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Awakening the Soul: Exploring Chapter 15 of Book II in Telos

Awakening the Soul: Exploring Chapter 15 of Book II in Telos

Dear brothers! I AM ADAMA!

Today we are going to talk about chapter 15 of book II of Telos.

Celestia, my sister, brings us all the movement that exists in Telos to raise the vibration of the planet. My brothers, what is it so difficult for many to imagine themselves living everything we talk about? For millennia, and millennia, and millennia, you lived the pain, you lived the suffering, you lived the duality and you are still living... So your souls, little, very little remembered what they had already learned and lived. Everything became a great dispute, a great journey of elevation or attempts at elevation, to reach where you never knew.

The concept was to be born, live for a while and die, nothing more. So why build so many things? Why try to live so many good things if the negative world attracted them more? The Light is perfect. The Light brings balance. Light brings joy. The Light brings everything you need. But you were taught that this was nothing and that you needed to seek your pleasures on the exact opposite side: from addictions, ephemeral pleasures, from everything that lowered your energy.

Even today, many wonder: If everything that is said, everything that is said, really exists and will exist? If there isn't a collective madness in which some believe in this perfect world and start to behave totally adverse to the rest of humanity? Will this work out, does it actually exist and will it exist? Are we not wasting time, once again, believing that we can be better, that our lives can become better? It will be? It will be? It will be?

Many ask. And even you who are already awake, when you encounter such profound obstacles, when you encounter practically insurmountable walls, you ask yourself: “Is everything I'm doing worth it? Is it worth believing in so many things I don't see? Is it worth believing in so many things that I hear, but that I don't feel in my heart? My brothers, all of us, from Telos, had this moment of doubt and we looked exactly the wrong way for the solution.

When we, or other civilizations, or the Beings of Light, came here to bring a different perspective, a different path, we lived it all. We lived in complete harmony, in balance, in Light and let ourselves be involved in exactly these points that you are involved in today. And the result is there. And many still keep asking themselves: “But isn't there proof that Lemuria, Atlantis and other cities intras exist? What evidence, how can we be sure?

There is only one answer that is in the heart. Your minds will never give you the correct answer, because you have been used to believing in what you see, in what is palpable, in what you can feel, see, to believe. But when you let your heart speak, all that story you're told starts to make sense somehow. It's as if you were a big jigsaw puzzle that today is full of holes and the pieces that complete it don't appear. As much as you incarnate, disembody, incarnate again, those pieces never appear.

But by a strange coincidence, when you allow yourself to listen to the heart, when you allow yourself to believe everything we say, when you allow yourself to believe and live what we say, these pieces start to come out, and they start to put the puzzle together. head. And then some things start to make sense. And this is how you get involved, allow yourself to live more and more from the heart.

We know and we are aware that there will be times when you will still look at that wall, which was insurmountable at first, and say: “What was the use of believing in so many things. Here's an obstacle I don't know how to solve!" And I tell you: Any obstacle can only be solved with the heart. The more you make that obstacle a physical and real wall, the more it will increase. When you take that wall and turn it into a shapeless thing and you little by little begin to mold it in your hands, making it a little smaller each time, acting with it as if you were children playing with play dough in your hands. And you'll find it enjoyable, squeezing that mass so big and so misshapen, but with each squeeze, it shrinks a little, and it gets softer and smoother for you to squeeze. Because you made it a joke, you took the strength away from that wall, it ceased to be a wall, it became something that you manipulate, and that you, with your hands and your child's joy, mold, squeeze, shrink, condense that mass that used to be so fluffy and now it is becoming compact, but smaller and smaller. And there will come a time when if the joy of your heart in that game is so great, that dough will simply disappear from your hands. And you'll look at that wall and you won't see it anymore, because you faced it with the real strength it has, which is none. And there will come a time when if the joy of your heart in that game is so great, that dough will simply disappear from your hands. And you'll look at that wall and you won't see it anymore, because you faced it with the real strength it has, which is none. And there will come a time when if the joy of your heart in that game is so great, that dough will simply disappear from your hands. And you'll look at that wall and you won't see it anymore, because you faced it with the real strength it has which is none.

The strength of any obstacle is placed by their minds. The obstacle is always a lesson, and it is often small and easy to resolve, but when you look at it with anger, with disbelief, it becomes that insurmountable wall, because you gave it strength to grow, you gave it strength for it to become a wall. Every lesson in your path will never be greater than what you will be able to do with it. All, you have the ability to resolve. All. But everything has to come from the heart, it has to be that look of a child, of a sweet game of kneading dough.

Look at your problems this way, and realize that more and more you will feel your hearts growing. More and more you will look at everything with different eyes. Things will no longer seem strange and you will be unable to resolve them. And always remember: You are connected to Gaia, to a global consciousness, and every point that you resolve, you reach the global consciousness too, because you are part of it.

Each change of each affects the Whole. No one is imperceptible to the Whole. The Whole is the sum of all the energies of humans on this planet. If one changes that reverberates and the change begins to happen in the Whole. So my brothers, Celestia and I are always here. Our children are always here ready to help you see things as a game. Call on our children, they will bring you joy, naivety, and that seeing the Whole with the eyes of a child, with eyes in which nothing is very important, everything is easy to live, to change.

Believe my brothers, we are here to help you. The time has come for our union. Ask for our help. As much as you think nothing is happening, each one that connects with us starts to be part of our journey too. If you still don't see it or feel it or know it, it's because the time is not yet; your mind is not quite ready for what we have to show you. But don't give up, keep going.

The process is not as fast as you might think, but it is happening. Just let us help you. Let our children carry the joy and naivety, the sweetness, into your hearts. But don't take this naivety as something you will make fools of on your planet; it's that naivety of seeing everything from the perspective of a child, of seeing each wall as a game, as something that they can somehow climb and reach the other side, without fear, because that's how children are.

So let yourself live for this joy. Connect with them, and rest assured, your walk will be much more fun.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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