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Exploring Chapter 14: The Pituitary and Pineal Glands in Telos

Exploring Chapter 14: The Pituitary and Pineal Glands in Telos

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Continuing our journey, today we are going to comment on chapter 14 of Book II of Telos.

In this chapter 2 important glands in their bodies are discussed: the pituitary and the pineal. Many ask themselves, why do some brothers have easy contact with Beings of Light and others do not get this contact? The journey of each soul is defined at the moment of its creation. Each soul is created with a purpose. No soul is created without purpose.

Some souls are special; they are souls who undertake Interstellar missions, present themselves to be part of armies, to work directly in the battles against the non-Light. And so they are prepared throughout their existence, for the moment of that mission to happen. But there is at no time an inferior soul and a superior soul; there are different purposes.

Many wonder, “What did I come into this incarnation for, what is my soul’s purpose?” And many cannot find an answer. It's because? Because basically you compare yourself to other more evolved souls. And from the moment there is the comparison, the ego starts triggering that…” You are nothing, what did you do, where are you important?” and then you start to think you are really inferior, that you came here for a walk, as many of you say.

So I'm going to give some examples of the functions of souls: those that come to house new souls; to be mothers or fathers of important souls, because they should know how to raise them, educate them so that they become what they were created for; many come to care for animals; many come to bring peace among a people; many come to serve. but to serve with the heart without diminishing for it. So I can assure each one of you that your souls did not come here for the ride. Every soul when incarnated has a purpose. And each soul fractal, wherever it is, will be fulfilling the same purpose; in different ways, but it will be fulfilling the same purpose.

No one is inferior to anyone; neither as a human being nor as a soul. So what is said in this chapter? That very soon, all those who continue on the journey of ascension will have their innate soul powers again. All souls have powers. Over time, with the incarnations you've had and the whole process of duality, these powers have been obscured or obstacles have been created for them to act. But they are there. They belong to the soul. The fractal has the same powers as the soul.

So many today, they already have their powers active, others are starting. But is anyone superior because of this? No, it's not. Let's say that many came for the mission to be a little more ahead, to be able to attract those who come behind. So, don't feel inferior to those who today have direct contact with the Beings of Light, because all of you have this contact. They can't because they don't believe. They can't because they don't train. They can't because they think they're not worthy.

The day you accept that you are the same as everyone else and that you will manage to have this contact, you will. Because he is there, innate in your soul. You are not doing anything to have something new. What you are doing is unlocking something that has been blocked from acting. And that's what the incoming Light is doing. And then the glands I mentioned at the beginning come in. The pineal gland, in most of human civilization, is practically a stone, because substances were put in your food to calcify this gland. And a calcified gland, what happens? She runs out of energy almost; the energy needed for telepathy, for contact with beings. It is the gateway to your communication with your Higher Self, and from there to all other beings.

So what is the Light doing? She is decalcifying this gland. She is bombarding this gland constantly to get her back to what she once was. Is the process fast? No, it's not, because millennia and millennia and millennia calcifying this gland, and the decalcification has to be proportional to the evolution of the being. Those who haven't awakened yet, the intensity is less. Why? Because it depends on his will. For those of you who are awake there, yes, the intensity is maximum, so that this ball decalcifies and it can serve its purpose, which is the contact with the astral.

Many of you, today, already have this contact, but you don't believe it, you think it's a head thing, a mind thing. Then start believing in what you receive as thoughts and in your intuitions. When you come to believe that they are not things of the mind, you will see that the contact exists. We make no distinction to who calls us; neither we nor the Beings of Light. Each one who invokes our name or thinks of us, the connection ends; we receive, and we give back. It depends on each one how they will receive it.

Many of you are receiving direct communication from us for being on this journey. We, the Lemurians, are acting directly in your hearts, giving you strength, courage and help in this journey, showing you some things, helping you to find the path. So don't think we're just talking, talking, talking here. We are all connected with each one who is making this journey, and passing on to each one, much Love and much Light, collaborating in the ascension process, collaborating in the decalcification of your pineal gland.

Fear nothing. Powers will appear the moment you are ready. Nothing happens ahead of time. You cannot have all the powers without being ready to live them. Many claim that they see, they do. Careful! Those who propagate a lot of what they see, do and happen, normally, none of this is true. The powers belong to each one. Who needs to spread them is ego, not the truth.

So if you have something that's going on with you that's yours, you don't have to publish it to the world. Live your moment, because this is also evaluated, and you can take a step back. So each one live their moment. Each one increases the intensity of the Light that arrives so that everything begins to change. And it is in this way, always moving forward, that you will have your powers back, but each one in its own time when it is ready.

I tell you, many times such powers are not pleasant. The see; you won't always see good things, but you won't always be able to pass on. Then you will suffer alone without being able to say a word, because what you are seeing is part of the other's path and you will not be able to avoid it. Will it be easy to live with it? I guarantee you no. It takes a lot of Love in the heart and a lot of preparation to have access to everything that is to come.

So, be patient because everything will happen in the right time, at the right time. And don't think that you will have powers just for the sake of it; these powers must always be applied in the name of Love, in the name of Light, otherwise you will be leaving the path of ascension and entering into another journey in a very dangerous way.

Cleaning your glands is done through food, lots of water, and the emanation of lots of Love. The more you take care of it the faster the process becomes. You are prepared more quickly. Just trust and believe, everything will happen at the right time.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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