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Wisdom of the I AM: Answers to your Questions

Wisdom of the I AM: Answers to your Questions

Earth is referred to as a school of learning. Is this true or are we here as a kind of punishment for being bad or for falling from grace?

You are beautiful, magnificent souls who have opted to come into physical reality in order to further your studies so to speak. You are not at all fallen or bad. You are in fact quite the opposite! You’re brave enough to face the toughest soul expansion journey available on the curriculum in the University of Enlightenment.

Why would we leave our “lofty homes” to come to this planet where there is so much suffering?

Love. The answer is love always. You are the bravest of the brave and you were chosen for this University. Just as in physical reality where a student can make application to attend a certain university of learning, so is it with souls. Suffering is a choice, as harsh as that may sound. It is not a necessity. It is subject of choice. It is not punishment. You can at any time make new choices. Choosing love, peace and joy is your preference. These are powerful energies and it is your choice each morning as you awake to embody this energy. When you choose to embody a higher vibration, so shall it be. And this energy will reverberate out into the world around you like the ripples in a pond and create the changes you are all seeking.
Instead of criticism and judgement, try embodying that which you wish truly to experience. It is simple. People say they want peace but they are at the same time taking sides, criticizing and judging others. Rise above, look up. The answer is never going to be seen in your outer world at this time unless you are willing to surrender to love.

Is the end of the world coming as the doomsayers are predicting?

Take no notice of the doomsayers. The end of an era not the end of the world would be more accurate. Great change produces much turbulence as the mud rises to the surface. Healing must happen where there has been much suffering. Like a boil on the skin cannot heal unless it is lanced. The final lesson in the university of enlightenment is that love is the ultimate healer and the only way. Your differences are your delight, not your abomination.

What can we do to help each other?

Pray, send loving and healing thoughts and energy to everyone. Visualize peace. Visualise happy people, group hugs between people of different nations, smiles and the sharing of abundance. Realise that what you do to another, you also do to yourself. Realise your creative power and put it into action in a more positive and lucrative way.

Will we ever graduate? Life seems to get more scary by the minute. Is there hope for us?

Oh yes without a doubt! Every day you are making progress even if it seems to be slow in the making. As you realise your heart is the reality of the matter so to speak, you turn within for guidance, for healing, for peace and comfort, for understanding and compassion. Don’t lose hope! You have helpers. Find comfort in loving words, kind gestures and deeds. You are graduating as we speak!

~Wisdom of the I AM

Deborah Faith

Deborah Faith  – Reiki Master of the USUI System of Natural Healing, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist, Channel for Archangel Michael and the Angelic Council of Truth and Light.
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