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Ashtar: 2023 Will Be A Restless But Special Year

Ashtar: 2023 Will Be A Restless But Special Year

2023 will be a restless year on all fronts, with the truth emerging from a deep darkness. Understand yourself and everything that unbalances your system, because many impulses enter you. Dream yourself free and make the switch.


Old spiritual dogmas are being rejected and new ways of strengthening faith arise, in which the belief in one's own strength becomes central. Old religious forms are filtered out and purified. They are only ways of expressing the divine, but the divisions from without must be lifted. The personal items are dealt with firmly. Confrontation on all levels.


Many will make an important transition this coming year, because many opportunities cross your path. Don't be alarmed and make your choice from peace of mind. Do not reject this confrontational change but take a short break and focus your attention on the silence within yourself. Choose from your heart, but don't hesitate too long. As suddenly as it can appear, as suddenly as it can disappear again. Be on the lookout, because the deception is also there.


Politics makes strange movements, unpredictable and abrupt left and right, so that your mind becomes confused. Don't let this happen and stand in the middle. Choose your position from tranquility so that peace continues to resonate in your heart.

Be the center point in your own strength and choose the middle ground in that which confuses you. Don't let yourself be involuntarily dragged into something that doesn't suit you. Positive beliefs can act as a revelation and enrich your mind.


Those who touch your heart with their conviction form the pillars of light and lead you to the new route: 'The transfer point'.

These are the turning points in your life and they show you where you are stuck. Many turning points abound in 2023. Don't be distressed if you have missed an opportunity, as new opportunities are emerging all the time.


The great shift from old to new can lead to wonderful things, with many new groupings emerging. There is an abundance of new opportunities, don't let them go unused. It can overwhelm you and leave you exhausted? Then pay close attention when your boundary is brought down. Don't get overconfident but stay grounded. The energy of Mother Earth helps you further on your path, but always make the connection. Feel her energy and feel your body, connect the two and then look up. The crown opens to the cosmic energy, allowing the living light to enter you.


The energetic antennae on the head point to the cosmos and connect, opening the mind for a new birth. This new birth will settle in your heart and when the ratio gets stuck it becomes fearful, switch to your feeling and let your inner light shine. Ask for help on your path and the world of light will help you.

Choose the path of change and make the transition from a good feeling. You will see that you can deal better with the new opportunities that present themselves again and again. It is a special process and certainly not boring. Do not get overstimulated by the many events that arise around you.


The economy is also going in many directions, which is causing a lot of unrest. A part seems to be going well, while on the other side so much seems to go wrong. Here also applies, find the middle of this situation and stand firm.

In the heart of the storm where the silence reigns and the overview becomes clear, you can distinguish what suits you. Put your focus on that.


The war between Russia vs Ukraine continues quietly in the background and is pushed to the forefront at some point. Tensions surrounding nuclear weapons arise for a short period of time. A wave of fear comes over the world, but is also suppressed again.

Due to the rapid shifts in the timelines, unexpected knots arise. These are accumulations of old fields of tension, resulting in strange situations. They arise suddenly but are also spontaneously resolved. The divine light world helps with this.


You will experience that the intentions you set are manifested from the heart. This gives a wonderful feeling of power. Many wonderful experiences open up and thoughts are reflected almost instantly in reality. Connect your feelings with the inner light and let the heart speak. Distinguish the inner and outer stimuli and choose a new form of limitation. The old one no longer fits.


It will be a lot, but also a special year of deepening. Deep in your heart you know this is about to happen. The dream memory opens through the cosmic consciousness and therefore you know what it is. You also know which direction to go in order to increase the higher consciousness towards self-realization.

Everything is completely different this Year

Train yourself to travel to the inner light, where your true power is present. Where a new intelligence is born, it can lead you to a suitable solution.


Those who want to stay in the old fight against themselves. Do you recognize this and do you not get any further in a process, let go of the old form! Dare to step into the unknown.

Outside of you, the chaos rages around you like a storm and you usually have no control over it, focus on what you can change.


The transition is embraced by the youth, they have been waiting for this opening. Now they can stand up in the new power of the new future.

In this great shift many are exposed to extreme changes. You can speak from your own conviction, so that others are opened and can connect with this intention. Love and compassion forms the connection in everything.

Bring love to the Center Point of Balance and everything becomes Clear.

Adonai Ashtar

I salute the Light in your heart
01 January 2023

Translation By CrystalWind.ca
mage: Josephine Wall


Ashtar is a consciousness with a very intelligent ability, contactees include George van Tassel, Tuella and many others.
Ashtar is an ethereal light being, a loving intelligence and he consists of pure Light and works with the healing Rainbow colors. From a wave of love I have to meet Ashtar. This revelation of the Light opened my cosmic consciousness. When this happens  then he opens the veils. The true memory who you really are comes to above. Once man was a beautiful being with a lot of Light power and special talents. The memory of an Earthly Paradise is no fantasy and is hidden deep in the heart of everyone. A very intense desire now arises to reunite all of this into wholeness again. ©Arthura

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