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Co-Creating with the Crystalline Light by the Crystalline Beings


We are the Crystalline Beings, we are the consciousness of the Crystalline energy and souls that inhabit crystals upon the Earth, we vibrate at the light speed of the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator’s Universe. It is an honour to connect with your soul; we surround you in a circle of multi-coloured crystalline light.

We are grounding our light from the quick vibrational levels of the Creator’s Universe through all dimensions and into the core of the Earth. We are currently working with Mother Earth at the centre of her soul to transform and enthuse her with the crystalline light, so she may remember herself as a Crystalline Being accepting her Multi- Universal and Cosmic self. As memories of her truth return to Mother Earth so she will support and inspire the awakening of those upon the Earth in remembering their truth. As we enthuse Mother Earth with our Crystalline Light so humanity is bathed in a healing, loving and awakening energy supporting the spiritual evolution of all.

We invite you in your quiet time to connect with Mother Earth with the focus of receiving the Crystalline Energy of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to see, sense and acknowledge Mother Earth as a Crystalline Being. As you connect with this aspect of Mother Earth, you will connect with her energy and consciousness at a deeper level, further awakening your relationship with Mother Earth. Observing and experiencing this pure state and expression of Mother Earth will support you in releasing limitations and illusions that surround Mother Earth and hinder others in recognising their truth. Take time to connect with Mother Earth in this way and be observant of the numerous limitations and illusions being dissolved and erased. Not only will you notice Mother Earth’s energy expand, there will be a lightness and feeling of freedom for all upon the Earth.

As Mother Earth works with our energy of the Crystalline Consciousness so, do other aspects, dimensions and levels of the Earth, both physical and energetic. We have said before that we are working alongside the energies of love being anchored into the Earth now to support healing to give space for love and magnification of the loving vibrations. Our energy and consciousness are becoming awoken and embedded within the core of current ascension for the Earth and inner planes, as our energy is of the appropriate qualities and vibrations to support the evolution and remembrance all wish to achieve.  When you recognise and connect with the Crystalline energy within your being then, you prepare your entire being for multiple shifts of awakening. Whatever the next stage of your ascension may be, by recognising the Crystalline Consciousness within you, you are clearing to erase blockages and limitations while magnifying your desired outcome or ascension into manifestation and experience.

‘As I recognise the Crystalline Consciousness and Light within me so I cleanse and purify my being, magnifying the greatest potential for my ascension into manifestation.’

Allow yourself to connect into your soul and ask to be aligned with your own Crystalline Consciousness born from and through your soul. Take time to view, sense or acknowledge your Crystalline self or yourself as a Crystalline Being. Imagine the energy created and drawn upon from your Crystalline Being penetrating your chakras, body and auric field. Know the energy is purifying your being while manifesting your true and Creator self into manifestation within your entire being. This a beautiful process to experience as each time the experience may alter and shift allowing new downloads of your higher self, aspects and soul into your current embodiment.

Within our energy and presence on the inner planes, there is a Council of Crystalline Beings who have a role of downloading light and consciousness from the Creator, deciphering the energy and distributing the energy to where it is required. The energy the Council of Crystalline Beings draws upon from the Creator is a specific aspect or vibration of the Creator’s light which is recognised as the Crystalline light. If we imagine the energy of the Creator as a song with numerous words, the Crystalline Vibration is likened to one word from the song. We then embody and explain this one word and share it throughout the Universe of the Creator. The Crystalline Consciousness is never separated from the Creator; we receive all of the Creator it is just that our focus is upon one vibration. You are an aspect of the Creator; you are always the Creator as a whole however you simply focus on one aspect of the Creator which you recognise as yourself. Remembering who you are is simply widening and expanding your focus of yourself. Thus you will begin to perceive your whole being. Your whole being has many names one of which is the Creator.

The Council of Crystalline Beings is constantly anchoring the Crystalline Light and Consciousness into the Earth while increasing the vibration to encourage humanity to align with and become a reflection of the Crystalline Consciousness. Thus humanity is constantly vibrating at a quicker speed which brings forth clarity, truth and remembrance. Constantly the Crystalline Light is inviting humanity to cleanse and magnify the truth within them so it may be viewed by all. The Council of Crystalline Light invites you to work with them to bring healing to negative and painful issues upon the Earth. They encourage you to either imagine you are sending the core of the issue to the Crystalline Light or to anchor the Crystalline Light into the issue. Give a clear instruction for the Crystalline Energy to cleanse and purify the issue and to magnify the truth, manifesting the truth in its place. There is no need for you to understand the core of the issue nor the truth that will manifest in its place. The Crystalline light will work with the energy of the issue, transforming it into the presence of the Creator. The truth of the Creator we speak of is, in fact, the presence of the Creator. This is a simple process which will have powerful effects, allowing not only the Crystalline Vibrations to be ever more present but will also allow the Creator to be revealed and experienced. This is a practice the Council of Crystalline Beings encourage you to achieve for issues in your own reality and as a service for others across the world.

There are a number of other activations and healings that the Council of Crystalline Light and the Crystalline Light wish to support you in experiencing to aid your ascension at this time:

  • Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse your physical body of all harmful chemicals, poisons and diseases, manifesting the presence of the Creator instead.
  • Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse all negative patterns, thoughts, experiences and situations which have been locked into your energy system from your ancestors, manifesting the presence of the Creator instead.
  • Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse all illusions programmed into your being and especially your mind which causes you to act and experience separation from the Creator. Instead, manifest the presence of the Creator.
  • Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse the need for war, disharmony, chaos and trauma currently held within your being, manifesting the Presence of the Creator instead.
  • Call upon the Council of Crystalline Light, the Crystalline Beings and Crystalline Light to purify and cleanse pain and suffering from your entire being and all lifetimes, manifesting the Presence of the Creator instead.

You may wish to create your own requests using the wording of above to cleanse that which is no longer needed and to magnify the Presence of the Creator within your being instead. Thus grounding the Crystalline Energy into your being and reality while erasing limitations and remembering your oneness with the Creator. Our purpose is to widen and expand your view of yourself so you may recognise yourself as your entire being; the Creator.

Let us support you and be as one with you,

The Crystalline Beings

natalie-glassonChanneled through Natalie Glasson - 26th August 2016 - www.omna.org
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
Source Here


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