Beings of Light: Earth's Awakening and Hidden Truths
- Details
- Written by Marie-Josée Andichou

We salute you dear brothers and sisters from planet Earth. On this day, we are going to tell you about all the events on the soil of the planet Earth.
What of stir-household do you think! Yes that of stirring in all places and continents.
First of all, a new president in the United States who seems to be bringing a "méli mêlo" (hodgepodge) of information, transformations and attempts at reconciliation to several parts of your planet. Added to this are disclosures concerning a certain president, and his couple, which is causing a stir in French politics. The Earth is abuzz with information of all kinds, disclosures of all kinds.
We are going to tell you this: a few months ago of this of your earthly time we told you about this moment of disclosure or you would learn truths at all levels: social, political, health etc. ... and that you would remain amazed, "darkened" as you say, not believing that such things can exist and have existed for so long.
Dear children of the earth, the apocalypse is there. The apocalypse is not the end of the world where the earth disappears in a physical explosion. The apocalypse is the revelation, that which will open the minds of humans to the understanding that they have always been deceived, manipulated and exploited by a small group of humans wanting to have control over them. This moment of revelations has arrived. It does not mean the physical fall of the earth but the fall of a large number of humans, of those you call the world government or the shadow government.
There will be a "snowball" effect in future disclosure. First of all a small disclosure then ramifications which will extend all around the person concerned and then it will affect intriguing political parties, not respectful of the people, and then bring down the characters at the top of this pyramid of non -love.
You are in a phase of large turbulence at this level and at some point you will no longer know who is right, who is wrong. You will no longer know who to trust among your politicians who advocate you to be honest yourself while them, for some, are in depravity or other. This situation will allow you to settle your ideas, that is to say, during this upheaval, to reflect on everything you have experienced under the thumb of these non -respect beings who only think of their little power and make fun, for most of them, what the people can feel.
Dear children of the earth, we will ask you, if you wish of course and if your heart pushes you to do this, to be in perfect discernment as to everything you will hear. We also advise you not to spend hours and hours listening to the "sensational" that will be disclosed among all the media whatever they are. It is important that you do not feel invaded by all this varied information, it is important that you do not feel uncomfortable after listening to all this in the radios and on television.
Know how to manage your time between general information and information relating to the understanding of who you are. For this there are very good comments on the life viewed with the eye of journalists full of respect and understanding of real life.
It is important that you are serene and serene as much as possible in this period of your life on earth. The coming months will bring you revelations, disclosure that will make you say "It is not possible 'because, for very much .... all you have been so used to enormous lies on the part of your rulers that you thought that everything that was told to you was the reality of life on earth. However, this is not, absolutely not the reality of life.
Dear brothers and sisters of the earth, be vigilant in relation to everything you can hear in your media, know how to do the pros and cons in everything you hear and do not be manipulated once again by all these true disclosure and not true. We thank you.
We are there and will always be there to watch over the life of the planet Earth and its humans
We love you.
Translation By
Marie-Josée Andichou
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