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The Black Moon Lilith in Astrology

lilith s daughter by drusila333 db0jxnq

As some of you know, I have been exploring the meaning of the Black Moon Lilith ever since I discovered she conjoined my Pluto and South Node, explaining a lot about the trauma in my past and relationship issues.

In my experimentation with clients I have come to think of Lilith as describing a primal female rage against the patriarchy and domination of men.  In the story of Lilith, she was Adam’s first wife and was equal to him. When she refused to lie under him Adam threw her out and asked Jehovah to provide him with a more suitable mate and it was then that Jehovah fashioned Eve out of Adam’s rib to ensure that she would remain submissive to him (except for that whole apple thing).  Lilith “flew away” or was banished, depending on who you believe, and spent the rest of her years howling in the night with rage for her children who were killed by the angels of God.  Under the patriarchal religions of the Piscean age she was transformed into a demon, a succubus,

black moon lilith

The Black Moon Lilith (not to be confused with the Dark Moon or the Lilith asteroid)  is not a body in the sky, but a focal point between the Earth and the farthest point of the lunar orbit.  (See this image from Kelley Hunter’s excellent article about Lilith.)

In a regression a few years ago I uncovered an ancient life in which during a bloody battle I was raped and my children murdered in front of me.  I have always been fearful of having children and I felt that the residual anxiety from this ancient life had bled into my current one.  Coincidentally, shortly thereafter I calculated the position of the Black Moon Lilith in my chart and discovered its powerful placement in my conjunction from my Moon (mother/children) to Pluto (death and destruction) which are also aligned with my South Node (the past).  This seemed beyond coincidence to me and drove me to experiment with the Black Moon Lilith in every client chart.  I also noticed that the BML, as she is affectionately known, was tightly aligned with the Moon in the chart of my ex and the Sun in my husband’s chart.

From this research I have found that when  the Black Moon Lilith is aligned with another planet or angle (ascendant or midheaven) in the chart there tends to be, in its mildest form, an innate sense of the inequity of the dominant male culture and desire for justice. and in its most extreme, a profound feminine rage against the patriarchical system in general and sometimes against men in particular.  Men with a strong BML in their chart tend to be drawn to women who exhibit Lilith tendencies – powerful in nature and usually with a strong sexual vibration – although this often manifests as an attraction/repulsion dynamic due to a fear of the power of the Lilith archetype.

Recently I listened to a podcast with actor Rose McGowan.  I have seen Ms. McGowan in films and television but knew very little about her.  She has been an outspoken warrior for women’s rights for years, but her naked expressions of rage against the unfairness to women in the film industry and her strong feminist viewpoints were so profoundly Lilithian I had to investigate further. Sure enough, her chart shows a tight conjunction from the Black Moon Lilith to her Moon and in a square to Pluto.  Last year Ms. McGowan revealed that she had been raped by a studio head, and in the podcast she alludes to other traumas in her past.

rose mcgowan 90srose mcgowan1

The rulership of the world by men began to dominate human consciousness during the Age of Aries, the warrior age (approximately 2000 bce to 0 ce), and continued through the age of Pisces, the religious age (approximately – 0ce to 2100).   It was during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction of the mid-1960s that feminine power began to re-emerge, a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius into which we are transitioning.

I believe that the archetype of the Black Moon Lilith is emerging now to help to heal the damage of the past several thousands of years. The fear of the power of women is evident everywhere in our political system right now as the dying Piscean age gives way to the Aquarius ideals and the men that run the world attempt to bring back masculine dominance.  Lilith teaches that we must learn to normalize the archetype of feminine power into our own psyches and our culture in order to find true harmony in the world, and the only way that this can be done is through reclaiming this power within our own selves as women, and for men to honor and respect and even embrace the wisdom of the dark feminine rather than fear it.


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