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Francis Of Assisi: Peace Is The Ultimate Mastery!

Francis Of Assisi: Peace Is The Ultimate Mastery!

It is not what you achieve in meditation or what extraordinary abilities you develop that decides, but the realized inner peace that is the measure of your spiritual progress and your actual inner growth.

Because what good is it to you to be able to move mountains if your heart remains a murder pit?Mystery is taking place!

So simple!

How can unity with GOD be achieved? By approaching GOD step by step. How do you approach GOD? By doing what you have to do. That easy? Yes, that simple!

Beloved person,

True spirituality is that you intuitively recognize what brought you to earth and that you intuitively live according to it. No spiritual concept fits into this scheme, because a spiritual life is always associated with certain inner images that are often inaccurate.

And it is inaccurate to say that a spiritual life means sitting on meditation cushions or kneeling in church pews. A spiritual life is determined by the courage, strength and inner willingness to live one's own life.

JJK: But how do I know whether I am living my purpose or whether I have been manipulated and obeying other voices?

Francis of Asisi: By sensing what feels right and making it happen. If it still turns out to be wrong, then be prepared to throw everything overboard. Trying makes you safe. If you make a mistake, try again until you succeed and until you are sure - the honest attempt, the sincere desire, the true inner drive - there is no other way to spiritual success.

What is spiritual success?

JJK: What is “spiritual success?"?

Francis of Asisi: To be at peace with yourself, to be at peace with your fellow human beings, no matter what they do, and to be at peace with the world, no matter how it develops.

It is not what you achieve in meditation or what extraordinary abilities you develop that decides, but the realized inner peace that is the measure of your spiritual progress and your actual inner growth. Because what good is it to you to be able to move mountains if your heart remains a murder pit?

JJK: When will I know I'm at peace? Everyday life often throws us into extreme disarray and peace is hardly possible?

Francis of Asisi: Maintaining peace in the midst of everyday life is the skill of a truly awakened person who is ready for ascension.

How can I achieve true peace?

JJK: How can I achieve this peace? It seems to me an impossibility to always be at peace?

Francis of Asisi: Try, try again and try again - that is the path to true inner peace.

You will gain the experience that the state of inner peace expands with practice and can be maintained for longer and longer.

Don't give any event the chance to drive you away from the kingdom of peace within you.

JJK: Does this mean never being angry, angry or upset again??

Francis of Asisi: Never staying in anger, rage or resentment again is what it's all about. Deeply human reactions are natural and serve as an outlet to relieve yourself and be able to deal with certain situations. The question is: what determines your thoughts, what makes up the majority of your emotions and what results from them. How stable are you really inside??

JJK: "Crisis proof“?

Francis of Asisi: How much can you maintain your inner peace when there is war all around you? And I'm telling you:

Successful warriors always operate from a standpoint of inner peace. Anger, rage or revenge are always the harbingers of doom! Only inner peace moves what seemed immobile and breathes life into the dead.

JJK: Peace is often associated with doing nothing or being passive?

Francis of Asisi:

True inner peace requires the greatest attention and mindfulness from a person. There is no more intense effort and greater activity than wanting to maintain inner peace and achieve outer peace. This means: acting confidently instead of reacting impulsively! For your mastery is peace and your peace is mastery.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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