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Galactic Federation: Pleiadians Have Arrived on Earth to Assist Us in Our Evolution

Galactic Federation: Pleiadians Have Arrived on Earth to Assist Us in Our Evolution

Once your DNA has been upgraded to twelve helixes - which will happen in a short time - you will have a better understanding of who you really are! It's an exciting time to be alive, and things are only going to get better from here!

The Pleiadian races are coming to Earth because they want to assist us in our evolution.

They are known as a group of beings that are all righteous, loving, kind, and have such a high sense of honor in the way they live their lives that we here on the planet can hardly imagine it.

The Pleiadians have come to help us in many wonderful and astonishing ways. They are here to assist us in our evolutionary journey and to assist each one of us as we go through this process.

They have been watching this entire time, and now they have realized that we are ready for a very significant shift in consciousness.

The Pleiadians have been working with humanity for many years and have amassed a tremendous amount of data about what we can do with our DNA in order to transform ourselves into beings of light!

They have come to help us evolve in many ways, including by helping us with our DNA. We are being upgraded from two helical strands of DNA to twelve helical strands of DNA.

They have helped to upgrade our DNA so that it is more flexible and able to adapt to the changes that are coming. The Pleiadians are assisting us with this process because they know how important it is for us to be able to evolve as individuals.

They are helping us evolve and expand in ways we could never imagine! They are bringing new technologies into our reality so we can experience the full potential that exists within us all!

Once your DNA has been upgraded to twelve helixes - which will happen in a short period of time - it will give you the opportunity for a better understanding of who you really are as a soul.

These twelve helixes represent the chakras, or energy centers, both within and outside of our body. This procedure will proceed on an accelerated timeline and represents an extraordinary evolutionary leap for anyone involved.

There is so much happening on Earth at this time. The Pleiadians have arrived and are helping to usher in a new era of peace, love, and happiness for all beings on Earth.

As members of the Family of Light, once you are ready to take this evolution into your bodies, you will be able to combine your twelve centers of information.

You'll come to understand that you design your own experiences and develop the ability to create consciously. The development of conscious memories of who you are is more significant.

You can then choose whether or not you want to hold onto old beliefs held by those around you that have kept them in fear or darkness throughout their lives—either physically or energetically.

When the Pleiadians come down with their new technology, we can expect many changes in our world right now.

We have been given new tools with which we can rewrite our DNA and upgrade our bodies in an instant! We can even do it without any surgery or drugs! This is a very exciting time for all of us who have been waiting for this kind of technology for so long.

There are many amazing things happening in our world today, and the Pleiadians have an incredible amount of knowledge to share with us. It is because of great beings like them that we can look forward to a bright future on Earth.

I look forward to this new age and am excited by all that it has to offer!

They are putting out a vast amount of information, and we have to make the most of it. We need to understand that this is a massive time in our history and that we are finally at the point when we can manifest anything that we want. That sounds absolutely incredible, doesn't it?

So basically, the way we understand our reality and thus perceive it can change throughout the actual process of ascension.

As we understand things better and due to the fact that our mind is constantly expanding, this means that we can actually see different perspectives on different topics or issues and thus be able to orient ourselves much better in any given situation.

We are all unique and are on different parts of the pathway of awakening, yet we are becoming aware that we are all connected now more than ever before.

It's an exciting time to be alive, and things are only going to get better from here. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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