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Beings of Light: Awaken Your Inner Light

Beings of Light: Awaken Your Inner Light

Don't let it get you down!

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. We know that the people of Earth are currently somewhat disturbed by everything that's happening around them. Wars here, riots there, all of this is creating a climate among humanity on Earth that is far from serene.

Many of you are wondering more and more when all this is going to stop, when your rulers are going to have the idea of calming things down by seriously discussing how to appease the people.

For the moment, your rulers are not prepared to do this, because they don't feel safe. Yes, your rulers don't feel safe because they sense that the people, and particularly the people of Europe, are rumbling. They can't "put their finger on it", as you put it, because their thoughts are far from grasping the reversal of the earth's humanity.

So what's going on?  There are, and will be for some months to come, attempts on their part to frighten you, to bring, we'd say, almost terror into your minds as human beings. For them, it's the end of the line, and they're doing everything they can to continue manipulating you and controlling your lives.

So what should we do? We're simply telling you not to let yourself be influenced by everything that's going to be put in front of you in the coming months. It's going to be important for all of you to take time for inner relaxation in order to find Peace and Serenity within yourselves. As the spring and summer seasons appear on the horizon, it will be important for you to connect with nature more and more.

Learn to contact the trees, the oaks in particular, which will root you to the heart of the Earth through the power of their energies. But you can connect with any tree, any forest, by walking through it and breathing in the tree's energy. You can connect with rivers, from the smallest to the largest. When you walk in the mountains, welcome the force of waterfalls large and small. Walk barefoot on the grass in your garden or in a city park.

Connecting with nature will be extremely important in the times ahead. Nature will support you in these delicate moments, delighting your eyes and your heart as you watch the flowers light up the fields, as you meet animals like a clever squirrel. Nature will help you through this delicate period.

That's what your rulers are waiting for, because the more a people is beaten down, the more they can be manipulated, and the better off they'll be. Remember that everything that is and will be presented to you by the media, often in the pay of governments, will be designed to condition you to this or that difficulty. Avoid, as far as possible, the repetitive information on the radio or in the news.

We're not saying that you shouldn't know what's going on in your terrestrial world, we're not saying that you should "bury your head in the sand", but simply that you should be aware of what's going on, without it becoming an hourly habit.

Dear brothers and sisters on Earth, as we've often told you, we're here to support you, but it's up to you to bring Peace and Serenity to your people and to the Earth. As we've already said, we won't do things for you. The sooner you become aware that it's time to live in osmosis with yourself, the sooner Peace and Serenity will return to the soil of the Earth and to humanity.

Don't keep relying on the decisions of your governments to arrange this or that in the lives of your people. Take charge of your lives, and show, without violence, that your Divine Power is awakening and revealing itself to the whole planet. This is the only way to get your rulers to listen to you, to hear you and to accept the very important change that is taking shape within humanity on earth.

Dear brothers and sisters of Earth, have confidence in yourselves, in your strong Divine Power, greater than the small earthly power of your rulers. Through the Love of your hearts, through the radiance of its Light, you can transform everything quickly and even very quickly.

We love you and accompany you with great Love.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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