How To Recognize Your Totem Animal
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- Written by Alue K. Loskotová

Totem animals are assumed to have a certain skill, quality, or wisdom in them that we should learn or acquire on our earthly journey. Many cultures believe in the concept of totem animals, and shamanism is one of the main ones that appeal to totem animals in order to enhance spiritual growth and personal development. They believe that animals have a special wisdom in them and that we can learn from them.
Sometimes we can feel a strong bond or affinity with a particular animal. When you tune in to this connection, you can learn to develop a relationship with your spiritual animal and take guidance from it. Want to meet your totem animal? Here are some tips.
You don't choose your totem animal, but it chooses you
Totem animals often show up when you start a new journey or a new chapter in life. Our totem animals can change depending on what happens in our lives. But it is not uncommon to have one totem animal that reappears repeatedly at different times in your life.
Ask and you will be
Asked to have your totem animal introduced to you. Staying in nature, watching animals and their behavior can also help you get closer to the answer. When a totem animal appears, be careful about how you feel or what they might want to tell you. But don't force him. The more you consciously try to connect, the less likely you are to be open to acceptance.
Meditation is a great way to connect with your totem animal. Shamanism is a ritual of shamanic wandering that can also help guide you to your spiritual beast. Whatever style of meditation you choose, simply set your intention and stay open and watch what happens.
Animals often appear in our dreams as symbolic manifestations of a certain energy, and they can very well direct us to know the totem animal. Pay attention to your dreams and watch if any particular animal appears in them. Remember that sometimes your spirit animal can be the animal you are afraid of.
The wisdom of animals
Each animal has its own specific meaning. This can also be a guide to getting to know our totem animal. Here are some examples of the symbolism of Totoem animals according to shamanic culture:
- Jaguar: he sees his direction in chaos, he has a spiritual view, he is empowering, he moves without fear.
- Killer whale: frees the soul from the physical body, the memory of the soul, can see the invisible, uses healing energy or song for healing.
- Crow: honors ancestors, promotes ethical behavior, moves freely, transfers souls from darkness to light.
- Puma: deprives ego, uses wisdom wisely, strengthens self-confidence, relieves guilt.
- Wolf: death and rebirth, the ability to go through the invisible, the use of change, the teaching of the spirit.
You can find more symbolism in the article: Working With Totem Animals and Spirit Guides
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