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Are You A Creator? Group Of Nine Says Awaken!

Are You A Creator? Group Of Nine Says Awaken!

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day from afar, watching the magical game that is unfolding on your planet.

It is a wonderful time to be here and come together to celebrate unity. We see you quite differently than you see yourselves. You are creator beings, dear ones, unaware that you are creator beings. And there are some fascinating things taking place with that.

Eris’s Feminine Imprint

Let’s journey back a few months to revisit the remarkable encounter Earth had with the planet Eris. This meeting marked a significant crossroad in our cosmic timeline, showcasing Eris’s rapid evolution and substantial balance. The planet Eris has changed quite a bit, and Earth is trying to make those same shifts now. Although she has not been quite as successful as Eris with these changes, Earth still has the energy from the timeline cross. There was almost a release of the energy holding everything in place, which allowed the advancement to go even further.

The feminine energy is also clearly on Earth and here to help you in many different ways. But because of your customs and the ways that you have created your world, the anchoring of that feminine energy is the most difficult part. Because Eris created the energy in the opposite direction, you can see how many of these attributes have blended together there in different ways. The dynamics on Eris offer an intriguing contrast, particularly in how femininity is expressed through the act of childbirth. This physical aspect, inherent in nature and especially pronounced in realms characterized by duality, underscores the profound capability of creation. When you come together and focus on something in partnership, it creates magic.

Ego Balance

There is a new energy pulling people into a higher positioning. You are creator beings, you are god. But the challenge you have to deal with is an ego that tells you, “Oh, you’re not as good as the others.” Or other times it tells you, “You’re way better compared to them. “It is a challenging balancing act that every earthling must deal with, and it is not easy. Well, no one said that this life would be easy. But we did tell you that you’d enjoy it, and there opportunities directly in front of you to join together and connect.

Overcoming the Division

You also have many things that are trying to divide you. Politics are absolutely amazing for us to watch on this side of the veil. People are so successful at dividing you and making you think that you are on opposite sides. But if you stand back and consider the big picture, you all want the same thing and you’re simply trying to figure out the easiest way to do it. Yes, it’s a fascinating view from our perspective to watch the division and craziness that takes place. When you come together and focus on something, that’s when universal magic is unleashed. And at that moment it is sent in multiple directions, simultaneously.

Creator Beings

Take a breath, dear ones. What can you all can agree on and focus on for a short time? Humans did that with the recent solar eclipse, which was a bright spot in your timeline. Humanity came together on many levels and shared a common cosmic event in peace. Without the need for conspiracies or power struggles, humans shared and celebrated a commonality.  And when that happens, it brings you out of your division. You are creative beings, so if you expect a miracle, you will create it.

Whatever you can balance between your head and your heart will manifest in front of you. This was a perfect opportunity to bring humanity back together, and simply focus on the beauty that was taking place in front of you. It was a bright spot in the vibrational lines of humanity and it set the tone for what is to come.

Empathic Stress

Take a breath, dear ones, and anchor that light. Beautiful. Many of you are so empathic that you feel everyone else around you. You pick up energy from other people, things, and events that you wish to balance, because it’s your nature to balance things. But if you’re unable to balance it in some way, then it lands in your body as a stress. Wherever you store stress in your physical body, later on that can result in dis-ease or illness. The idea is to start learning ways to release that stress, and part of it has to do with satisfying your own needs.

You come first, dear ones, but that’s very difficult for empathic beings to understand. It is time to learn to develop healthy energetic boundaries in your life, for this will help balance the stress. Because you believe in polarity and all the other illusions of planet Earth, you feel that when you take something from someone—even if it’s your own energy—they are actually losing that. In truth, when you exchange energy, it creates even more energy. Setting boundaries does not mean that you close people off. It means that you have boundaries, which allows you to choose to let people in. It is so important that you choose the boundaries, rather than whomever you are working with. You have capabilities beyond your understanding, and we ask you to put yourself first in every aspect.

Self-First vs Selfish

The Keeper (used to identify Steve) flew all over the world for many years and still is flying. And when he gets on an airplane, the attendants go through a routine where they talk about the exit points and safety information. At one point, they tell you that if the cabin loses pressure an oxygen mask will drop. And then always right after that they say, “If you’re traveling with a small child or anyone else who needs assistance, please put on your oxygen mask first.”

Now, that’s an interesting concept. The truth of the matter is, dear ones, most parents will focus on their children first, especially empathic people. But the reality is, the child will survive much longer without the air than the adult will. There’s a reason that you’re told that, but in reality, you must put yourself first, even before your children.

You must also put yourself before your partner, you simply have to come first. It’s not easy for an empath who is dealing with a balanced ego to know that they must stand at the front of the line. Why? Because they feel like they are being selfish, or that by doing so they make everyone else wait a little bit. When in truth, you are filling your basket so that you can turn around and give more to the other people behind you. We’ll share with you the short version, dear ones. It’s simply to be able to say, “No.” And do so with love in your heart and a smile on your face, straight from the authentic self and your spirit. Because you address your needs, you address every aspect of who you are in this moment, first.

You are the magicians of the gameboard, it’s very simple. Do you believe in magic? We do. And here you are playing the game again. Many of you are last-timers, yet here you are firmly investing your hearts in planet Earth to graduate to another level of existence in this game. It’s why you came back right now. And all of these other light beings watching this now have traveled back 300 years from the future to be here in this exact moment, in this junction of time-space. Well done, dear ones, you made it.

Healthy Energy Boundaries

Fulfill your needs and know that you’re not being selfish by being authentic. Your spirit is playing a game inside of a physical body. Your physical body has needs and you address those most of the time. But your emotional body also has needs. Sometimes you just want to get angry, but you don’t know if that will be accepted by others so you often hold in those emotions.

Please allow yourself to get angry and to be a human in every aspect. Play the game and play it well, dear ones. Re-member, you are the magicians of the game board and we can’t wait to see what you do next. It’s going to be an exciting ride! The reality is that what you are doing here in the next several months will set the energy for the next 50 years on planet Earth. That’s why you wanted to be here now so ride the wave, because you’re right on time.

Enjoy this journey, dear ones. Make it something very special and unique, let your spirit come alive. It’s a cosmic wink from the universe to let you know that you are in the right place at the right time. So, take that energy and walk firmly in the confidence of who you are as a fulfilled being, placing yourself first. That’s the imprint that will set everything into motion going forward. Well done, dear ones. The energies are certainly lining up and we can’t wait to watch what happens next. You have created this magical time, but also know that the magic is within you. We are here to reflect you, to hold the mirror in front of you, so that you can re-member your magic and who you truly are. You are awakening from the dream every moment, and it’s so exciting for us to watch.

Welcome Home, dear ones. We are the Group of Nine. We are complete, and so are you. Know that every step you take on Earth is leaving a trail of light behind you, for you are teachers and healers of the greatest magnitude. Treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together as you step up into the next level.

Espavo, dear ones. Thank you for taking your power.

The Group of Nine(Now they let me capitalize the Group)

The Group:  Espavo Awakening


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