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Gaia's Call to Action: Move Forward in Unity Towards the Light

Gaia's Call to Action: Move Forward in Unity Towards the Light

Dear brothers on the planet! I AM GAIA!

I come to bring to each of you all my strength; the energy necessary for each one to move forward.

I can call them children. I can call them brothers. Right now, this doesn't matter. What matters is the journey we are taking. What matters is where we are going. We are all heading in the same direction. In the direction of evolution, in the direction of Light.

Each of you has a mission with yourself at this moment: your own preparation. The time has come to look at yourself and see the whole truth. See the path you've taken so far. See everything you went through to get here. And, above all, emanate gratitude; gratitude that your soul did not get lost in this sea of ​​manipulative energies and brought you to this moment. Be very grateful to your soul, because in each existence here, in my house, it knew how to maintain balance. I knew how to provoke you on a path that brought you to this moment. So be very grateful to her.

Each of you will have a mission at the time of ascension. The vast majority will have the mission to vibrate Light, vibrate love, vibrate good thoughts, vibrate high. Some will have more important missions and will be taken to them much earlier. But everyone will have their role. None of you will be expendable.

Never think, “My light is small. My strength is weak.” No. You are all part of the Whole. And if one of you stops shining, the Whole feels it. And this causes a great imbalance. It is necessary for all of you to remain vibrant and enlightened, so that I become stronger and stronger.

I will ascend, even without your energy, because it is determined that way. But what I want at this moment is to take with me as many of those beings that I love so much, which are you. In my heart, I wish it were everyone. But I understand and understand that it cannot be like that; that many are not ready. It's not a punishment for them. It is a path of evolution that they have not yet completed. It's a path they still have to follow. So this is not the time. I understand that. And everyone will leave.

You will go with me; if they remain vibrant, enlightened, focused on the decision to want to evolve. I would say to each of you, that Father/Mother God calls for no limits; Does not set rules to limit your children. What do I mean? Of course, everyone needs to have a minimum frequency to ascend. And this minimum is to be a Being of Light; is to be enlightened; is vibrating loud.

I would say that at this moment, everyone who is here listening to me, with very few exceptions, has this minimum. And they are, we can say, capable of ascending. Each one in their own time, each one in their own way. We also cannot put everyone on the same vibration, because it would not be true. There are those who are there at the front of the road and who are the ones who will pull the platoon that will come behind.

But all ranks are important, even the last one. The one whose frequency is the lowest, within the possible to ascend. It's like I said, God the Father/Mother does not limit. He just needs you to have the will, the desire, to be doing your part to evolve.

Yes, there is a minimum limit, but is it so small that I can say that it is barely a limit? It is enough for the heart to vibrate Light. It is enough for the heart to vibrate Love. But don't understand that you don't need to do anything, on the contrary, those in the last rows will need to run a lot; They will need to have a lot of willpower to effectively achieve ascension.

So, let's make something clear: everyone is eligible, within this minimum frequency. Now, getting there will be a long road that everyone can travel; but many will stand in the way. Because it's not an easy path. It's not simple. So, it is not enough for you to vibrate enough to be ready for ascension. You need to follow the entire walk. You need to be ready for changes, for what needs to change in your conscious mind, in order to get there..

So, many will be ready, but few will arrive. Because many will give up along the way. Unfortunately. Because many think, exactly what I just said, that it is enough to have this minimum. “Ah, I already have the minimum to ascend, so there’s nothing more I need to do.” No. You are fit; It doesn't mean you'll get there. And I'll say more, the race is going to be great. And everything will happen very quickly, for those who are back there. And that's what will make a lot of things difficult. Because everything will come at the same time and many will not be able to bear it.

So, changes need to happen every minute. It takes awareness. It is necessary at all times to analyze yourself, look in the mirror, ask yourself: “Am I really ready?” And start observing points that you need to change, that you need to improve. So that up front, at the “h” time, you will be subjected to few tests to reach ascension. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you too.

So, always think of ascension as a big staircase. In which at each step there is a test, there is a test, there is something that enables you to climb the next step. And it's a non-visible staircase. The next step only becomes visible when you are ready to climb it. There's no point in wanting to run. Each step you climb, you stay on it for a while, you go through all the tests; and if it goes well, then a new step appears and you take another leap. The system works this way.

Then go where the steps appear. Start changing a lot of things. Start to be aware of a lot of things. It is not enough to raise a sign and go out in a big march, in favor of someone or something. We need to act, we need action. And that's what each of you has to do: act. change the environment, change the external. Always understanding: One is capable of changing the Whole. It just needs to vibrate with a lot of love and a lot of strength. Because there will always be Beings of Light expanding what he is doing.

So, change the medium. Each of you do your part. Don't depend on others. If you believe that it is good for the whole, do it. And you will have a legion of Beings of Light, emanating your idea, emanating your behavior to the Whole. So do it. Each one of you. When you get up in the morning, ask yourself this question: “What can I do today to change the whole?” For the better, always. Connect to your Divine Presence, expect a response. Anything that comes to your mind. And act. Start taking action.

This is the point. Action, movement, change. It is not standing still, sitting, just asking or just being grateful, but standing still. No, it takes movement, it takes action, because movement and action is what makes you gain that new step. Because it is a sign that you have gained awareness, that you have learned, that you are wanting to change. Sitting still, just thinking, doesn't change anything. Action is needed, it is necessary to get out of the lethargy that you have placed yourself in.

You want everything ready in your hands. No, action is needed. So ask yourself this question: “What can I do for the Whole, today?” And if every day, you take a small action, and even more, if you see that it is a good action and propagate this action, you will see the difference in your lives. You will see how quickly you start walking. Because whoever moves, whoever moves, more movements will always come. Now, he who is sitting, just thinking, just asking, just being grateful, just praying, is doing it just for himself. It's very selfish for just one person.

It is necessary to do it for the whole. You need to look at yourself at this moment, but you need to look at the Whole to keep moving, to gain awareness. Understand, I'm not asking you to do it for others, I'm asking you to do it for the Whole. And what is the whole? The Whole is the environment where you live. It's the planet, it's behavior, ideas, changes.

Take, each one for yourself, the mission of creating something new. Create something that is good for the Whole. And even if you don't see it, the repercussions of what you did, visibly, rest assured, it was not in vain. Because we are all together, in one thought, in one heart, taking your idea and multiplying it.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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