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Adama of Telos: Accelerating Your Reality through Ascension Choices

Adama of Telos: Accelerating Your Reality through Ascension Choices

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Beloved One, at this phase of the Ascension process, shifts in your reality will happen faster than before.

Every moment of your life experience, you have choices, may they be "perceived" big or small choices.

For example:

In the past, you decided for or against a job/business opportunity.

You decided for or against a relationship with a specific person.

You decided for or against piece of information and so forth...

These are choice points - forks in the road.

Each choice sends you to a different version of your world, a different reality.

As your vibrational frequencies increase, you will become more and more aware of these choice points.

As you become more aware of this, you will notice that you are constantly choosing the next reality and the next, and so forth.

Your choices are mostly determined by your past experiences and your beliefs.

Therefore, if you wish to choose differently, it is necessary to change your beliefs. 

At times, you can assist your choices by taking a leap of faith, while you are changing your belief.

There can be a crossover of belief and faith. 

If you wish to change your belief to one that aligns with Source/God then, we invite you to practice your choices with things that are perhaps less significant or impactful.

Then, you can move on to more significant ones. 

Here is an example:

Let's say, you wish to create more Abundance in your life.

Your belief might be that you don't have enough money. 

In the past, you might have restricted yourself, because your belief that you don't have enough money.

But then, you might encounter an opportunity to be generous, like a homeless person asking you for some spare change. 

Now you have a choice. 

You can choose according to your belief that you don't have enough money, or you can choose that you are abundant and give the homeless person a few dollars.

It is important to remember that if you decide against your old belief of lack and give the donation, to assume a new belief for that moment.

The new belief is that you are abundant and that is why you are giving.

This belief will require a leap of faith that Source/God will always provide for you.

Make sure that you truly feel abundant when you give.

This small choice will enable a new trajectory of your experience. 

When you add more and more choices that are based on abundance, you will be able to step into an abundant reality.

You will receive as you give.

God's abundance for you is infinite because you are an expression and extension of God.

The Ego Mind loves to tell you otherwise to separate you from the Truth.

It is important to quiet the Ego Mind, which likes to keep you in lack and scarcity, and instead, allow for the Truth of God to express itself through you.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."


Thank You, Adama! :-)


 ~ Asara ~  has been trance-channeling Adama of Telos and  Archangel Michael  since 2005 for audiences all over the world. After two near death experiences as a child and coming from a long line of Light workers, she dedicated her life to be of service for the Highest Good and Benefit of Humanity. www.teloschannel.com

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