Just that. And that I'm very big. So there's no problem, what do they do to bring about the imbalance. I'm still big.

So it will be very difficult, losing everything, not having anything to eat, or not being able to breathe. Ledo deceit.

Many have been hungry for a long time. Many cannot breathe due to the smoke from the fires. Many do not have water to drink, due to the drought caused by the imbalance. Until when will most people think they can do what they want without consequences? How long will most people understand that I am not infinite? And what's more, everyone is inside a big bubble. And everything that is done here reverberates throughout the planet.

I believe this is the biggest misunderstanding in the human population. Not realizing that each action taken reverberates in the Whole; feeds the imbalance of the Whole. Unfortunately, many are already deeply feeling the wounds of my imbalance. And many more will feel it. Because the reactions continue.

Make a comparison. When you are in balance, centered, calm, illnesses go away. But you only need to become unbalanced for all sorts of physical problems to appear. And why does this happen? Exactly because of the imbalance.

Your body is a perfect harmony. But if something becomes unbalanced, this harmony goes away, and everything becomes unbalanced. Everything starts to function in a disorganized way, opening the door to diseases. Mainly internal ones. Mental imbalances, anxiety, heart problems, cancer, bone problems; all coming from this imbalance.

Can you stop? I would say to some extent, yes. But effectively, after the imbalance happens, you need to take medications, which I would say help in part, but which bring more imbalances. Then, you will hardly return to being those healthy and balanced beings you once were. It would take very intense work, balancing, changing habits, changing your life, for balance to return, for your body to return to harmony. And over time, harmonize it all. All its functions.

But, look at your size. Keep this image. Now bring everything I said to me. I am out of balance. Nothing in my body is in balance. I'm as sick as most of you. Medicines for me, today, practically do not exist. So, the diseases continue to act, continue to manifest themselves. And what's worse, they are fed every day.

So my body reacts, the way it knows how; intensely. Causing great damage. Because everything about me is big. Everything about me is powerful, given my size. So, don't look at the events as my punishment. Like anger, like revenge. My body hurts. It hurts because of the imbalance. And it hurts for what happens to you.

I love every child on this planet. Every being that steps on my skin is a piece of me. And I love each one. But unfortunately, I have very naughty children, I have bad children, who don't like me, who attack me, attack me, as a joke, out of arrogance, or simply to assert their evil. So therein lies the cause of my imbalance. And just like your bodies, returning to balance will not be easy. Because the illnesses keep eating away at me.

You feed my illnesses. So how can I heal? You need to act a lot for this healing to happen. Your consciences need to open. Hearts need to see me as a living being, in urgent need of help. Because you are feeding your future, an increasingly dangerous and disastrous future. Because my imbalance only increases.

You do nothing or little to reduce it. Don't look at me as a vengeful being, as one who has no heart. I have it and I suffer a lot. For every environmental ignorance that exists on this planet; for everyone who doesn't care what's happening to me. Action is needed. You need to act. I would say, directly, not for me, because the time will come when I will be beautiful and clean again. You may not believe this, but I believe it. But at what price to you?

I will be beautiful and clean again in the Fifth Dimension. And what price will you have to pay for this to happen? What price? May everyone realize that their actions are not in vain. Let everyone contribute their ideas, however small they may be. But it will already be causing a change.

No, don't think you're small, don't think you're invisible, because you are not. Everyone who steps on my body is connected to me. I know. So everything you do for me, I feel. And it's a mutual balance. We're both trying to balance ourselves, all the time.

So let's join hands. Let's do this together. You help me and I will help you. Because we are connected, always. Connect with me daily and I will help you come into balance. And your gratitude will be to do whatever you can for me. That little drop of love, that little action of yours, will have been worth it..

Let's unite. Let us, in fact, be one. I help you and you help me. And together, with lots of love, we will reach balance.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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