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Ashtar: Secrets Behind Chemtrails and Oarfish Warnings

Ashtar: Secrets Behind Chemtrails and Oarfish Warnings

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am communicating to you from my spaceship about important matters in your reality.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, many of you quite often bring up the question about our involvement in your transformation process into multidimensional realms. You need to put this concern to rest, without our interference your planet would have exploded into pieces a long time ago. Your governments carry dangerous weapons, like nuclear missiles and my space fleet takes care of any unexpected negative events or situations, that would threaten the existence of the whole human civilization. We are watching Mother Gaia from the skies and in space 24/7.

Many of you including the Light Community are very concerned about being poisoned by the chemtrails. Nothing to worry about, originally the Dark Ones had them released from a high altitude, by the time it reached the people on the ground, it was dissolved. When the Negative Ones realized that it had no effect on the human population, they changed their strategy by spraying the chemtrails from a much lower height in the sky. I assigned a special space fleet on a consistence basis to remove the negative effects from the chemtrails.

It has been over 5 years since my team has been on this assignment. Otherwise humanity would have been wiped out by now from the planet. Every day you see these chemtrails being sprayed above your heads in the sky, you think your just magically are surviving them day after day? Of course not, our starships are neutralizing the poisonous effects from these chemtrails with our advance technology. We can’t eliminate these planes directly, as we are not allowed to intervene to that degree, and most of them are being flown by humans. These human pilots get paid per gallon sprayed, the more chemtrails they spray, the more money they make, so they try to fill up the whole plane with chemtrail tanks. Unfortunately, humanity will do anything for money.

Now, I am going to bring to everyone’s attention about a very unusual fish in your waters called an oarfish on Mother Earth, which is rarely seen by human beings. This fish can grow up 26 feet or 8m in length. Actually, these giants came from the Blue Galaxy 55 and accidentally were brought by one of the Galactic civilizations, who landed on Gaia for a short visit a millions years ago. They carried these fishes to their homeland on a mothership and decided to leave a few of them in the Earth’s oceans.

Two fishermen caught one of the oarfish in Australia, humans call it as a doomsday fish. The nickname is derived from ancient folklore, especially in the countries like Japan, where spotting the oarfish considers ominous. These creatures have been associated with forthcoming natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes. They come as a warning sign to alert people to prepare for any disasters. That’s not true at all, it’s just a big, long fish that swims up and down. No natural disaster will happen, because the oarfish got washed up on a beach. This fish doesn’t have any power to create or predict a disaster. It likes to hide from everybody, so it stays in a very deep ocean.

This is not uncommon many fish end up on a shore, even sharks or mammals like dolphins and whales wash up on the beaches sand. Humankind in general entertains a lot of superstitions, mostly for negative reasons. The superstitions were created by the Dark Ones to scare humanity. It’s time to stay alert, on what is really happening around you, and not to react to negative and not accurate information spread by Darkness. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Sending My Supreme Love to my Brothers and Sisters.

Be Aware of Lies and False Information


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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