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You are The Christ in His Return

Dove FlightYou are The Christ in His Return

For All Light Bearers

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Beloved Blue Ray and Light Bearers, you are the most dedicated souls of the highest frequency and sacred lineage, though you may feel you have not done enough.

You forged a new path with only the direction of your soul; many obstacles and challenges were put before you and you followed your inner truth. You took a step down in your light frequency to come through the veil that would act as a barrier to God in order to be in human form, yet you found a way to sustain your holy communion with Creator. At times, you felt alienated in a strange world yet you still transmuted the genetic damage of your family lineage and did not fall asleep, into illusion. You would not be reading these words on this page if you had.

You stood strong in the light of inner knowing, alone, as there were no churches or organizations to support who you truly were. You have accomplished more than most who have spent their entire lives working on a prestigious career in your created society. You were not given a medal, a trophy or certificate for your dynamic work and efforts, and many looked at you as different - in your own world. Yet this other world kept you connected to your true spiritual roots.

Beloved Blue Ray and Light Bearers, you can come out now, it is your time to shine!

Your Mission

Expand the God Consciousness, to evolve humanity, so they may reunite with your planetary brothers and sisters in the Galactic and Universal Counsels of Light. You, Blue Ray, along with the other rays of Indigo, Violet, Ruby, Crystal, Rainbow and more, came from ascended planets, systems and light realms carrying the specific coordinates of the perfect element of Nature and Creation. Each of you makes up the totality of the spectrum of light; each and every one of you brings the unique expression needed to support the whole of light and evolution on this planet and universe.

What's Next - Changes, Endings, Beginnings and Opportunities

Everything will be touched by the Light. As you embrace this next alignment of light, Blue Ray, let go of everything you have carried that is not truly yours, all false images of God. This is not only occurring for you the Light Bearers, but for all of life. Feel deeply within, my beloved, I Am talking to a Master who knows the time has come. Yes it is time to be who you truly are, live it, feel it and have others see you for it. The hiding and waiting is over and, yes, you will be taken care of --- the universe will support you!!!

This is where you may once and for all release energetic patterns that have veiled your divine light. Enough light has been updated in the genetic codes and you no longer need to transmute genetic damage. You are free and this will be a process, to nurture and allow your true essence of Being.

It is time for letting go, finishing up and stepping into your unlimited potential as more light penetrates earth. Your world, governments and institutions will all be experiencing this as well. Much will fall so the light may shine.

You knew this would happen. It may not be comfortable at first only because you became accustomed to a way that is not truly who you are. If you look to your heart, you will know it is not your way. It is only something you have adapted to. You are here to be the Truth by the very fact that you exist by being your true nature.

These transitions will continue with strength into 2012 where a new alignment will be set forth. From this place, what has occurred until that point, will determine much in the next cycle of light here on Gaia.

You Learned to Distrust God and Nature

You are the way showers of the new earth; you do this by bringing your multidimensional nature into your life. It is time to put your trust fully back into your Self, God and Nature. This is divine alignment. Many of you were taught to first go outside of yourself and body to experience God. This created a disconnecting harmonic from your bodies, your sacred feminine alignment with Nature and the earth. This kept you from trusting your inner guidance, and doubt and fear crept in. Humanity as a whole became easily deceived and controlled; now all this is changing because of your light and courage.

Divine alignment or God consciousness starts with the higher feeling resonance with your inner self/body first, then higher Self, then Nature and then God/Creation; this will keep you balanced, safe and in harmony as the great purification proceeds on Gaia.

This is the foundation to receive and know God, higher light, wisdom and healing. This is when true manifesting is effortless. We will be giving you the ancient sacred technologies and tools that you once knew through these transmissions. The Mother God principle will get these tools back to you, for it's her essence that is bringing balance to Gaia.

Why Am I Here? Second Coming of Christ

You came to Gaia, for to send another created messiah or teacher would cause too much in the way of creating the same result as to follow that teacher or being. And yet the Christ seed was planted here on Gaia in the hearts of mankind a long time ago. First with Krishna and then with Christ which has brought us to the second stage of the plane of Light. This is also referred to as the second coming of Christ, the new man of light, the "embodiment of God", and activation of your "divine original blue print".

Krishna and Christ from the Blue Ray

Christ was a part of the Blue Ray mission as well as Krishna. Krishna was from the Blue Ray and the central core. Krishna's color is actually blue and He is depicted playing a musical instrument. When you see Krishna playing the flute, he is actually playing in tune with the rhythms of Creation, bringing harmony into all life.

Krishna planted the seeds into the genetic code of humanity from an ascended race to increase the capacity of God consciousness. In those times this is how it was done. It was in complete alignment with God/Creation and the highest Counsels of Light.

This is why you are here.

We wish to share with you more of what you already know, have sensed, and are awakening to.

"Beloved, remember who I Am, I Am you. I Am the part of you from Creation speaking back to you, answering your own questions and thoughts."

Dove FlightShekina channel for the Blue Ray, is a Divine Messenger for Mother Goddess and the Angelic Star Tribes. Her sound transmissions of the "Language of Light", activate your "Divine Original Blue Print". In her spiritual Performances the "Concert of Souls" many participants report having instant healing and awakenings and feel the blessing of Divine Mother Goddess and the Angelic Realms.

In 1990, Shekina had a prophetic encounter with her Star Family who conveyed to her that she was a star seed, and began the activation of her innate higher senses and abilities. Several years later, a second major transitional shift occurred at the time of a near death experience; Shekina was enveloped by the all encompassing Light, which created within her a vibrational attunement of opening to the higher realms and transmuting negative blocked energy instantly

She works with the Blue Ray and ultra sensitive beings in clearing and balancing their energetic field that aligns them to their divine power. Contact Shekina for private sessions and spiritual performances at: www.shekinaspeaks.com email 561-667-4565 US.


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