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Ashtar Sheran: Embrace Your True Potential Now

Ashtar Sheran: Embrace Your True Potential Now

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

Feel our presence in your hearts. Don't just trust what your eyes see. You have to feel. You have to believe. That all our energy is mixed with the energy of Light, which abounds on this planet right now.

The Light is entirely in Gaia. There is not a point that is not receiving Light. And everything is being transformed. Everything is being cleaned. The carpets no longer exist. The masks all fell off. And little by little, the truth will emerge. No, it won't be all at once. The process is slow, so that you can assimilate, also slowly.

There is no point in wanting to bring all knowledge, all truth, at once. There needs to be time for it to settle in your minds. You need to understand. You need to listen, analyze, and incorporate into your beliefs, into your bodies, everything that will be seen and said.

Don't have wild ideas about what will happen. Everything will be very simple. We're not going to do any shows. We will not bring more disorder than already exists on the planet. We are bringing Love, Love and truth. The truth alone will be enough to generate many problems.

So, we need to go slowly and gradually, so that everyone can absorb it, without overloading their own minds. Many wonder when the transition to the Fifth Dimension will be. What will it be like? What will you feel? So I would tell you that everything is already happening. Their bodies are changing. And in a short time, you will begin to notice some differences.

Don't expect to be transparent, subtle, as you say. The road to this phenomenon is still very long. Your cells are being modified, so that they can absorb all the Light that is coming. I could say that you have already come a good part of the way, but there is still a lot to be done.

So don't think it's going to be like a switch that we turn on and you all light up. Everything is already happening. Changes have been happening for a long time. Only you are more worried about tomorrow than about the here and now. I would say the following, if all of you who are awake today, at this moment, now, all stopped, and in one thought, thought of something, you would materialize it. Because you already have the strength to do so. You already have the knowledge for this. And your bodies already have enough Light for this.

But you always worry about what's going to happen soon, about tomorrow. Where the power of each of you is in the now, in the moment. The moment to interpret each event as something that is coming for your evolution. And accept it. It doesn't matter what arrives or how it arrives. It could be a problem that is initially insoluble, or a problem that you have avoided your entire life. But now it stands in front of you, stopping you from walking.
And I tell you that he will never leave your face, because the time has come for you to look him in the face..

I could say that the imbalance that is happening to people on your planet is exactly that. They don't know how to deal with their shadows. And they take out their anger on the other, because he doesn't know how to deal with it. Because several shadows are jumping in front of her, and she can't walk; can't get through. So she attacks the other, violates the other, hurts the other. Blaming him for those feelings she can't resolve.

And then I would say, why can't you resolve it? Because we need to break paradigms. It is necessary to break the dogmas that have been taught. You need to understand that, mainly, each one of you is responsible for each of the shadows that appear. They are yours. The shadow that appears in front is yours. Nobody put her there. She is yours. It's the return on your actions.

So looking at this is difficult, because you don't like to admit your mistakes. You really like to point out other people's mistakes. So, when those shadows jump in front, many don't know what to do. Because they don't accept that it's yours. Therefore, there is this feeling of increasing imbalance, of increasing violence.

People are lost. And don't forget that there is a negative egregore with maximum power in the air. So, when the heart fills with anger, they connect with this egregore, which is at maximum power. And they lose their own control, they become puppets of this great egregore.

That's why we say so many times: Vibrate loudly, vibrate Love, vibrate Light, so that you don't connect with this egregore that is there. It's their last move. There's nothing more for them to do. And this egregore comes through communications. This is their great asset. Because if communications cease, each of you will live your own little world. You won't know what the world will be like far away. And it would be much easier for you to reach balance. Because you wouldn't know anything.

Will this be the future? Perhaps. This power must be broken. Because it is through communications that they mentally act on you; with subliminal messages in every sentence that is said, in every program you watch, in every film that you think is wonderful. There they are working on your mind. If we take away this weapon, a lot of things change.

But we cannot say that it will be a bed of roses. Because today you lost the habit of talking. Everyone takes care of their own device. You don't know what it's like to talk anymore; what it means to exchange ideas. When they talk, they have no subject. So, the lack of communication would bring another serious problem: the lack of rapport in families..

So you realize that nothing can be done abruptly and definitively? We need to analyze, we need to analyze every consequence of what will be done. So when we say the process is underway, that's exactly why. It is ongoing and you don't realize it. And this is wonderful, because it is a sign that we are not causing more problems than what you already experience.

So, the important thing right now is to live in the here and now. It's vibrating loudly, here and now. It's about being Light here and now. Because by doing this, in the present, you are building what you will walk in the future. So why keep thinking about the future, worried about the future? The future will be, what you create here and now.

So put all your strength, your thoughts, your Love, your energy in the now. Fill yourself with Light, not now. And you will be sure that your future will be bright. That's what you need to think about. Stop looking so much into the future. Worry about yourself in the now, in the present moment. And believe me, everything is already happening. The change is already happening.

Each time you go up an octave. I would say that you are close to the threshold, the end of the Third Dimension. And the moment you access the first octaves of the Fourth, definitely, because many are already there, but they come and go, due to the inconstancy of the energy; for those moments of anger that are not compatible. Remember: The Fourth Dimension is clean. She is no longer the threshold.

So, many of you are already vibrating the Fourth Dimension. They just need to believe it. They need to accept this. Trust that. And ask the Higher Self, the Divine Presence to show you which path you are on, where you are? What are you already capable of? I guarantee you, you will be surprised at what you would be able to do today. But they don't do it because they don't believe; because they are afraid; because they think everything will come at once. That you will see happen, that you will feel happen, you are already feeling it.

The Light is at its maximum power too. And that's where many are feeling their bodies completely disorganized. Don't see everything as an illness. Their bodies are trying to understand what is happening. Try not to fill yourself with medicines. It is clear that some imbalances need to be addressed. But try not to believe that everything is a disease.

Talk to your bodies. Don't find this funny. Talk to your bodies. “This is what I’m feeling, are you trying to warn me that something is wrong or is this just your transformation?” And he will answer you. Create a code. Create a code between you. And the body will respond. Whatever is an imbalance, look for a professional and take care of yourself. But I guarantee you that not everything will be.

So worry about living in the here and now. In balance, in Light, in trust. And, above all, believing in the power you have. Believing in what you are already capable of doing.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Image CrystalWind.ca


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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