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Group of Nine Reveals: The Secret to Overcoming Empathic Stress!

Group of Nine Reveals: The Secret to Overcoming Empathic Stress!

Greetings from Home dear ones.

We are the Group of Nine, fully assembled to deliver messages and energies from the higher realms.

You are navigating a dense and challenging world, embodying sacredness in human form. As empaths, you are deeply attuned to the vibrations of Earth and all its inhabitants. Your sensitivity sometimes makes it especially challenging to hold the celestial energies, which in turn affects your own energetic field and heart center.

Restoring Balance

You have a critical role to play in these next evolutionary steps. As empaths, you are especially sensitive to the many disparities of belief systems held by others. Yet, you instinctively harmonize with that energy to help restore balance. We understand your challenges and are immensely proud of the impact you’re making on the world. Know that on this side of the veil, your dedication and resilience are acknowledged and celebrated.

You have now successfully transitioned into the New World, so embrace this journey that lies ahead. You are forging a path not just for yourself, but for the collective. You are moving towards a reality where higher vibrations offer new perspectives and limitless possibilities.

With the recent completion of the timeline cross that brought a wave of sacred feminine energy to your planet, a significant milestone was reached. The seeds of the feminine energy have been planted, although they’re not yet fully anchored. Any initial discomfort you experience simply signals growth as you are adapting.

The Alchemists of Harmony

These ongoing shifts within Earth and among humans amplify your empathic nature. You become acutely aware of both terrestrial and collective changes. As you process these changes, it is crucial to maintain your energetic balance, ensuring that your inner light continues to shine outward. Focus on fostering connections and healing, instead of becoming trapped within your own sensitivities.

The recent timeline transition has imprinted lasting changes on your collective reality. Your mission is to navigate these changes, bridging gaps and extending support to those ready to follow. By learning new ways of managing sensitivities and energies, you can thrive amid the challenges and contribute to the global shift in consciousness.

Indeed, you are the harmonizers, tasked with bringing balance where you can, navigating through the many complexities to understand the unfolding events. Remember, you are closer to understanding these new energies than you realize. Envision yourselves as the very alchemists of existence.

Navigating Transformation

You are stepping into elevated frequencies that reshape our experience of Earth, while navigating an era of profound transformation. The recent timeline shift has left an indelible mark. It is ushering in new energies and challenging us to integrate them, despite the resistance and familiar pull of past comforts. The impulse to cling to what we’ve always know is natural. Yet the past is rapidly receding, which compels us to become adept at navigating change. Embrace uncertainty with courage and a smile, as you learn to master it.

All of humanity is entering this era of transformation. Yes, the coming year is set to unfold with cosmic alignments and energetic openings. The months of April and November will bring significant shifts, introducing new energies that signify profound change. There will be solar eclipses and new energy portals unveiled, as each event arrives with its own unique vibrational signature.

We encourage you to lean into the distinct experiences these shifts bring, allow the cosmic waves to wash over you. While some of these will deeply resonate, others may challenge you even more. Yet, each fleeting wave of energy will prove transformative for the collective. These are magical times, dear ones, and even Merlin himself would marvel at the mystical legacy that you so bravely embody.

Anchoring the Energy

We’re introducing a very simple yet powerful breathing technique to help you anchor this energy. This practice quickly disperses built-up stress, integrating it into a transformed state of the now moment. Remember, dear ones, that all things begin and end in the now moment.

With this technique you’ll take three deep breaths. Begin by inhaling through your nose, and then exhaling fully through your mouth. On your next breath, inhale and exhale more slowly. For the third breath, you’ll slowly inhale again. But only exhale half of the air in your lungs, and then pause for a moment. By pausing, you are immersing yourself in the now moment. You’ll even notice a clarity in your vision, as if you have stopped time.  Then as you need to continue the rest of your exhale.

Programming Your Automatic Brain

Many among you find yourselves awaking during the night. There you are, suddenly wide awake as your mind races with inspiration and ideas. During these moments of heightened creativity you might find yourself glancing at the clock, with concerns you’ll be exhausted the next day. Instead, try to embrace the quiet power of these hours. Allow yourself to nurture these dreams, for they will help to shape the collective tomorrow.

Be especially mindful of your self-talk during these sacred hours, for as creators the words you speak to yourself manifest into reality. You’re actually programming your automatic brain, shaping your responses with every thought and affirmation. And this demands the highest quality of thoughts—imbued with the same love and kindness you extend to others. We understand, dear ones, the journey to self-love always seem to be the most daunting. It’s always easier to recognize beauty in others, than to acknowledge the divine essence within yourselves.

The Heart Chakra Vortex

At the center of your energetic system is a dynamic, donut-shaped energy vortex around the heart chakra. This vortex radiates your essence outward, connecting you to the web of life. But stress and confusion can decelerate the energy flow, which limits your ability to emit and receive energy.

In extreme cases the flow may halt or invert, turning outward beams of love and light inward, potentially leading to feelings of depression or anxiety. Internalizing this energy, which is a form of stress, challenges many in ways you haven’t encountered before.

In a world of contrasts, the nature of change—whether perceived as positive or negative—rests in your hands. Your integration and adaptation to these shifts will shape your journey and influence those around you. Embrace your role as agents of change, opening yourselves to endless possibilities and leading by example.

Global Healing

As guardians of this planet, your concerns naturally gravitate towards global healing. It is your greatest wish to mend the wounds of war, alleviate suffering, and foster unity. While these aspirations are noble, they require a collective effort. Healing of this magnitude requires lightworkers to join forces, for the weight is much too heavy for any soul to bear alone. The Earth, too, is evolving, embracing the surge of feminine energy as a catalyst for renewal.

Your place on the planet has been reserved, for your role is pivotal in these next steps. The potential for a new world is already within you. You are essential, bearing the blueprints of tomorrow. We celebrate your arrival at this pivotal moment, ready to make a lasting impact. Welcome Home, dear ones, your presence marks the beginning of a remarkable chapter.

Move forward together as a collective constellation, not simply as solitary beacons of light. Illuminate the path toward healing and transformation, realizing your shared destiny. Each of you possesses an innate teaching spirit. You guide and inspire others not by striving for perfection, but through your own authenticity.

Embrace your humanity, with all its flaws and beauty, and let your shared wisdom inspire a collective evolution. This moment calls for a re-evaluation of priorities, so focus on personal fulfillment and joy. The end of this Earthly journey will reveal the richness of your experiences as invaluable lessons.

The Illusion of Solitude

We come to share insights from beyond the veil, to affirm that each of you is interconnected, guided, and supported. Trust in this connection, engage with it, and let it guide your path. Regular practice and attunement to your inner guidance will illuminate your journey, transforming your personal universe in profound ways.

Remember, solitude is an illusion; our presence is a constant alongside you. We are privileged to witness your journey. You embody the epitome of divine essence, and we celebrate your existence. As we step back, we encourage you to play well together. Care deeply for one another, recognizing the universal bond that connects you.

Let your light shine brightly and know in your heart that you are a vital thread in the fabric of the cosmos. Dear ones, thank you for embracing your power and light. We, the Group of Nine, stand in awe of your splendor and magnificence.

The Group:  Espavo Awakening


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