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An Atlantean Journey Remembered
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- Written by AndEl

One of my other lives that I was shown by Master Kuthumi during the late 1990s, when He was acting as my Guide, was the story in installments, of a journey that I made with my family, from the Atlantean isle of Aryan to Mexico.
Atlantis was not just one city or island or continent. It consisted of at least five islands that were scattered across the Atlantic Ocean from near to The Straits Of Gibraltar to the island of Cuba in the Caribbean. Aryan was the largest of these islands and was located in mid-Atlantic.
There were many large pyramids on Aryan with temples on top where the priests lived. As our story opens, I was a mid-ranking priest in one of those temples. This was at a time when the dark ones were coming to power and attaining to positions in the priesthood. They were subverting many with their egotistical and self-serving teachings, and as the leader of my family, I was concerned that members of my family might be influenced by them. At this same time, a move was afoot amongst the priests of “The One”, who held to the old values and teachings, to remove to places of safety; far from the clutches of the dark ones, the “Crystal Books”, which were in the form of crystal skulls. These books had been programmed with a vast amount of information on the history of Atlantis; extraterrestrial civilizations with whom we were in contact, and the technology that they had shared with us, and many spiritual rights and workings of the priesthood of “The One”. The priests of that priesthood had been trained in the method of tapping the knowledge stored within the crystal books, but had deemed it unwise to share this method with the dark, egotistical priests. Some of the priests of “The One” had the gift of viewing what was to come, and had seen that the dark ones would bring destruction upon our civilization; so the decision was taken at the higher levels, to remove the books to places of safety. The two places chosen were the countries known today as Egypt and Mexico.
As one who was already concerned about the influence of the dark ones on my family members, and who had also been trained to read the crystal books, I was one of the volunteers chosen to convey them to safety. I was told to prepare to travel with the books, to Mexico. Others were told that their destination was Egypt.
I began the preparations for our journey by tuning a number of very large crystal points, two feet or more long, to a certain resonant frequency so that they all resonated with each other. This was done by a method that has been lost today. I then arranged the long crystals in a big circle, like standing stones, and the members of my family with their luggage and the crystal books, sat within this circle, chanted a mantra and meditated. Our aim was to teleport across a thousand miles of ocean to a small room in the apex of a pyramid that was the receiving point. As we each visualized this pyramid, we saw in our inner vision, the pyramid arcing through the air toward us, as if it were coming to us. We passed through it’s side and arrived in a small room in the apex. We had now teleported to the distant point which was located on what is known today as “The Bahama Bank”and is under water. This island was called “Poseidia”. Cuba is the only part of it that remains above water today, but underwater pyramids have recently been photographed in the waters of The Bahama Bank nearby.
On our arrival, I discovered that my younger sister had failed to teleport with the rest of our family, so I sent my daughter, who was a young priestess, to return and try again to bring her. She did so and soon returned with my sister. She had been influenced by the dark ones, which had pulled her vibrational frequency down so that she had been unable to teleport with the rest of us.
Our destination, Mexico, was a wild place that our Atlantean civilization had not yet reached, so there was no pyramidal teleportation reception point to travel to. On this leg of the journey we had to take ship along with many others who had been directed to the same destination. I was the “librarian” and was charged with the safekeeping of the crystal books, which were stowed safely in the hold of the ship.
Eventually, we were deposited on a deserted beach on the shores of Mexico, along with our precious cargo, and set off on a long hike up a nearby river, in search of a suitable location to build our settlement. We each wore a kind of turban that doubled as a scarf or shawl, as the free end was long and could be wound around our neck to hang over our shoulder. Each day one of us priests would levitate high in the air to look ahead for a suitable place near the river, to build our compound.
After many days on the march, a suitable place was located, and we camped out while we built the compound and several huts within it. There were separate huts for the women and and for the men. As a mid-ranking priest, I was placed in charge of one of the men’s huts. It was long, with a trench about one foot deep down the middle, and raised sleeping platforms on either side. At night, fires were lit at intervals along the central trench, with smoke holes in the thatched roof above. Each night, the women would place a pile of round, flat maize loaves by each fire and in the morning, we men would be awakened by the chief priest, who would walk through the hut saying;- “ Come on (the name of my priest rank) get your people up !”. —- He was a big burly man with a Gold belt and Golden cross- belts of a chief priest on his White robe, and an imposing, commanding air about him. We would sit up on our bed rolls, wrapping our Indian-style blankets around our shoulders as it was quite chilly early in the morning. We would stir the embers of the fires and toast the maize loaves on a stick over them, for breakfast.
We soon encountered the local inhabitants. They were hunter gatherers and regarded us as “The Gods”. They wore animal skins, so the White and Gold robes that we wore, and the fact that we could do amazing things like levitating ourselves, and cutting and levitating large blocks of stone, made us “Gods” in their eyes. We did not disillusion them as it was safer to be a “God”. We introduced them to agriculture. The women showed them how to plant Maize and bake bread. Maize has come down in the ancient history of that region, as a gift of the “Gods” from across the Eastern Sea. I recall going on the hunt with them. They had no horses but could run like the wind and chase down game. I could not keep up with them on foot, and resorted to levitating and `flying’ just above and behind them, which all added to my reputation as a “God”.
We Atlanteans lived much longer lives than the average life today because of our higher vibrational frequency; at least a few hundred years, barring accidents. We moved out of our compound and built stone houses and many pyramids in a very short time with the stone cutting and levitating abilities of the priesthood. Eventually, I attained the rank of Chief Priest, and as I was still the `Librarian’, I had my own library pyramid, where I would teach the neophyte priests how to read the crystal books.
Eventually, there came a day when a priest interrupted my lesson to tell me that the dark ones had been reported approaching, a long way off as yet, but in large numbers, like an army. It was essential that the crystal books should not be allowed to fall into their hands, so as Chief Priest, I gathered all the priests together in the library pyramid and explained to them about the imminent arrival of the dark ones, and had each one swear an oath to protect the crystal books with their lives. Each one without exception took the oath and no one was allowed to leave. I led them to a passageway that ran across just under the apex of the pyramid. At a certain point in the roof of this tunnel I pushed up on a stone slab with my staff. It pivoted upward and revealed a secret room that only the priesthood knew existed. We levitated ourselves and the crystal books up into this secret chamber and closed the slab. It was agreed amongst us that if anyone tried to leave the chamber, he would be killed by the others to protect the books. No one tried to leave, and as it was a sealed chamber we all asphyxiated in a short time.
No one outside of the priesthood knew of the existence of the secret chamber, and there was much speculation about what had happened to the priests. Some said that they had dematerialized themselves, but it remained a great mystery. Their selfless action ensured that the crystal books never fell into the hands of the dark ones.
Several of the Souls who played a part in this story are incarnate with me again today. The one who was my mother in this life, was my mother in that life too. The one who was my daughter;- the young priestess, is now my niece. She is a “Soulmate” of many other lives, in various relationships; male and female. The one who was my younger sister who failed to teleport, is my elder sister; the mother of my niece today. The one who was the big, burly Chief Priest, who walked through my hut in the morning, is now an elderly lady who is very frail (A puff of wind would blow her away) She is a close friend and is a very gifted reader of crystals and crystal skulls. The one who was my wife in that time frame, is now a beautiful dental hygienist who lives in Atlanta GA in the USA. She and I have a very close telepathic connection.
Many familiar Souls travel with us on each life’s journey.
Rananda Kumara via (walk-in) Cdr Zanna, on 26th November 2015.
Love and Blessings from Rananda.
About this “channel” David [Rananda]
It is important not to just accept without question, whatever material anyone who comes along presents and clains that it comes from Spirit. Highly evolved Souls have a sure fire way to check the authenticity of any such material. Does it ring true?– Does it have “vibrations”?–Is the source claiming to be a great teacher/guru?
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