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Exploring the Heart - Telos Book III, Chapter 2

Exploring the Heart - Telos Book III, Chapter 2

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Today we are going to comment on chapter 2 of book III of Telos.

In this chapter, Ahnahmar, Celestia, and I talk about the heart.

What about the heart? For a long time you were taught that looking at everything with the heart is ridiculous and meaningless, because it is the mind that commands everything. Their souls, or rather our souls, were created to be pure in heart. Through him we were always connected to Father/Mother God, to Source. We lacked nothing, needed nothing, because he provided us with everything.

With the fall of consciousness, we seek to know what the world would be like without Source's control. Because we understood that it was a control, but deep down, the great truth, there was no control at all, there was just a perfect world in which nothing opposed the desires of Father/Mother God. We choose to break it. We choose to turn away from Source. We chose to know the new world, a new way of living. And this new form took the power out of the heart and put all the power in the mind. The mind decided what to do.

But this whole process brought pain and suffering. The abundance, the lack of need for everything ends, and we start having problems getting everything we had before. Some more, some less. And the mind ended up totally taking over the situation. The heart was left in the background, but in fact it was never forgotten, because in your own world you continued to look at it as the one that commands feelings, that commands Love.

But it's just a totally distorted Love, a totally different Love from the Love he knew a while ago, because the mind controlled this Love. The mind dealt the cards that it should be a Love like this, roasted, this way or that way. The lack of self-love starts to prevail in everyone what the mind said: “You need to have a Love, no matter what the price”.

So everyone has experienced this at some point. We went through this a while ago, but we managed to evolve and bring back the power of the heart. And today we are here. And when we speak of the “Heart of Lemuria”, we mean that great heart that encompasses all beings on this planet, not just us Lemurians. It is a powerful heart, strong enough to emanate radiations of Love for everyone, so that everyone can absorb them and increase their own energies of Love.

Today, your world, your society, has arrived at what it has arrived at. You cannot place in the hands of the dark 100% of what happens today. They gave the weapons, you agreed to use them. And there is the result of all this. But right now we are not here judging anyone. We, the Lemurians, are here to tell you, “You can. You manage to return to the heart, to have that connection that once existed. A pure connection, which asks for nothing, bargains for nothing, and is not passive either”. It is an energy of Light, of exchanges, but positive exchanges of knowledge and experiences.

That's what we're doing here today. When I come here representing my people, I'm bringing the… the story, the truth, of what happened to us and where we are today. Many may not believe it and may say: “But that took a long time!”. Yes, it took a long time. But each point in evolution has a… a time slot as you know it. For us, that time was nothing because we didn't live according to it. We live the present, the day, the moment. We are not counting years. This time it is you who count.

So the big goal now is to rekindle the heart, to bring control back to it, to take control of the mind. Will the veils fall? They will fall. But who will tear down the veils? You. You see, with every step you took away from Source, a veil was drawn. How many times and how many veils have you put on? Many. So now it's the other way around. Each time you amplify the power of the heart a veil is lifted. Elimination will not come from outside.

The Light acts, yes. Acts by potentiating the heart. If you accept to receive the Light that arrives, your heart becomes stronger and you have more strength to tear down the veils. But they will be taken down solely by you. Don't expect outside help. Don't expect a miracle. If you want, you can. Just believe that power is in the heart. And it's no use looking back and judging yourself.

Each time, each epoch, was a moment. At that moment you knew it was the right thing to do. Today the conscience is different. There is no judging the past. The past was black, the past was ugly. Yes it was for all of us. But today you need to disconnect from it all. It's forgiving yourself. Using forgiveness to eliminate what they caused. Only in this way will each of these veils fall and begin to show you a New Time, a new universe.

Always remember my brothers, everything is a set of attitudes. It's the heart commanding and the mind executing. Change your thoughts. Change everything around you. Change your vibrations with what is around you. Just let the heart speak. It is not eliminating the mind. The mind is needed. The presence of the mind is necessary, because it is the one who executes what the heart commands. Let the heart speak and the mind to execute. It cannot be otherwise.

Stop letting the mind command everything, because it is still attached to all the time you lived in pain and suffering. And everything that is new, everything that is the right way to go, for the mind is a waste of time, because for it, it thinks that it will be more suffering and more pain. Fill your hearts with Love. Accept the Love that we are giving you. Accept the Love of the Central Sun. Accept the Light. And you will see how quickly you will be able to go treading a new path, and treading the right path to tear down each one of these veils.

And for sure very, very soon, you will be able to have access to everything that you desire, but always with Love, always looking with the eyes of the heart.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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