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Ashtar Sheran - The Liberation of the Human Race

Ashtar Sheran - The Liberation of the Human Race

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

My joy today is not only because I can come here again to be with you all. My happiness is added to the joy of all the galactic brothers around your planet. The victories are happening every day. You may ask, "What victories?

We see nothing; we know nothing." This is the most significant victory; we can do what we must do without any fanfare, despair, or movement on the planet. This is the best tactic in a war: acting on the lookout, acting without the enemy noticing, with great caution, and constantly analyzing before the next step how far you can be hit. And we have achieved just that.

The enemy still has some power, but not to attack the innocents of the planet; this power they no longer have. Don't judge situations just by what you see. There is a lot of lying and makeup in everything that is shown. Don't make hasty judgments so that tomorrow you won't regret it. The time is now to trust the Light, the Light that is 100% implanted on your planet. There is no longer any kind of blockage. The Light of the Central Sun reaches this planet with maximum intensity, releasing, displaying, and causing all truths to emerge.

There is no more hiding, no more deceiving, no more acting in the shadows because there are no more shadows. Everything is Light, and the Light reveals everything, exposes everything. How to know something is wrong? Knowing the truth about that fact. Now, you just have to be careful because the media uses every fact as an incentive to despair, to prove that everything is getting worse every day. The great wisdom is to look at the fact positively. Something terrible has been exposed, be grateful that it has been revealed. Don't vibrate the negative side, don't vibrate the action that the media provokes. Vibrate the fact like the Light winning. What was hidden was exposed for everyone to be aware of the fact. This is the Light at work. It's not the evil actions; it's the Light.

But they insist on showing that this is their world, where only evil exists. But the energy is different if you look at each fact through the optics of Light. So don't spread anything, don't comment, see, thank the Light for exposing the truth, don't judge, because no one is there to be judged, and just forget it. Learn that lesson, learn the fact shown, and be done with it. This is how you will have to act from now on because more and more, they will try to show horrifying things, bizarre things, precisely to shock, to increase fear towards your world.

Your world is moving towards the Light, so if each of you doesn't spread the energy they put in, it doesn't make your world any worse. Your world worsens because people spread the negative energy they put on, not because the world is the way it is. So each of you should look, be grateful for what the Light is showing, and just forget about it. Rip it out of your mind and heart. That does not concern you; that person does not affect you. It will not be you who will judge him. He will judge himself because he will get back what he has committed. It will not be you who will change that, neither improving nor worsening. You can make your world worse if you go into that energy.

Everything is being exposed; there is no longer any way to hide anything. So know how to face each exposed thing, just understand that there is no way to hide it anymore. There is only Light now on the planet. Everything is moving in stride, and you will be surprised how everything will happen. Our appearance is already programmed. We no longer depend on the energy of the planet. We have reached the point where we have already established the day that we will arrive en masse on your planet. How will the human race react? I'm not going to say it will be a reaction where everyone will clap for us. On the contrary, there will be a lot of attacks and talk. We will do nothing. We will only appear; as first contact, as you call it. One of us will descend to your planet and speak to humanity. We still don't know who it will be, but rest assured that you will see us en masse in your skies one fine day.

And this day is already marked; we no longer depend on your energy. We got to the point where we needed to make this happen. And from there, the entire awakening process of the planet will be triggered. How will it happen? You will see it every day. So just wait. Those who wait for this day with love will raise their arms and applaud us; the vast majority will not. So be very careful with your own positions towards others. We don't want you to be attacked or ridiculed. If you want to receive us with love, do it in your heart, fill your hearts with joy and accept us. Rest assured that we will feel your love. But don't expose yourself; there's no need to expose yourself. Just feel us, and we'll feel you.

So this is the big news. Don't focus on who gives dates because only the great leaders know the date, and we certainly won't pass it on to you. So don't believe anyone who passes dates. Everyone is here for this, so at any time, we'll just say: Reveal yourselves! And all will reveal themselves. It will be simple, fast, and easy. Be ready. Those who love us set your hearts on fire because we're coming. Those who still doubt, as you say, will pay to see.

So just know, you've hit the sweet spot. Is it the perfect spot? No, it's not. Will it be easy? No, it won't. Will it be peaceful? No, it won't. But I can say it never would be, so we need to start. And what we had to do on its surface has already been done. So be ready, not anxious, just prepared, for when your skies darken, not because of the lack of Light, but because of the size of our ships, you know: "The time has come, they are here!".

At this moment, all the galactic brothers will be clapping for you because they will know and be sure that at that moment, the process of liberation of the human race begins.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

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Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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