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Channeled Message: Expect Joy and Watch It Happen

Channeled Message: Expect Joy and So It Will Be

Dear Ones,

You likely have an ongoing need to know your future while ignoring your current state of being.

Your future is not yet written.  As you read these words, you will alter your thought processes, hopes, and dreams—not because we of the Universes are dictating your future—you are.  Every shift, new thought process, hope, and, yes, fear changes your future.

Perhaps you wonder what that last statement means, for surely your future is more measurable than the constant shift we alluded to.  Let us explain.  You are in the formation stage of your new being, much like a baby in the womb, and each new thought process/cellular shift changes the outcome of new you.  This is a formulation stage, not a completion stage, so your thoughts are most definitely creating your reality and your new world reality.

If you assume all will be well, it will be.  And if you assume it might be livable given this and this, it will be unless this and this are not part of the overriding en masse shift.

You and your cohorts have a dream of what this new world will be like.  At the same time, those who wish to remain in 3D have a different image or wish.  Two worlds that are not at all similar.  So, if you slip into thoughts that all is lost, and it will only become more painful despite knowing you are creating a new world, your world will never be as bright and joyful as those who assume their life will be as they have dreamed for eons.

Such statements are not to punish you for your 3D fears but to highlight the importance of your current thoughts and dreams.  This is the creation stage for you and the world.  So, do not confuse your negative thoughts or fears with your new creations.  Leave those thoughts and fears behind for those who wish to remain of 3D.

This creation time is as important as is true for any pregnant woman.  Most women protect that new life with as many positive thoughts as possible and the right foods and actions, knowing she is creating a precious new life that cannot come to fruition without care and protection.  So it is for you now.  Protect your new life with love, joy, and positive expectations instead of fear and a “woe is me” approach.

You are birthing a new world. The difference between the 3D birth experience and now is that this new birth is not relegated to the female species, and it is a group effort instead of one child.

So you will provide support and excitement for one another, whether male or female, young or old, or wherever you live.  This is a birthing time, a new world evolution you create minute by minute, not in fear or anger, but in self-love, joy, and an abundance of knowing all will be well for you and the Earth.

This is not a “poor me or you” time.  This is a celebration of all you have achieved during the eons of shifting yourself and the Earth from fear to love.  Celebrations starting slowly but surely around the globe as more and more of you understand that your shift from fear to love is not tomorrow or yesterday but here and now.  Celebrate your life today and your future tomorrow. But celebrate because fear is no longer a part of your life.

Even so, many of you believe it cannot be that easy – that merely expecting joy will not make it so.  And we of the Universes remind you how easy it was for most of you to create a new life when you or your significant other became pregnant.  So it is now.

The difference is that this is not a singular life but a new world, one joyful, comfort-filled day at a time.  Ignore the fear and grasp the joy.  You have completed your inner work; you merely need to acknowledge that.  But despite your best efforts, fears continue to seep into your being, not because they are necessary but because you have never lived on earth without fear—until now.  So be it.  Amen.


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