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Adama: Overcome Challenges with the Power of Love

Adama: Overcome Challenges with the Power of Love

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM ADAMA!

I bring to each of you a lot of gratitude, a lot of Love, a lot of Light.

Tough times, right? But everything is necessary, for learning, for evolution. These were not easy times for our people either. Those were very difficult times. But we learned our lesson. And you will also undertake.
All those who have a pure heart, are ready for evolution, will learn each lesson applied.

It is necessary to always have an open heart; the heart full of Love and Light, before looking at any problem. When you look at the problem with your mind, it becomes immense; It looks like an animal wanting to devour them. And then comes the fear, the anguish, and above all, all those ideas that everything will go wrong, that you won't be able to get through it..

This is all because he is being looked at with the mind. It is being looked at from the perspectives of your world, your society, the imposed rules. When this happens, solutions never appear. Each problem must be looked at with the heart. You need to ask yourself what the problem is trying to show you; what teaching is coming with him?

Filling the heart with Light, filling the mind with Light, it will become small, it will become easy to resolve, it will become simple, almost like magic. Even when the problem involves other people, you can make it a small problem. Because when you look at it with Love, all this Love that you are passing on, reaches the people involved. And there is no more powerful weapon to destroy any feeling, whatever it may be, other than Love.

So emanate a lot of Love, always. In any situation. Only he will be able to destroy anything that comes, that is not Love. Even if it involves other people. Understand, do not emanate Love to people; it's not necessary. You emanate Love towards the problem. And this Love emanated multiplies in Light, in actions, in wisdom, and reverberates to whoever is involved.

So, don't worry. Don't look at the problem in the future. Always look at him, now, here. Wrap the problem in lots of Love. And that's it, reduce the power he has. Because Love has this ability to transform you tiny, almost without strength. Do it. Look at the problem with a lot of Love. And don't forget to ask what lesson he is bringing to you. It doesn't matter about others. Everyone will have their lesson.

The important thing is, how the problem will affect you. So look at it with Love. With lots of Love. And suddenly you will see that everything starts to change; that things start to move differently, have another meaning, another path, almost instantly. But if it takes a while, don't give up. Keep looking at the problem with Love.

Sometimes you need a slightly larger quota to actually make it solvable. Or simply extinguish it. Who knows? This is the way. There is no other. If you look at the problem with your mind, it only increases. And you indirectly give strength to those involved to also increase the problem.

So you need to take away his strength. So that you can solve it. So that you can look at it and understand it. Because nothing happens by chance. Nothing comes from nothing. Everything has a reason. Even if it's a problem that comes from other people and involves you in some way, there's a lesson for you..

Try to find out which one it is. Try to identify what you need to learn from it. And rest assured, everything passes. Especially when there is Love involved. Nothing remains, contrary to the laws of Love. Do this with every problem that arises. And you will see how you will become increasingly stronger and ready to face any challenge.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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