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Sabian Symbols

Sabian Compass

The Sabian Symbols are a unique set of symbols which were channelled by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler in 1925. Each symbol corresponds to one of the 360 astrological degrees of the zodiac. Marc Edmund Jones believed that Elsie Wheeler had tapped into what he called the 'ancient mind matrix' of the Sabian alchemists of ancient Mesopotamia.

A system of working with individual degree meanings was then first created by Marc Edmund Jones with the help of psychic, Elsie Wheeler, and then modified by Dane Rudhyar.

Astrologers can use these symbols together with an astrological chart, but they can also be used by those with no knowledge of astrology to gain insights into their past, present and future.

This is a marvelous divinatory technique, very helpful and very easy to use, comparable to the Tarot or the I-Ching. The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images associated with the 360 degrees of the zodiacal circle.

All 360 Sabian Symbols

1º Aries (1): A Woman Has Risen Out Of The Ocean, A Seal Is Embracing Her.

2º Aries (2): A Comedian Entertaining The Group.

3º Aries (3): A Cameo Profile Of A Man In The Outline Of His Country.

4º Aries (4): Two Lovers Strolling Through A Secluded Walk.

5º Aries (5): A Triangle With Wings.

6º Aries (6): A Square Brightly Lighted On One Side.

7º Aries (7): A Man Successfully Expressing Himself In Two Realms At Once.

8º Aries (8): A Woman's Hat With Streamers Blown By The East Wind.

9º Aries (9): A Crystal Gazer.

10º Aries (10): A Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms To Traditional Images.

11º Aries (11): The Ruler Of A Nation.

12º Aries (12): A Flock Of Wild Geese.

13º Aries (13): A Bomb Which Failed To Explode Is Now Safely Concealed.

14º Aries (14): A Serpent Coiling Near A Man And A Woman.

15º Aries (15): An Indian Weaving A Blanket.

16º Aries (16): Brownies Dancing In The Setting Sun.

17º Aries (17): Two Prim Spinsters Sitting Together In Silence.

18º Aries (18): An Empty Hammock.

19º Aries (19): The Magic Carpet Of Oriental Imagery.

20º Aries (20): A Young Girl Feeding Birds In Winter.

21º Aries (21): A Pugilist (Boxer) Entering The Ring.

22º Aries (22): The Gate To The Garden Of All Fulfilled Desires.

23º Aries (23): A Woman In Pastel Colors Carrying A Heavy And Valuable But Veiled Load.

24º Aries (24): An Open Window And A Net Curtain Blowing Into A Cornucopia.

25º Aries (25): A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner And Outer Meanings.

26º Aries (26): A Man Possessed Of More Gifts Than He Can Hold.

27º Aries (27): Through Imagination, A Lost Opportunity Is Regained.

28º Aries (28): A Large Disappointed Audience.

29º Aries (29): The Music Of The Spheres.

30º Aries (30): A Duck Pond And Its Brood.


1º Taurus (31): A Clear Mountain Stream.

2º Taurus (32): An Electrical Storm.

3º Taurus (33): Steps Up To A Lawn Blooming With Clover.

4º Taurus (34): The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow.

5º Taurus (35): A Widow At An Open Grave.

6º Taurus (36): A Bridge Being Built Across A Gorge.

7º Taurus (37): A Woman Of Samaria Comes To Draw Water From The Well.

8º Taurus (38): A Sleigh Without Snow.

9º Taurus (39): A Christmas Tree Decorated.

10º Taurus (40): A Red Cross Nurse.

11º Taurus (41): A Woman Sprinkling Flowers.

12º Taurus (42): A Young Couple Walk Down Main- Street, Window-Shopping.

13º Taurus (43): A Porter Carrying Heavy Baggage.

14º Taurus (44): On The Beach, Children Play While Shellfish Grope At The Edge Of The Water.

15º Taurus (45): A Man With Rakish Silk Hat, Muffled Against The Cold, Braves A Storm.

16º Taurus (46): An Old Teacher Fails To Interest His Pupils In Traditional Knowledge.

17º Taurus (47): A Symbolical Battle Between 'Swords' And 'Torches'.

18º Taurus (48): A Woman Airing An Old Bag Through A Sunny Window.

19º Taurus (49): A New Continent Rising Out Of The Ocean.

20º Taurus (50): Wisps Of Clouds, Like Wings, Are Streaming Across The Sky.

21º Taurus (51): Moving Finger Points To Significant Passages In A Book.

22º Taurus (52): White Dove Flying Over Troubled Waters.

23º Taurus (53): A Jewellery Shop Filled With The Most Magnificent Jewels.

24º Taurus (54): An Indian Warrior Riding Fiercely, Human Scalps Hanging At His Belt.

25º Taurus (55): A Large Well-Kept Public Park.

26º Taurus (56): A Spaniard Serenading His Senorita.

27º Taurus (57): An Old Indian Woman Selling Beads.

28º Taurus (58): A Mature Woman Reawakened To Romance.

29º Taurus (59): Two Cobblers Working At A Table.

30º Taurus (60): A Peacock Parading On The Terrace Of An Old Castle.


1º Gemini (61): A Glass-Bottomed Boat Reveals Under-Sea Wonders.

2º Gemini (62): Santa Clause Filling Stockings Furtively.

3º Gemini (63): The Garden Of The Tuileries In Paris.

4º Gemini (64): Holly And Mistletoe Bring Christmas Spirit To A Home.

5º Gemini (65): A Radical Magazine, Asking For Action, Displays A Sensational Front Page.

6º Gemini (66): Workmen Drilling For Oil.

7º Gemini (67): An Old-Fashioned Well.

8º Gemini (68): Aroused Strikers Round A Factory.

9º Gemini (69): A Quiver Filled With Arrows.

10º Gemini (70): Aeroplane Performing A Nose-Dive.

11º Gemini (71): Newly Opened Lands Offer The Pioneer New Opportunities For Experience.

12º Gemini (72): A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights Of Her Mistress.

13º Gemini (73): World Famous Pianist Giving A Concert Performance.

14º Gemini (74): Two People, Living Far Apart, In Telepathic Communication.

15º Gemini (75): Two Dutch Children Talking.

16º Gemini (76): A Woman Activist In An Emotional Speech, Dramatizing Her Cause.

17º Gemini (77): The Head Of A Robust Youth Changes Into That Of A Mature Thinker.

18º Gemini (78): Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese (In A Western Crowd).

19º Gemini (79): A Large Archaic Volume Reveals A Traditional Wisdom.

20º Gemini (80): A Cafeteria With An Abundance Of Choices.

21º Gemini (81): A Tumultuous Labor Demonstration.

22º Gemini (82): Dancing Couples Crowd The Barn In A Harvest Festival.

23º Gemini (83): Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree.

24º Gemini (84): Children Skating On Ice.

25º Gemini (85): A Gardener Trimming Large Palm Trees.

26º Gemini (86): Winter Frost In The Woods.

27º Gemini (87): A Young Gypsy Emerging From The Woods Gazes At Far Cities.

28º Gemini (88): Society Granting Bankruptcy To Him, A Man Leaves The Court.

29º Gemini (89): The First Mockingbird Of Spring Sings From The Tree Top.

30º Gemini (90): A Parade Of Bathing Beauties Before Large Beach Crowds.


1º Cancer (91): On A Ship The Sailors Lower An Old Flag And Raise A New One.

2º Cancer (92): A Man On A Magic Carpet Observes Vast Vistas Below Him.

3º Cancer (93): An Arctic Explorer Leads A Reindeer Through Icy Canyons.

4º Cancer (94): A Cat Arguing With A Mouse.

5º Cancer (95): At A Railroad Crossing, An Automobile Is Wrecked By A Train.

6º Cancer (96): Game Birds Feathering Their Nests.

7º Cancer (97): Two Fairies (Nature Spirits) Dancing On A Moonlit Night.

8º Cancer (98): A Group Rabbits Dressed In Clothes And On Parade.

9º Cancer (99): A Small, Naked Girl Bends Over A Pond Trying To Catch A Fish.

10º Cancer (100): A Large Diamond In The First Stages Of The Cutting Process.

11º Cancer (101): A Clown Caricaturing Well-Known Personalities.

12º Cancer (102): A Chinese Woman Nursing A Baby Whose Aura Reveals Him To Be The Reincarnation Of A Great Teacher.

13º Cancer (103): One Hand Slightly Flexed With A Very Prominent Thumb.

14º Cancer (104): A Very Old Man Facing A Vast Dark Space To The Northeast.

15º Cancer (105): A Group Of People Who Have Overeaten And Enjoyed It.

16º Cancer (106): A Man Studying A Mandala In Front Of Him, With The Help Of A Very Ancient Book.

17º Cancer (107): The Seed Grows Into Knowledge And Life.

18º Cancer (108): A Hen Scratching For Her Chicks.

19º Cancer (109): A Priest Performing A Marriage Ceremony.

20º Cancer (110): Venetian Gondoliers In A Serenade.

21º Cancer (111): A Prima Donna Singing.

22º Cancer (112): A Young Woman Awaiting A Sailboat.

23º Cancer (113): The Meeting Of A Literary Society.

24º Cancer (114): A Woman And Two Men Castaways On A Small Island Of The South Seas.

25º Cancer (115): A Leader Of Men Wrapped In An Invisible Mantle Of Power.

26º Cancer (116): Guests Are Reading In The Library Of A Luxurious Home.

27º Cancer (117): A Violent Storm In A Canyon Filled With Expensive Homes.

28º Cancer (118): Indian Girl Introduces College Boy-Friend To Her Assembled Tribe.

29º Cancer (119): A Greek Muse Weighing New Born Twins In Golden Scales.

30º Cancer (120): A Daughter Of The American Revolution.


1º Leo (121): Under Emotional Stress, Blood Rushes To A Man's Head.

2º Leo (122): An Epidemic Of Mumps.

3º Leo (123): A Mature Woman, Keeping Up With The Times, Having Her Hair Bobbed.

4º Leo (124): A Man Formally Dressed Stands Near Trophies He Brought Back From A Hunting Expedition.

5º Leo (125): Rock Formations Tower Over A Deep Canyon.

6º Leo (126): An Old Fashioned 'Conservative' Woman Is Confronted By An Up-To-Date Girl.

7º Leo (127): The Constellations Of Stars In The Sky.

8º Leo (128): Glass Blowers Shape Beautiful Vases With Their Controlled Breathing.

9º Leo (129): A Communist Activist Spreading His Revolutionary Ideals.

10º Leo (130): Early Morning Dew.

11º Leo (131): Children On A Swing In A Huge Oak Tree.

12º Leo (132): An Evening Lawn Party Of Adults.

13º Leo (133): An Old Sea Captain Rocking On The Porch Of His Cottage.

14º Leo (134): Cherub-Like, A Human Soul Whispers, Seeking To Manifest.

15º Leo (135): A Pageant Moving Along A Street Packed With People.

16º Leo (136): Brilliant Sunshine Just After A Storm.

17º Leo (137): Volunteer Church Choir Makes Social Event Of Rehearsal.

18º Leo (138): A Chemist Conducts An Experiment For His Students.

19º Leo (139): A Houseboat Party.

20º Leo (140): American Indians Perform A Ritual To The Sun.

21º Leo (141): Intoxicated Chickens Dizzily Flap Their Wings Trying To Fly.

22º Leo (142): A Carrier Pigeon Fulfilling Its Mission.

23º Leo (143): A Bareback Rider In A Circus Displays Her Dangerous Skill.

24º Leo (144): Totally Concentrated Upon Inner Spiritual Attainment, A Man Is Sitting In A State Of Complete Neglect Of His Body.

25º Leo (145): A Large Camel Crossing A Vast And Forbidding Desert.

26º Leo (146): After A Heavy Storm, A Rainbow.

27º Leo (147): Daybreak - The Luminescence Of Dawn In The Eastern Sky.

28º Leo (148): Many Little Birds On The Limb Of A Large Tree.

29º Leo (149): A Mermaid Emerges From The Ocean Ready For Rebirth In Human Form.

30º Leo (150): An Unsealed Letter.


1º Virgo (151): In A Portrait The Best Of A Man's Features And Traits Are Idealized.

2º Virgo (152): A Large White Cross-Dominating The Landscape-Stands Alone On Top Of A High Hill.

3º Virgo (153): Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection.

4º Virgo (154): Black And White Children Playing Happily Together.

5º Virgo (155): A Man Becoming Aware Of Nature Spirits And Normally Unseen Spiritual Energies.

6º Virgo (156): A Merry-Go-Round.

7º Virgo (157): A Harem.

8º Virgo (158): A Girl Takes Her First Dancing Instruction.

9º Virgo (159): A Expressionist Painter Making A Futuristic Drawing.

10º Virgo (160): Two Heads Looking Out And Beyond The Shadows.

11º Virgo (161): A Boy Moulded In His Mother's Aspirations For Him.

12º Virgo (162): A Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away.

13º Virgo (163): A Powerful Statesman Overcomes A State Of Political Hysteria.

14º Virgo (164): A Family Tree.

15º Virgo (165): A Fine Lace Ornamental Handkerchief.

16º Virgo (166): Children Crowd Around The Orang-Utang Cage In A Zoo.

17º Virgo (167): A Volcanic Eruption.

18º Virgo (168): Two Girls Playing With A Ouija Board.

19º Virgo (169): A Swimming Race.

20º Virgo (170): A Caravan Of Cars Headed For Promised Lands.

21º Virgo (171): A Girl's Basketball Team.

22º Virgo (172): A Royal Coat Of Arms Enriched With Precious Stones.

23º Virgo (173): A Lion-Tamer Rushes Fearlessly Into The Circus Arena.

24º Virgo (174): Mary And Her White Lamb.

25º Virgo (175): A Flag At Half-Mast In Front Of A Public Building.

26º Virgo (176): A Boy With A Censer Serves Near The Priest At The Altar.

27º Virgo (177): Aristocratic Elderly Ladies Drinking Afternoon Tea In A Wealthy Home.

28º Virgo (178): A Bald-Headed Man Who Has Seized Power.

29º Virgo (179): A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge From An Ancient Scroll He Is Reading.

30º Virgo (180): Having An Urgent Task To Complete, A Man Doesn't Look To Any Distractions.


1º Libra (181): A Butterfly Preserved And Made Perfect With A Dart Through It.

2º Libra (182): The Light Of The Sixth Race Transmuted To The Seventh.

3º Libra (183): The Dawn Of A New Day Reveals Everything Changed.

4º Libra (184): A Group Of Young People Sit In Spiritual Communion Around A Campfire.

5º Libra (185): A Man Teaching The True Inner Knowledge Of The New World To His Students.

6º Libra (186): A Man Watches His Ideals Taking A Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision.

7º Libra (187): A Woman Feeding Chickens And Protecting Them From The Hawks.

8º Libra (188): A Blazing Fireplace In A Deserted Home.

9º Libra (189): Three Old Masters Hanging In A Special Room In An Art Gallery.

10º Libra (190): A Canoe Approaching Safety Through Dangerous Waters.

11º Libra (191): A Professor Peering Over His Glasses At His Students.

12º Libra (192): Miners Are Emerging From A Deep Coal Mine.

13º Libra (193): Children Blowing Soap Bubbles.

14º Libra (194): In The Heat Of The Noon, A Man Takes A Siesta.

15º Libra (195): Circular Paths.

16º Libra (196): After A Storm, A Boat Landing Stands In Need Of Reconstruction.

17º Libra (197): A Retired Sea Captain Watches Ships Entering And Leaving The Harbour.

18º Libra (198): Two Men Placed Under Arrest.

19º Libra (199): A Gang Of Robbers In Hiding.

20º Libra (200): A Jewish Rabbi Performing His Duties.

21º Libra (201): A Crowd Upon A Beach.

22º Libra (202): A Child Giving Birds A Drink At A Fountain.

23º Libra (203): Chanticleer's Voice Heralds The Rising Sun With Exuberant Tones.

24º Libra (204): A Third Wing On The Left Side Of A Butterfly.

25º Libra (205): The Sight Of An Autumn Leaf Brings To A Pilgrim The Sudden Revelation Of The Mystery Of Life And Death.

26º Libra (206): An Eagle And A Large White Dove Turning Into Each Other.

27º Libra (207): An Airplane Sails, High In The Clear Sky.

28º Libra (208): A Man In Deep Gloom. Unnoticed, Angels Come To His Help.

29º Libra (209): Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort To Reach For Knowledge Transferable From Generation To Generation. Knowledge.

30º Libra (210): Three Mounds Of Knowledge On A Philosopher's Head.


1º Scorpio (211): A Sight-Seeing Bus Filled With Tourists.

2º Scorpio (212): A Broken Bottle And Spilled Perfume.

3º Scorpio (213): Neighbours Help In A House- Raising Party In A Small Village.

4º Scorpio (214): A Youth Holding A Lighted Candle In A Devotional Ritual.

5º Scorpio (215): A Massive, Rocky Shore Resists The Pounding Of The Sea.

6º Scorpio (216): A Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil.

7º Scorpio (217): Deep-Sea Divers.

8º Scorpio (218): The Moon Shining Across A Lake.

9º Scorpio (219): A Dentist At Work.

10º Scorpio (220): A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades.

11º Scorpio (221): A Drowning Man Is Being Rescued.

12º Scorpio (222): An Official Embassy Ball.

13º Scorpio (223): An Inventor Performs A Laboratory Experiment.

14º Scorpio (224): Telephone Linemen At Work Installing New Connections.

15º Scorpio (225): Children Playing Around Five Mounds Of Sand.

16º Scorpio (226): A Girl's Face Breaking Into A Smile.

17º Scorpio (227): A Woman, Filled With Her Own Spirit, Is The Father Of Her Own Child.

18º Scorpio (228): A Path Through Woods Rich In Autumn Coloring.

19º Scorpio (229): A Parrot Listening And Then Talking, Repeats A Conversation He Has Overheard.

20º Scorpio (230): A Woman Drawing Aside Two Dark Curtains That Closed The Entrance To A Sacred Pathway.

21º Scorpio (231): Obeying His Conscience, A Soldier Resists Orders.

22º Scorpio (232): Hunters Shooting Wild Ducks.

23º Scorpio (233): A Rabbit Metamorphosed Into A Fairy (Nature Spirit).

24º Scorpio (234): Crowds Coming Down The Mountain To Listen To One Inspired Man.

25º Scorpio (235): An X Ray Photograph.

26º Scorpio (236): Indians Making Camp (In New Territory)

27º Scorpio (237): A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through The City Streets.

28º Scorpio (238): The King Of The Fairies Approaching His Domain.

29º Scorpio (239): An Indian Woman Pleading To The Chief For The Lives Of Her Children.

30º Scorpio (240): Children In Halloween Costumes Indulging In Various Pranks.


1º Sagittarius (241): Retired Army Veterans Gather To Reawaken Old Memories.

2º Sagittarius (242): The Ocean Covered With Whitecaps.

3º Sagittarius (243): Two Men Playing Chess.

4º Sagittarius (244): A Little Child Learning To Walk.

5º Sagittarius (245): An Old Owl Up In A Tree.

6º Sagittarius (246): A Game Of Cricket.

7º Sagittarius (247): Cupid Knocking At The Door Of A Human Heart.

8º Sagittarius (248): Deep Within The Depths Of The Earth, New Elements Are Being Formed.

9º Sagittarius (249): A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up The Stairs.

10º Sagittarius (250): A Theatrical Representation Of A Golden Haired 'Goddess Of Opportunity'.

11º Sagittarius (251): The Lamp Of Physical Enlightenment At The Left Temple.

12º Sagittarius (252): A Flag That Turns Into An Eagle That Crows.

13º Sagittarius (253): A Widow's Past Is Brought To Light.

14º Sagittarius (254): The Pyramids And The Sphinx.

15º Sagittarius (255): The Ground Hog Looking For Its Shadow On Ground Hog Day.

16º Sagittarius (256): Sea Gulls Fly Around A Ship Looking For Food.

17º Sagittarius (257): An Easter Sunrise Service.

18º Sagittarius (258): Tiny Children In Sunbonnets.

19º Sagittarius (259): Pelicans, Disturbed By The Garbage Of People Move Their Young To A New Habitat.

20º Sagittarius (260): In Winter People Cutting Ice From A Frozen Pond, For Summer Use.

21º Sagittarius (261): A Child And A Dog Wearing Borrowed Eyeglasses.

22º Sagittarius (262): A Chinese Laundry.

23º Sagittarius (263): Immigrants Entering A New Country.

24º Sagittarius (264): A Bluebird Standing At The Door Of The House.

25º Sagittarius (265): A Chubby Boy On A Hobbyhorse.

26º Sagittarius (266): A Flag-Bearer In A Battle.

27º Sagittarius (267): The Sculptor's Vision Is Taking Form.

28º Sagittarius (268): An Old Bridge Over A Beautiful Stream In Constant Use.

29º Sagittarius (269): A Fat Boy Mowing The Lawn.

30º Sagittarius (270): The Pope Blessing The Faithful.


1º Capricorn (271): An Indian Chief Claims Power From The Assembled Tribe.

2º Capricorn (272): Three Stained-Glass Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By War.

3º Capricorn (273): The Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment.

4º Capricorn (274): A Group Of People Entering A Large Canoe For A Journey By Water.

5º Capricorn (275): Indians - Some Rowing A Canoe And Others Dancing A War Dance In It.

6º Capricorn (276): Ten Logs Lie Under An Archway Leading To Darker Woods.

7º Capricorn (277): A Veiled Prophet Speaks, Seized By The Power Of A God.

8º Capricorn (278): Birds In The House Singing Happily.

9º Capricorn (279): An Angel Carrying A Harp.

10º Capricorn (280): An Albatross Feeding From The Hand Of A Sailor.

11º Capricorn (281): Pheasants Display Their Brilliant Colors On A Private Estate.

12º Capricorn (282): A Student Of Nature Lecturing Revealing Little-Known Aspects Of Life.

13º Capricorn (283): A Fire Worshipper Meditates On The Ultimate Realities Of Existence.

14º Capricorn (284): An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved In Granite Remains A Witness To A Long- Forgotten Culture.

15º Capricorn (285): In A Hospital, The Children's Ward Is Filled With Toys.

16º Capricorn (286): School Grounds Filled With Boys And Girls In Gymnasium Suits.

17º Capricorn (287): A Girl Surreptitiously Bathing In The Nude.

18º Capricorn (288): The Union Jack Flies From A New British Warship.

19º Capricorn (289): A Child Of About Five Carrying A Huge Shopping Bag Filled With Groceries.

20º Capricorn (290): A Hidden Choir Singing During A Religious Service.

21º Capricorn (291): A Relay Race.

22º Capricorn (292): A General Accepting Defeat Gracefully.

23º Capricorn (293): A Soldier Receiving Two Awards For Bravery In Combat.

24º Capricorn (294): A Woman Entering A Convent.

25º Capricorn (295): An Oriental Rug Dealer In A Store Filled With Precious Ornamental Rugs.

26º Capricorn (296): A Nature Spirit Dancing In The Mist Of A Waterfall.

27º Capricorn (297): A Mountain Pilgrimage.

28º Capricorn (298): A Large Aviary.

29º Capricorn (299): A Woman Reading Tea Leaves.

30º Capricorn (300): Directors Of A Large Firm Meet In Secret Conference.


1º Aquarius (301): An Old Adobe Mission.

2º Aquarius (302): An Unexpected Thunderstorm.

3º Aquarius (303): A Deserter From The Navy.

4º Aquarius (304): A Hindu Healer.

5º Aquarius (305): A Council Of Ancestors.

6º Aquarius (306): A Masked Figure Performs Ritualistic Acts In A Mystery Play.

7º Aquarius (307): A Child Born Out Of An Eggshell.

8º Aquarius (308): Beautifully Gowned Wax Figures On Display.

9º Aquarius (309): A Flag Is Seen Turning Into An Eagle.

10º Aquarius (310): A Popularity That Proves To Be Fleeting.

11º Aquarius (311): During A Silent Hour, A Man Receives A New Inspiration Which May Change His Life.

12º Aquarius (312): People On A Vast Staircase, Graduated Upwards.

13º Aquarius (313): A Barometer.

14º Aquarius (314): A Train Entering A Tunnel.

15º Aquarius (315): Two Lovebirds Sitting On A Fence And Singing Happily.

16º Aquarius (316): A Big-Businessman At His Desk.

17º Aquarius (317): A Watchdog Standing Guard, Protecting His Master And His Possessions.

18º Aquarius (318): A Man Being Unmasked At A Masquerade.

19º Aquarius (319): A Forest Fire Quenched.

20º Aquarius (320): A Large White Dove Bearing A Message.

21º Aquarius (321): A Woman Disappointed And Disillusioned, Courageously Facing A Seemingly Empty Life.

22º Aquarius (322): A Rug Placed On A Floor For Children To Play On.

23º Aquarius (323): A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws.

24º Aquarius (324): A Man Turning His Back On His Passions Teaches Deep Wisdom From His Experience.

25º Aquarius (325): A Butterfly With The Right Wing More Perfectly Formed.

26º Aquarius (326): A Garage Man Testing A Car's Battery With A Hydrometer.

27º Aquarius (327): An Ancient Pottery Bowl Filled With Fresh Violets.

28º Aquarius (328): A Tree Felled And Sawed To Ensure A Supply Of Wood For The Winter.

29º Aquarius (329): Butterfly Emerging From A Chrysalis.

30º Aquarius (330): Moon-Lit Fields, Once Babylon, Are Blooming White.


1º Pisces (331): A Crowded Public Market Place.

2º Pisces (332): A Squirrel Hiding From Hunters.

3º Pisces (333): A Petrified Forest.

4º Pisces (334): Heavy Car Traffic On A Narrow Isthmus Linking Two Seaside Resorts.

5º Pisces (335): A Church Bazaar.

6º Pisces (336): A Parade Of Army Officers In Full Dress.

7º Pisces (337): Illuminated By A Shaft Of Light, A Large Cross Lies On Rocks Surrounded By Sea And Mist.

8º Pisces (338): A Girl Blowing A Bugle.

9º Pisces (339): The Race Begins: Intent On Outdistancing His Rivals, A Jockey Spurs His Horse To Great Speed.

10º Pisces (340): An Aviator In The Clouds.

11º Pisces (341): Men Travelling A Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination.

12º Pisces (342): An Examination Of Initiates In The Sanctuary Of An Occult Brotherhood.

13º Pisces (343): A Sword, Used In Many Battles, In A Museum.

14º Pisces (344): A Lady Wrapped In Fox Fur.

15º Pisces (345): An Officer Drilling His Men In A Simulated Attack.

16º Pisces (346): In A Quite Moment, A Creative Individual Experiences The Flow Of Inspiration.

17º Pisces (347): An Easter Promenade.

18º Pisces (348): In A Huge Tent A Famous Revivalist Conducts His Meeting With A Spectacular Performance.

19º Pisces (349): A Master Instructing His Disciple.

20º Pisces (350): A Table Set For An Evening Meal.

21º Pisces (351): A Little White Lamb, A Child And A Chinese Servant.

22º Pisces (352): A Prophet Bringing Down The New Law From Mount Sinai.

23º Pisces (353): A 'Materializing Medium' Giving A Seance.

24º Pisces (354): An Inhabited Island.

25º Pisces (355): The Purging Of The Priesthood.

26º Pisces (356): A New Moon Reveals That It's Time For People To Go Ahead With Their Different Projects.

27º Pisces (357): A Harvest Moon Illuminates The Sky.

28º Pisces (358): A Fertile Garden Under The Full Moon.

29º Pisces (359): Light Breaking Into Many Colors As It Passes Through A Prism.

30º Pisces (360): A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling A Face Is Idealized By A Boy Who Takes It As His Ideal Of Greatness, And As He Grows Up, Begins To Look Like It.



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Lammas Ritual Celebrated August 1st. Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh, La... Read more

Wild Rose

Wild Rose

Wild Rose Fills your life with soft romance. Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus... Read more

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem - Woodpecker

Birth Totem Woodpecker Birth dates: June 21 - July 21 Read more

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian Zodiac/Astrology

Egyptian astrology was one of the earliest forms of astrology. The Egyptians... Read more

Abalone Shell

Abalone Shell

Echos Of The Ancestors Abalone strengthens the structure of the body and th... Read more

Strong Sun Moon

Strong Sun Moon

Flicker – Carnelian Agate – Wild Rose – Pink June 21 – July 22 Read more



The Cleansing Stone Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy.... Read more

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Although in the heat of a Mid-western summer it might be difficult to discer... Read more



CANCER Jun 21 - Jul 22 Read more

Sun in Cancer

Sun in Cancer

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Cancer Read more



The Stone Of Orators Chalcedony was very popular as a decorative stone in ant... Read more

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

The god Lugh was worshiped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection... Read more

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Fire Festival Of Lammas Celtic Symbol : The Unicorn And The Flaming Spe... Read more

Cancer Mythology

Cancer Mythology

The Hidden Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign Had the Scriptures of Delphi never b... Read more



Moonstone is one of the best stones for bringing emotional calm and stability,... Read more

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