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Brother Charbel's Unstoppable Force of Faith and Courage

Brother Charbel's Unstoppable Force of Faith and Courage

Souls of Light and Love, I greet you. I am Charbel. Call me Brother Charbel, not necessarily Saint Charbel.

I am here today to put an end to many rumors, and in any case, to try to enlighten you on the path you are currently walking, on the path you are currently crossing.

All of humanity is currently going through what you might call a powerful, strong dimensional zone, a space of vibrational increase of Divinity, of closeness to the Light. This is good news, of course. It's huge news!

I'm not announcing the arrival of the New Times immediately, but the arrival of this energy, the beginning of this reversal of energies is now. To use human words, I would say we are moving from Evil to Good, and those who do Good on this Earth — indeed during this particular month, maybe for longer, a few more weeks for others — those will sometimes be mocked, criticized, judged, or condemned. They will be made out to seem crazy, false.

Dear souls of Light, in truth, this unnecessary defense comes from the Shadow, from the non-light, from these creatures, these parasites that YOU have mostly created and that resist, deeply resist your own change, your own Light, and that of the Earth. This is indeed a battle here. It's indeed about a battle, not a war, a battle of Shadow against Light.

The Light seeks to spread you, to extend you, the Shadow to close you off, to destroy you at times with your own thoughts, your own vices, your own pains. So, I tell you, your attitude must be as exemplary as possible.

Do not let attitudes linger in you for more than a day or two.

Do not let your old demons beat you so easily, defeating you with what, with your fears, your doubts, your sadness, your griefs, your shames.

By acting this way, these energies continue to feed on you, even implanting themselves in some. Yes, I know what I'm talking about. I speak of possession. I've seen people in such states. I've seen people possessed by entities, by parasites, by almost physical entities in some cases. I would like you to understand that it's you who opened the door to them. I would like you to understand that it's YOUR strength you need, not just ours, truly yours.

In fact, this is a moment in your existence where prayer will act little or not at all. It will strengthen your energy. It will strengthen your armor as a Knight of Light, however, it will be up to you to fight with this armor. It will be up to you to advance with this armor, to be the true warrior of Light. Don't go looking for warriors of Light in Heaven, today they must be on Earth. It's in you and through you, let's be clear here.

You are at a time where you must understand that for years, decades, sometimes several lives, you have been prepared.

Many of you often say, "I've learned a lot. I've known a lot. I've understood a lot." But what have you done, now that it's truly time to go out into the field, now that it's truly time to act and not just react, not to beg your coach but to be the one who has been trained to overcome energies, to overcome those who try to inhabit you, convince you, detract you from divinity, from your beliefs?

Current energies sow doubt, fear, hate, sometimes division even more, one last time, one last time for most of them. Your world after this month won't be completely rid of these entities, despite everything, many of them will not have withstood the shock of this energy change, this planetary energy mutation.

These energies will cause some natural disasters, yes. That's the upheaval. That's the modification, the inversion of energies. I repeat, I speak of the inversion of energies. I speak first of the inversion of who can "win" the earthly plane between what you would have called Good and Evil.

It's not so much about that as it is about highlighting common works, sincere works, what you call common sense, rather than continuing to be fooled by the idea that you are someone else or something other than what your birth has given you. Your birth is divine. You have decided who you are, who you will be in Love, in sharing, in kindness. I urge you, brothers and sisters, to be now the priests, in any case, the representatives of divinity on Earth.

Cease begging for external help. Cease looking for victory outside of yourselves. The true weapons of this month's battle are called Faith and Courage.

Faith is not just believing in something, it's knowing that this energy, that this divinity, that what you are, in truth, WHAT YOU ARE IN TRUTH, CANNOT BE ATTACKED.

What can be attacked is only the appearance, the form, the ego, the character. He can be attacked. In this case, raise your vibrational field even more, raise your energy even more. Remember who you are beyond that. Leave the character aside a bit. He will continue to beg, to believe he's lost, to roll on the ground. Poor little man!

Poor little man! What do you think you are to be fooled like this again? "Ah but I know, I know, but" No. There are no buts here, now.

Poor little woman crying when she doesn't really have a problem, just some delays in her plans. What are you too, not understanding that it's God's Plan unfolding now? Do you think your plan is superior to the Divine's?

Here are these characters, these characters too that have slowed you down until now. These entities have attacked you in what you had weakest, in your flaws, in your sins.

Decide to live without sins. Decide to live in Peace, in harmony, without mocking, without jealousies, without deceptions, in truth and not in lies, in faith and not in doubt, in Love and not in fear.

You know, Beings of Light, Guides, and angels follow your journey. They follow your path. They will show you some signposts of your destiny regularly, where you can go or where it's preferable not to go. However, we will not choose for you. We will show you a path, but it will be up to you to choose or not to choose it. This is your own choice, personal, your free will in God. Because in truth, you are no longer children, therefore, stop behaving like children.

"Yes, but it's stronger than me." Nothing is stronger than the Higher Self! It's stronger than your little "self". It's stronger than this character who would want a woman, children, a house, a car, a fantastic job, completely setting aside his mission, which isn't something easy, especially since it requires entering into humility: a small man, a small woman, humble, thus leaving more room for divinity to join you, more opportunities for this divinity to join you.

Humility is a great key. Be humble. The more you are in control: "I don't want this to happen. I don't want that to happen", the more you lose your humility.

Stay humble. Allow things to happen. Let them happen. Let them pass, then, do not hold onto them believing this problem is yours alone. No problem is yours alone. Everything has been sent, everything has been received by you, for you, to continue loving, to continue learning Love. For that, let go of your personal desires, "I", please. This will help you.

Yes, prayers will help. Yes, relics, crosses, medals, amulets you want will help. They will keep your energy at a high frequency and avoid some attacks, certainly not all, not all.

The worst battle in a way, the one that seems so hard to you, ultimately it's a battle with yourselves, with what you are, with your vices which are much more numerous than you imagine: Your desire to criticize everything and everyone, your desire at times to leave no time for anyone, judging everything that happens or that happens based on more or less erroneous information without relying on the true Source of Light, on the true brotherhood you all represent together, dear children.

Yes, this is a sermon I'm giving here, now. Of course, it's a sermon. Even my channel had doubts, but don't have any, I am indeed sermonizing you, yes.

The idea of a sermon is not to hurt, it's not to scold you, it's to help you find your way, this way of Light, this way of Love that constantly passes through you.

"Yes, but - Yes, but - Yes, but" stop complaining! You complain as if you've always been alone. "Yes but I've never felt - Yes but I've never seen". Good grief! Each of your breaths is the Breath of God. Each moment you live, it's His Grace that passes through you.

At the end of your life, many of you will simply wish to breathe correctly again. Don't wait until the end of your life to understand that breathing is a gift from Heaven that allows you the time to continue learning who you truly are, to continue learning the divine, powerful Being that you are.

Yes, dear friends, dear Beings of Light that you are, yes, you are invited to be the warriors of Light. Don't call upon the High Armies unnecessarily, it's truly you who are now on the field! It's truly you who now have to fight!

"Yes but it's been so long", stop! Stop the complaints immediately, please. Please, stop the complaints immediately, they only feed what brings you down. "Yes but" stop. No "yes buts", no "yes buts".

You breathe at every moment. Your heart continues to beat, here and now. Center yourself. Center yourself on that. Center yourself on your breath. Center yourself on your heartbeat. They represent divine Intelligence, the One that regulates your body as much as possible towards Life, towards the possibility of giving you more time to learn who you are and not who you are not completely.

It's interesting to learn who one is not, it's another aspect of this life's program. However, here, in this specific month, it's not who you are not that interests us, it's who you truly are that interests us. And who you truly are, that goes through apprenticeship, through the fact, yes, of putting yourself in this test of humility, in this test of crossing, in these moments where you must seek within you the correct attitude, not ask for it, apply it. Because in reality, you know what the correct attitude is. You know what to say. You know what to be. Except it's not about knowing. It's not about staying in your head but entering the heart of a Conscious Humanity, not an unconscious one.

Stop sleeping asking to be awakened. There's no need to ask to be awakened, you are already awake. You are already the one or the one you would like to become, however, you are regularly afraid of what that implies. It implies strength. It implies courage. It implies faith. I repeat, faith and courage.

That's why, your Father, our Father who is in Heaven, your Higher Consciousness, your Guides and angels, God Himself, everything is working for you and with you, only in a slightly more invisible way this month, in a less sensible manner, I would say, in observation.

Are you really ready to be who you are?

Will you finally decide to accept your divine birth or will you still think you're just a little man, a little woman, or God knows what? No. Stand up. Rise.

Yes, there will be trials. Yes, they will be hard for some, nonetheless, they will only be sent to those capable of overcoming them. None of you will receive trials on a scale other than your own greatness. What does that mean?

What does that mean? It means that those of you who this month will have absolutely no trials, are generally at the maximum of their capacities, have already reached not excellence in Love and Peace, you'll need other lives, other existences, and this will be the case for the majority of you, even those who undergo trials. To those who will undergo trials, to those who are under attack, you are attacked only according to your Light, your ability to evolve further. And if you are attacked, it's because there's still room for Light within you. There's still more room for Love.

Understand what I'm saying. This does not mean that those who are not attacked are dark beings who do not deserve to evolve. No. It means that most of them in the current period, in these current years, cannot go much further. For those, already apply what you've learned. Even without trials, already apply what you've learned. And for the others, it's the final exam, the divine baccalaureate some would say, now. Now.

Ask yourself this question regularly: what would the divine part of me say in this situation? Don't let your mind answer too easily: "I don't know. I wish I knew", you already know. You already know. You already know.

Don't listen to the ego's answers that will try to escape from situations: "it's just that I shouldn't be here. It's just that I shouldn't do this. It's just that I should change." No. I must be! This month is not a month for changing jobs, situations, couples, that's not it. That's not the trial. This is the escape, the avoidance. The real trial is being where you are as God, not where you are as man or woman, truly being who you truly are here, now.

This requires taking the time to know Yourself deeply, the time to take breaks, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour, an hour, to turn towards your divine aspect, to turn towards your own Light, towards the Love within you, not the fear within you, towards the Love within you.

Souls of Light, your strength is great. Do not doubt. Do not doubt who you are, please, not now. Not now.

The strength you lose, often, is that of your doubts. It's that of your desire to flee. Many of you don't want to fight. You are ready, much more ready than you imagine.

So, my eagerness to speak to you, the very way I speak to you, while fighting energies trying to prevent this dialogue with you, this way is an encouragement, not a desire to hurt you, on the contrary, a desire to help you understand that you are already Good, that many of you are directed towards Good. Give time. Let everyone prove themselves.

That's what this month will offer you, to prove yourselves, to show yourselves as you are, where you are, not elsewhere. I repeat, do not flee. This month is not a good time for making radical changes. It's just - and I say just knowing the duty and strength it requires - being Yourself.

Courage, the heart is there. The word courage, it's the heart. Being and doing what the heart says and pronounces, not what the head says which is always in jealousy, in the frustration of not being listened to or heard as it would like, as they would like, the ego or imagination.

Stand up. Stand up! Be proud, proud to still be standing, to still be alive whatever happens, whatever occurs. The world evolves.

I speak to you a bit like a warrior, a combat leader some would say. I want to motivate my troops. I want to motivate these troops that you are, that we all are, given that we are also working in Heaven in this trial. We work in these clearings too, at the same time as you, and we don't want all our troops to be lost.

Know it, we know, we, some of our troops, the divine troop on Earth, some of these troops will be lost. Some of you will succumb, will succumb to Evil, will succumb to temptation, will succumb to vice, will succumb to the cowardice of "yes buts".

For each of them, we will try later to lift you up one by one. First, we must lead this battle. First, we must let the Light enter. First, we must let all this take shape, this New Earth begin this necessary journey. The increase in energy of your earthly plane is immutable. Our role is therefore to ensure that the humanity carried by the Earth rises at the same time as it and does not collapse.

Facing these words, it's clear that some of you must have questions. Therefore, I will answer myself - accompanied by our friends here - to your questions that you can ask now.

First of all, let's be clear, friends, do not ask me what to do, because I've already answered that: Courage and Faith.

  • Advance.
  • Pray to keep your vibration but use your vibration.
  • You can ask for strength, we will give you strength but you must use this strength.
  • We can help you find faith, but you will have to use this faith.
  • You can ask to receive more Love, but you will have to use this Love.

What we will bring you, give you in hand is not the solution to the problem, however, the means to solve your problem, by yourselves, by who you already are, and by who you think you will become and that you also are. Understand this.

Remain completely who you are. Be strong. Be courageous.

Stop being weak, it's too easy and no "yes buts". No "yes buts", friends. No "yes buts", no more "yes buts". No!

"It's hard. It's tough. It's complicated". You know. Do not lose yourself in useless discussions; before coming here, you knew all this.

I repeat, you never sent a trial without its own solution, and the solution involved Being, becoming someone else. There you go.

I am now listening to your questions regarding what I evoke here.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Public channeling of February 4, 2025 by Sylvain Didelot, transcribed by Marie-Claire.

Very pragmatic training as a quality specialist and computer scientist, Sylvain Didelot has been interested since his childhood in the world of the paranormal and spirituality. Initiated in multiple healing arts, he discovered canalization in 2005. Since then, accompanied by many beings of light, he has also been a lecturer, writer and spiritual accompanist. Its work is to guide and make each one accept his own divinity, thus revealing to all new possibilities of interpretations and manifestations of the world around us.

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