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Awakening Earth: Ascension and Transformation Journey
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- Written by Kathleen Elaine
The Earth's electromagnetic field activated the planet's crystalline grid, which resulted in higher frequencies.
Some ascendants are experiencing various Ascension responses, such as stronger synchronicities and improvements in multidimensional design. Magnetic activations are taking place in the auric electric field, expanding and absorbing light levels of high intensity. Ascended and multidimensional light beings from different photonic rays are sending these energies to Earth, helping to accelerate the ascension of many souls.
The Earth, Gaia, is currently undergoing an intense internal transformation, with purification, cleansing and healing that occur in the collective consciousness of Ascension. Star Seed Souls, which have been ascending for years, will experience a unique and highly charged activation. Significant updates and improvements are taking place in its human form, in the internal structures of the Earth, Gaia, in a profound way. This activation of unification in the conscious collective is unprecedented on this planet.
There is a high volume in the activity of solar flares impacting the Earth, which results in rewards such as unexpected blessings, expanded unconditional love, stronger empathy and compassion. The outer planetary energies are also emitting strong photonic, plasma-based crystalline particles, which significantly increases the vibrational energies on Earth. Many Starseeds are experiencing expansion in their heart chakra and third eye, as well as a deep cleansing of the central part of all their cells and cellular structures.
Gaia consciousness, like ours, has complexities with many levels and layers that require continuous processing, transmutation and healing of the inner core. This current activation on our planet is sending high vibrational energies, incorporating unconditional love and compassionate support. Evolved ascending beings will feel the effects of the transformations of this transition when we enter the tenth month of the year, known for self-transformation. The zero-number magnification effect in this sequence makes it an extremely powerful and strong activation.
Star Seeds and Gaia consciousness are working together to make the necessary changes and raise the planet's collective consciousness. Ascending humans are feeling less connected to their past selves and have entered a new version of themselves, by activating the original and divine model and paradigm. There was a reconnection of neural pathways, increasing the clarity of consciousness and a stronger sense of identity, trust, faith, trust and conviction as sovereign beings on the rise.
The consciousness of the fifth dimension and beyond is now being activated in unique and different ways. There is a stronger recognition of vibrational alignment. Star Seeds undergo a complex recalibration in their physical, emotional and mental bodies, a metaphysical process that can seem challenging at different stages of Ascension.
Many ascendant individuals are experiencing the activation of Akashic remembrance, connecting them to their past selves and their Akashic heritage. Throughout this transformation journey, Star Seeds have an established Ascension light team, made up of highly intelligent forces of divine loving energies, helping and supporting them at all times.
By @awakeningdivine
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