Creating a New Star Path
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- Written by AndEl

Dear Ones,
Many of you are experiencing fogginess, of not quite being here nor there. Such is to be expected given the tremendous number of energies pummeling you.
You truly are between here and there as you adjust to the new energies and new you.
Even though you continue your daily routines of work, grocery shopping, child care, school, etc., there seems to be a difference in your ability to connect with those common 3D activities.
You are between dimensions and frequencies. Not in the way you anticipated when you first learned that such was a possibility. But instead almost as if you are grasping anything solid. Yet that 3D solid beingness seems nebulous, odd, foggy – different somehow – as if you are living a dream.
So it is you are adapting physically to your new being in various dimensions.
Even though many of you are excited by the thought of time, dimension, and frequency hopping, you did not factor in practicing.
You likely already travel through time, frequencies, and dimensions with your heart and mind. Now your physical being is catching up.
Your physical being is always the last to complete phases for your physicality is the densest portion of your earth being. So it is you are taking your physical being for various test runs the next few days.
Some of you will time hop, others dimension or frequency hop and still others will do all three. For it is the role you created for this life that determines how your physical being will function.
Perhaps some of you feel little or nothing. Such does not mean you are not of 5D or beyond. Merely that you do not require practice because you are already fully qualified. Or your role is less about different times and places than the here and now.
Your inner-being knows where to direct you. So do not try to become something you are not. Which, of course, is the standard operating procedure in 3D.
In a sense, you are now on automatic pilot, unlike your former 3D life. No one can tell you who you are for you are learning who you are day by day. In the same vein, you cannot create interest or skills in an area not directly related to your new being role.
Some of you are concerned that such means you have no choice, that your freedom is curtailed by your inner-being. Such is not true. For you will discover that if your role does not include the need to learn certain elements, practicing those elements will be work instead of joy.
You are now programmed for joy. A program that will direct you more rapidly than any messages you read or any envy you might feel.
You are directing yourself from within. A direction that will lead you to joyful times and actions.
Some of you worry because your dreams do not seem to come true in a timely fashion or in the way you would like. Do not fret. Please remember that the next few days are about physical practice, about floating in and out of your new reality.
We venture to guess that your dreams are shifting a bit as a result. Perhaps, some parts of your dreams are coming to fruition indicating you are practicing dream retrieval. Perhaps you are discovering that your physical being requires more rest than usual in preparation for your dream retrieval. Or perhaps, you feel stuck.
Your stuckness will not last much longer for the energies pummeling you now will not allow such to be true. Your dreams may evolve a bit as you fully claim your being, but they will come to fruition for that is your self-reward for a job well done.
What you must understand is that you are in control of your life and your dreams. There is no one outside of you including us, of the ethers, who will give you what you are unwilling to give yourself.
Perhaps the thought that you are on your own regarding your ongoing earth creations makes you angry. Even though we, of the ethers, can give you tips, as we told you many months ago, you are forging new paths in new territory. We do not have the rules nor the skills to further your journey.
Your roadmap was not created by us, we were merely observers throughout your 3D struggles. Given that most of us, of the ethers, have experienced an earth life or lives, we were able to understand and nudge you in the directions you wanted to go. Here and there we saved you from harm or falling too far from your path.
But once you created New Earth and new you, you moved beyond our expertise.
We view the overall plan or tapestry knowing that you have as much expertise as do we in creating and exploring. So do not expect us to inform you of your next step or creation. You are your creator.
Not only are you as skilled as we are despite your 3D physicality, but you also have a different type of expertise than do we. We know the earth outcome is joy. But it is your unique contribution to that joy we cannot create for you, nor direct you to.
For you have been taken off automatic pilot as you fully claimed your inner skills. You are free of the earth and Universal shoulds and requirements.
What does your heart, your inner-being tell you to do? That is your unique roadmap. No one can follow or create that path. It is yours and yours alone.
You do not need us to light that path, for your beams of joy are much brighter than any we could give you. And you do not need us to tell you, “Do not move there, move here.” as we did so often in the past, for your inner GPS is much more sophisticated than any we have.
You are free and wise and fruitful. Allow that to be your message forevermore as you create your life of joy you during this phenomenal transition. You are creating a new heaven on earth, and by doing so, you are creating a new star path to and for the heavens. So be it. Amen.
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