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Galactic Federation: Listen To Your Heart

Galactic Federation: Listen To Your Heart

There is light in darkness, and there is darkness in light. They are equally important and equally influential on each other. We should not be afraid of either side but instead learn to embrace them both as a way of growing our hearts and minds, and bodies into wholeness.

The power of our minds is amazing; we cannot take it for granted. We have invented many devices that today are not just useful but are incredible. More technology has been invented on our planet today than at any other point in history.

This is also true for more distractions, distractions more powerful than ever before. Despite all these advancements and creations, the heart has always remained unchanged. People have not really changed in a long time.

Technology can never replace the evolution of our hearts.

Humans spend a lot of time on money building robots, flying cars, and space programs that were never meant to take us to new heights. Instead, it's time we focus on how we can help each other in more meaningful ways. In terms of relationships and love, one thing that I believe is more important than ever but is not getting enough attention is mutual respect and love from your surroundings.

This can be seen by looking at many advanced civilizations throughout history, like ancient Egypt, or the Aztec empire or Mayan civilization. They were very advanced technologically, but they had a very low level of compassion and love for themselves as well as for others around them.

When you compare these civilizations with other ones that did not progress technologically as much but still had a high level of compassion and love for themselves and others, such as ancient Greece or even more recent ones like Tibet or India, then you will see that only those who were able to align their hearts with their mind could continue on with their own evolution through consciousness.

The heart is what connects us to others, to our purpose, and to the Universe. The heart also holds a lot of information about our inner world and how we can heal ourselves.

The heart is the center of our consciousness, and it connects us to all other parts of ourselves. It is our link to the Universe, where we receive everything that comes into our lives through our senses, thoughts, and emotions. The heart connects us to everything in this world, including all beings on Earth – humans, animals, plants, and even minerals, as well as all beings in other dimensions of existence.

We are here to evolve the heart first until the heart is aligned with our true self. It is all about balance, harmony, and flow. The key is to find the middle ground between your emotions and your mind rather than being ruled by them both at the same time. It's not just about getting rid of negative thoughts or feelings; you also need to get rid of any negative habits that may be causing you to stress in your life.

We can't use technology for the evolution of our consciousness; we can't use it for the sake of love. Technology has become a separate entity from us, operating according to its own agenda and agenda beyond our comprehension.

As we are so occupied with our minds and thoughts, we lose ourselves over time and become disconnected from ourselves and others around us because we don't understand what our roles are in life or how they fit into the greater scheme of things on planet Earth or even within an individual's life cycle on planet Earth.

The words "I" and "you" are not important anymore because they don't align with who you really are: The Heart will reveal itself as your true identity when you allow it to be revealed; when you stop fighting against it and allow yourself to be guided by your higher self instead of being led by your lower self.

The human race has been evolving for thousands of years, but at some point in time, something shifted, and our species began to feel disconnected from it. This disconnection between humans and our hearts has created a crisis within us that we are still trying to heal today.

If we could see the past, it would probably look a lot like the present. It is because our mind repeats the same thought pattern again and again.

We must reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level than ever before if we are going to move forward as a species and realize our true potential as individuals.

I believe that what is needed now more than ever is compassion and love that will help you heal from the trauma of losing touch with your hearts at this critical time in history.

I don't mean the heart of a single human being, but rather the collective human heart that we have been evolving. We are here to evolve our hearts and minds, and bodies to align with our true center.

As you read this, think about where you are in your life and how aligned your actions are with what your heart is suggesting. Are your actions supporting the person that you want to be? If not, refocus. Make adjustments and move in a direction that will support your evolution and take you closer to living in alignment with your heart.

I fully believe that we are here on this beautiful planet to evolve ourselves to be more loving, enlightened beings.

To do that, we need to transcend the duality of good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, and light vs. dark. We need to embrace both aspects of life, recognizing that they are merely two sides of the same coin – two halves of the whole.

There is light in the darkness, and there is darkness in the light. They are equally important and equally influential on each other. We should not be afraid of either side but instead learn to embrace them both as a way of growing our hearts and minds, and bodies into wholeness.

We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Image by CrystalWind.ca

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We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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