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Galactic Federation of Light Shares the Key to Positivity

Galactic Federation of Light Shares the Key to Positivity

Optimism is needed for your everyday lives. 

Your vibration plays a key role in how your life plays out.  See things the way you want to see them.  Visualize things going well, imagine things going well, know in your heart things will go well.  You can never go wrong with thinking the best.  Be positive in every moment of your days.  Your heart sends out messages that others pick up on.  It says I am a positive person and I will attract positive people.  It sends out vibrations that state I only accept positivity.  You will watch your world around you transform.  You create your own world by your thoughts and prayers.  We will tell you the best thing you can ever do in this lifetime is plan for the best possible outcomes and that is what you will get.  Never have fears, never show anger.  Diffuse it.  Channel it in another way.  Work through negative thoughts by creating something, drawing or sculpting, whatever way you need to release those thoughts, but it can be done in a productive way.  The world you want you have to imagine.  You have to place it in the time and space of reality that it will occur.  By putting positive thoughts out there, positivity spreads. 

Our goal is to reach as many people as possible with this message.  If you see this, pass it on to others, as this is the key to awakening your soul, that needed it.  Your soul will become alive at the change in your mental thinking.  Making adjustments will be the most effective exercise you make this year.  The Universe responds to your thoughts and if you have negative thoughts, you will get a negative outcome.  The reason it is difficult to remain positive is you have been conditioned to be down.  You see images of despair and you take it to heart.  Negativity surrounds you.  How can you be positive when there is so much going against you.  Push it aside.  See it for what it is.  It’s a distraction, a way to bring down your vibration.  See everything as it really is; an experience to overcome your thoughts.  Any interaction you have from now through the end of the year will affect how next year will go.  Will we have a happier country, will you receive the extra money?  It starts today.  It starts with thinking that things will be better.  It starts with believing in yourself.  The collective needs to be on the same page.  When you are divided more chaos happens.  Move the country forward by thinking the country will move forward.  It does not matter who your leader is.  It matters what you project out there.  It does not matter your social status.  It matters what energy you are giving to others.  It matters more than you know.  It matters so much that we are going to tell it to you until you get it under control.  Each thought needs to be positive.  There is no other option.  Spread your light, be helpful to others, share what you know.  Each person matters as you are all one collective conscious.  One rotten egg is part of your conscious; don’t spoil it for others. 

You have our commitment that we will protect you and no harm will come to your planet.  We monitor things closely and know when to intervene.  If you should see a tragedy, it is there for a reason.  Look to the message it is giving.  Find your inner strength to see past the hardship and know there is a greater purpose.  Smile through the tears.  Everyone has a calling and your time to answer that call is upon us.  Move the Earth to higher ground.  Send the Earth love, and your neighbors.  We will all get through this together.  In your time of need reach out and ask for a helping hand.  There are those that want to help.  So much goodness is out there.  So much love and acceptance is out there.  The angels are with you, we are with you, your ancestors are with you.  You are not alone.  Your light will shine the way to move forward.  You will shine for others to see.  You are beautiful. 

We speak to you from our battleship that stands ready for when we must intervene.  No harm will come that is not meant to.  Peace be in your hearts.  We are the Galactic Federation of Light, your overseers.  We love you and will protect you. 

(Channeled message on January 24, 2025)

Krista EnergeticLeigh: This website was created to share with you the intuitive messages I am channeling from beyond our veil.  Those speaking ask that I give their exact words.  May the messages bring you clarity on your path of ascension.  Always use your own discernment.  Much love to you all! ~ Krista

The original article is copyright the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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