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ET Alert: Humanity's Urgent Message from Emerther Council

ET Alert: Humanity's Urgent Message from Emerther Council

Real Footage of ET Encounter with the Council of 5

I was approached last night in the astral, by a new race of beings of which I was unaware.

This race was small with childlike features, with gray skin and large round eyes. When they approached me, they felt very peaceful and loving. I do wish to make clear, that these are not the small greys, as these beings actually have different features, like a small nose and a small mouth with lips. Where the small Grays eyes, are much larger and more bug like, and they do not have a nose, but 2 nostril slits.

I am in understanding that these beings call themselves the Emerther. They are one of what is known by our Governments as the Council of 5, meaning that there are 5 different races within the Council. The Races within the Council are named... The Emerther, the Orela, The Egarot, The Ginvo, and the Redan.

This council has observed the Human Race since it was a single celled organism, and all the way through our development into a primate species. Once the Annunaki, interfered with our genetics to create the Humans we are now, The Council of 5 began to offer protection to the Human race. They knew that Humanity would eventually Grow to become Galactic Beings.

Throughout history they have been the Ones who have approached our Governmental Leaders, to usher in peace across Earth. This of course has been to no avail. At one point, One of them was captured by the US military and died under their custody. The Earth density is much heavier for them, making it difficult to survive. The Emerther are interdimensional beings, meaning they have the capability to materialize within the physical reality as well as traversing the Astral realms, and the 4th and 5th dimensional spectrums. Their race are of the higher 4th and 5th density and are peaceful. They are the original founders of the Council of 5, and have dedicated their existence to watch over and protect the Human species. When you see the ships stopping Nuclear disaster, and hindering War, that would be the Emerther. 

They are the Ones who are getting physically involved, and they will be the Ones who will bring first contact to Earth. They know our true history and will help us to advance our society towards a more harmonious way of being.

They have offered to assist our world Leaders in this endeavor, But the Leaders fear each other too much to offer peaceful solutions. So now they come to us, the Light Force team on Earth, to express urgency.

This is a Message to Humanity from the Emerther, of the Council of 5.

Greetings from the Council of 5, We are the Emerther.

We are very happy to be communicating in this manner with you.

We have long watched humanities progress throughout many thousands of years. We have witnessed your enhancements by the Anunnaki race. And we have observed your very fast evolution into higher Light. We have become aware that the Darkness on your Earth does not want to achieve peaceful solutions. And are continuing to push mass destruction. When we stop your militaries nuclear missiles and hinder their attempts to cause mass harm, Your militaries then turn their attention to us and are now seeing us as a threat. This is because, we do not and will not allow them to direct their mass destruction towards the Earth or Humanity.

Your evolution as a race, is remarkable to witness, as you are so much farther advanced beyond any other race of your same age. This is what concerns many other races within the Galactic communities. Your advancements as far as your technology does not match your spiritual evolution. As long as humans continue to fight and kill among themselves, They will not be permitted as a galactic society.

With the Vibrational spectrum raising, as you have entered what you understand as the Photon belt, it has become essential for the Human race to raise themselves in Light. To lift themselves out of the mentality of Fear, hate, and greed. The more of the human race that can do this, the easier it will be for what you understand as the grand shift to occur, Jumping the Human race out of the lower material realm.

This is why we have come to this Channel. The moment approaches for this Grand shift, and time is running out for the human race. It is observed that there is a great split within your collective, Some will make the ascension, while the majority of the Human race will not.

There will come a time when all of those who cannot make the ascension, will be removed from the planet, to allow for the Earth to make the Full transformation into the 5th density. There is no worry as these beings will be placed on other planets to allow for their continued evolution. Many races have this split within their collective, where some are in Higher realms while others stay within the lower dimensions, to continue their evolution.

Since your very beginning, we have watched you grow, evolving and transforming into the beings you are today. So many of you, who have awakened, are making the difference that is needed on your Earth. You are bringing Love and peace to the Collective of Humanity. Lifting them out of the Darkness that has long held humans in bondage. The more that the Human race begin to stand up against their oppressors, the more of the Human race will evolve into the Higher Light spectrum.

We are always with you, we have never left you, and we will continue to assist where is needed to protect you. We have dedicated our total existence, to help the Human race advance into the higher dimensions. We Love you...

We are the Emerther of the Council of 5.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse

Credit - Universal Lighthouse - Click Here for bio

Dear Family of Light,

We are Chellea and David, Twin Flames whose journey began in childhood and blossomed into love at 17. Our first paranormal experience, where we mysteriously ended up 30 miles from home, set the stage for our deeper spiritual exploration. Chellea faced a public attack by what she believes was a demon during her time at Christian College, leading her to delve into the occult, including wicca and the fairy realm.

She later studied metaphysics with Master Don Waddell and ancient texts, while David and Chellea reunited in 2008 and formed a paranormal investigation team. A tragic family event in 2012 inspired Chellea to create a fantasy storybook that eerily mirrored real-life events, leading to unsettling paranormal activity.

Despite these challenges, Chellea has embraced her role as a channeler of higher light, having recalled multiple past lives and experiences as an extraterrestrial. Now, she cares for her elderly mother, with David by her side as her strength and protector.

With love and light,

David and Chellea


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