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Embrace the Divine: 55 Angelic Affirmations

Embrace the Divine: 55 Angelic Affirmations

A note from the author:

You came to this episode because you want a better life.

These 55 ANGELIC AFFIRMATIONS are designed to attune the subconscious towards abundant prosperity by first erasing any feelings of lack or unworthiness held deep within.

These feelings of lack or unworthiness may be known to you or they may be buried so deep within the many layers of subconscious that you’re unaware they exist. The affirmations then help you understand your true power and abilities.

These affirmations are inspired by Belinda Womack and the 12 Archangels through the life-enhancing ⁠⁠Wealth Re-creation and Inner Worth Transformation⁠⁠ course.

By channeling the 12 Archangels, Belinda Womack helps discover the powerful limiting beliefs held within the subconscious and uses alchemical tools to restore faith in yourself and provide you with exactly what you need to create true wealth. To learn more, visit Belinda Womack’s School of Spiritual Evolution HERE and accept 10% off any of her courses by using coupon code: TERESA10%.

Each affirmation in this recording is repeated three times before moving on to the next one. Playing in the background is Solfeggio Tones with enhanced 40hz, 528hz and the sound of gentle waves of water to help soothe and balance.

Also playing in the background are these 33 whispered statements that loop every 3 minutes: You are safe … You are secure … You are good … You are magnificent … You are generous … You are beautiful …You are creative … You are resourceful … You are divine … You are intuitive … You are loving … You are wise … You are willing … You are able … You are complete … You are amazing … You are blessed … You are loved … You are healthy … You are delightful … You are happy … You are peaceful … You are content … You are stable … You are strong … You are resplendent … You are smart … You are confident … You are love … You are light … You are calm … You are amazing … You are perfect …

If you’re like many people, you turn your affirmations on every night to reprogram your subconscious mind while you sleep. The length of this video is to help you do just that, at 5 hours and 55 minutes long.

For a faster shift, consider letting the affirmations go directly to your subconscious through a Neurophone. Aside from the remarkable effects on brain efficiency, intelligence enhancement, and left-right brain coherence, the Neurophone helps you learn subliminally through ultrasonic waves.

In short, you can program your subconscious mind while you go about your day! You receive the benefit of the audio programming you stream through the device, while having your ears free and clear for other things that require your conscious attention.

If this has piqued your interest, do some research on Dr. Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone and when you’re ready to purchase your own device, email Teresa Dawn at info at essentialtonics dot com and she will send you a promo code for a discount.

If you would like to benefit from more of Teresa’s work, consider sending her a tip through PayPal HERE!

You can also shop at http://www.EssentialTonics.com.

May Peace and Blessings by Yours,


Embrace the Divine: 55 Angelic Affirmations

TRANSCRIPT OF 55 ANGELIC AFFIRMATIONS – Inspired by Belinda Womack and the 12 ARCHANGELS

  1. I am emotionally and physically safe and secure. God provides my paycheck. My paycheck comes from divine source. I give thanks to the Divine Mother and Divine Father that provides for me, through me.
  1. I place all debt, all doubt, all fear and all worry into a violet-coloured fire and allow this healing Energy to clear it and thank Divine Source for filling me with the trust that I AM deserving to be debt free, confident, safe and secure.
  1. Thank you, Divine Source, for filling me and all of my neglected selves with unconditional love and everything we need to feel wanted and safe.
  1. I am filled with trust. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my creator, Divine Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Christ Buddha loving vibration for filling me with TRUST in every cell, in every molecule and all the space between. Thank you for filling me with the trust that I am loved, safe and secure. Thank you for filling me with the trust that I am worthy and that I am being helped right now.
  1. I clear all negative thoughts from my mind. I am filled with unconditional acceptance of myself. I am good enough. I am worthy. I am smart. I am resourceful. I am creative. I deserve abundant prosperity. I deserve to give myself the gift of only doing work that I love in a beautiful and harmonious environment, that inspires and benefits others.
  1. Thank you my Divine Feminine/Mother and my Divine Masculine/Father for taking care of all of my needs. Thank you for providing financial abundance through my creative pursuits that bring immense joy to my heart and benefits all.
  1. My higher self, ascended masters, guardian ancestors and loving beings from all over the cosmos are all around me, waiting for me to ask for their assistance and guidance. Each time I ask for their assistance it is granted for the highest good of all.
  1. I release the chains of fear that have bound my freedom until now. I release the grief of denial, repression, shame, fear, anguish, frustration and sorrow that have been stored within my heart and cells and molecules and atoms. I release any repressed, trapped selves within me. I am free to express the genius of my soul. I am free to express my creative passions.  I am free to receive the help I need and deserve.  All the victims within me are released and they go now to the healing light of Divine Source. I forgive all those responsible for their repression, including myself. I forgive. I release and let go of the pain.  It has evaporated and gone back to Divine Source and is transformed. I release. I release. I release.
  1. The cells of my body no longer carry past injustices, hurt and fear, lack and scarcity. There is nothing to be afraid of. My physical and emotional security are certain and safe. Divine Source provides all that I need and all that I desire. I can ask for it all. I deserve it all. I am ready to receive it all. I do the work of my soul.  My soul’s work makes me happy and free and brings benefit to all.
  1. My birthright is happiness, joy and prosperity. I call that back to me now. I release the grief of helplessness and lack and scarcity that has been stored within my cells, through my various incarnations and ancestral trauma. I call my joy back to me. I am light and hopeful and filled with the joy and the power that is my wealth. My heart is open with pure joy and gratitude for who I am.
  1. My self-doubt is gone. All of the broken-hearted, unwanted, hurting children that I have been in my past lives are released from my cell memory where they have been trapped. They are now wrapped in the glowing embrace of unconditional love, approval and acceptance from the divine feminine mother and divine masculine father. They feel the unconditional love of Divine Source, are wrapped in a shimmering emerald and violet light and feel whole again as they return to the white light.
  1. I release all layers of agony, anguish, doubt, fear, trauma that have hurt me in this life and past lives. I release all shame, guilt, repressed emotions, unworthiness, victim consciousness, self-sacrifice, addictions, obsessive worry, stress and low self-esteem. Wherever those old stories are layered within myself, I now release and forgive it.  Where once there were shadows and darkness, only pure, shimmering light remains.
  1. I have a new emotional energy field that is lighter and joyful now that the layers upon layers of perceived separation have been named and identified, uprooted, washed away and repaired with golden light. I am now connected with my Divine Self, the Divine Child, The Divine Spark within me. I vibrate at a higher level that attracts infinite blessings, directly from Source Consciousness.
  1. All the layers of fear and pain are dissipated, layer by layer. As each layer is washed away by divine light, my perceived separation between the Unconditional Love of God Source and my human form is healed. I am God in human form. God is having a human experience through me.  It is right that my human experience be as blissful and joyful as it is in the Kingdom of Heaven where my Higher Self plays, creates and loves unconditionally.
  1. I am now aware of the forcefield of Unconditional Love, Approval and Acceptance around me. As all self-doubt is removed, layer by layer, the Light of Love comes in.
  1. I let go of the old doubt, the fear and the trauma that has hurt me as a child in this life and past lives. As I let each layer of pain go, deep, cellular-level healing occurs. Golden, shimmering divine light now shines where once there was darkness and the shadows have disappeared.
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Divine Source, Infinite Intelligence, Mother/Father God, for filling my innocent, inner child with unconditional love, approval and acceptance. Thank you for filling me with trust and faith in myself and in my new energy field and in bringing to my awareness the unbreakable connection to my Angels, Helpers in Heaven and Divine Source.  Thank you for restoring my trust and my faith. I now allow all prosperity to flow unobstructed into this earthly life. The path has been cleared. The connection to the source of all prosperity and abundance has been cleaned and is operating a maximum capacity. There are no lingering shadows or blockages preventing the receiving of riches directly from Source. Abundant prosperity flows smoothly and rapidly now and I am ready and willing to receive.
  1. I see the divine purple light of my crown chakra alight, glistening, moving and swirling in a vortex, pouring down and throughout my entire body, filling all the spaces within, around and in between my cells and atoms and molecules, forgiving all feelings of doubt, fear, self-loathing and guilt. Thank you, Divine Source, for filling me with unconditional acceptance of me.
  1. I am a Divine Child of God, directly connected to Source Consciousness. We are one and the same. I am Infinite Source Consciousness having a human experience. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, please greet my wounded child self and let her or him know that you have arrived and have always been here. Thank you for filling me with divine mother love and divine father love. I trust that you have the power to reach my wounded child through the many layers of my subconscious and lift him or her up into your loving arms and reassure him or her that all is well. Help is here. Help has come. I allow the Divine Mother Love and Divine Father Love to reach deep into the heart of my wounded inner child, who has been waiting for the magic parents to appear.
  1. I am made of energy and the energy I am made of is always living in expansive abundance. The energy that is me is always being listened to and heard. When I vibrate with divine oneness, I know that I am provided for. All that I desire is mine and in harmony with the greater good of the entire universe. I release everything that does not serve my highest good. I am nourished to the depth of my being. There is a glow of divine love within my heart that has expanded and is filled with divine healing. My energy frequency is higher and I feel a buoyancy and lightness of being as the negative energy has been cleared away. I call my cleansed energy back to me, restored and resonating at the vibration of Unconditional Love.
  1. Thank you, Infinite Intelligence for filling me with emotional and physical safety and security and the truth that I am worthy to receive directly from you, Divine Source.
  2. I feel the energy of my root and sacral chakras flowing clear with their vibrant colours of scarlet, ruby, pink, gold, brilliant orange and coral. With my root and sacral chakras clear and flowing, I feel the emotional and physical safety I need to feel secure. I trust that I am worthy to receive all that I need directly from divine source into my life and I am grateful. Thank you, Divine Source for helping to awaken that power deep within myself.
  1. I feel a beautiful swirling violet, purple and violet light above my head and it flows from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. This healing purple light associated with forgiveness is transmuting old hurts and beliefs about not being allowed or permitted to have what others in my tribe have. The purple light flowing through me is transmuting the place I thought I was supposed to have in my tribe, where some received more than me, into an expansive space of abundance where there is more than enough for all. Conversely, the purple light now activated and flowing through me is transmuting any feelings of guilt I have about having more than others. Abundant prosperity exists for all.
  1. I am fully immersed in the forgiving and loving purple, violet and lavender light and it has dissolved old, ancestral feelings around lack or shame. The dissolution of these feelings has now freed me to expect and welcome prosperous abundance directly from Divine Source, doing what I love to do. Layer up layer of my inner self now believes I can have all that I want and desire, free of shame or guilt. I deserve to have all things that I want and desire. It is my inherent, divine right to live in prosperous abundance, in gratitude and joy.
  1. I release and I let go of societal conditioning and belief systems that tell me I am not allowed to receive or ask for what I need and desire in my life today. I release and I let go of all fear-based belief systems and conditioning that convince my subconscious that I am unworthy and that I need to stay in the place of lack so that I am like the others in my tribe.  I forgive it all. I now open myself to experience the miracle of receiving what I need and what I desire right now, today.
  1. I have picked up all of the “I am only allowed to have” books in the library of my life and thrown them into a dumpster emanating with healing power of lavender, violet and purple light. The books of my life that contained self-limiting beliefs of lack that were written to keep me inline with my tribe have been DESTROYED. The books of my life that told me to not ask for too much, to not shine too bright, to not receive too much, have been DESTROYED. I now believe that I can ask for anything I want because of the simple desire to play and have fun and enjoy. I now believe that by allowing my light to shine in all its divine glory will lift and inspire others. I now believe that everything I receive is a deserved, divine gift from Universal Consciousness.
  1. My gifts and talents are my currency that allow me to earn multiple streams of income.
  1. I visualize myself immersed in a deep ruby red light and I drink it in. I am now filled with the physical and emotional safety and security, confidence and strength to be my authentic self, using my God-Given talents and natural abilities to their fullest extent.
  1. I feel the freedom and joy of expressing my unique and authentic self and in so-doing, others feel comfortable to do the same. I am grateful that my newfound freedom of expression allows all of my most powerful gifts, abilities, interests, creative passions and talents to flourish. I allow. I feel the joy of freedom. I am grateful for the confidence to fully express myself. I surprise and delight myself and others. It is fun to have fun.
  1. The gifts and natural abilities I possess are unique to me and this combination is my special contribution to the world for the betterment and highest good of all.
  1. I am grateful for the freedom and confidence to express my gifts and talents for the highest good of all and receive abundant prosperity directly from Source Consciousness in return.
  1. Wherever I have undervalued my gifts, abilities, interests, creative passions and talents, wherever I have downplayed their magnificence because of being afraid of being hurt, ridiculed or looked down upon, I forgive myself. I forgive it all.
  1. I allow my light and talents to shine. I allow my joy to spill forth, filling each cell of my body and the space in between each cell with effervescent, shimmering golden light. All negativity, self-denigration and fear of allowing my inner strength and beauty to stand out is dissolved and washed clean with healing violet light.
  2. I visualize myself immersed in the white light of purification that finds its way to any old, lingering stories and beliefs that say if I am my authentic self, owning my God-given abilities and talents, I will experience pain, guilt and punishment. This old story is now purified by the healing white light and I am comforted, gain confidence and feel safe and secure as the light of purification is replaced with the root chakra colours of red, coral and orange.
  1. I release all fear and the grief of denial, sorrow and frustration that have built up over past experiences and lifetimes from being repressed, oppressed, powerless, helpless, chained, conditioned to feel inadequate, had rights taken away, forced into dependency, addicted and trapped. I release all fear, grief, anger, denial, sorrow and frustration that have been stored within the many layers of my subconscious. These feelings are forgiven and released.
  1. I welcome the freedom, the love, the healing and the release that I need and deserve. All of the victims within me are released to the Central Sun. I forgive my tormentors. I forgive those who have imprisoned me, including myself. I release it all and I forgive it all.
  1. The black river of grief, fear, anguish and sorrow is released from my heart and goes straight to the Central Sun where it is burned and purified. Past regrets, injustices, pain, guilt and sorrow are gone. In its place, love and joy now flow unobstructed into my heart through the divine colours of opalescent, multicoloured soft pastels with brilliant sparkles of effervescent light. My pure bliss joy has been reclaimed and fills the space where pain once resided.
  1. Deep healing through the many layers of my subconscious has transpired.
  1. I ask the Divine Mother and Divine Father, the feminine and masculine aspects of my Higher Self, to fill any areas of lack within myself that I subconsciously believe and subsequently experience in my outer reality.
  1. I ask Divine Source to flood healing light and unconditional love into any and all areas of my subconscious belief system that are layered so deep that I am unaware of them.
  1. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Father, for filling my bucket labelled Affection to over-flowing fullness. I feel your loving and gentle arms wrapped around my wounded inner child and the Hugs and Kisses, the Unconditional Warmth and Loving Affection that you shower upon me.
  1. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Father for filling my bucket labelled Positive Attention, Acknowledgement and Encouragement. I now feel magnificent and deserving and safe to experience abundant prosperity.  The crystalline, shimmering turquoise light that you have poured into this bucket is overflowing and all my dreams are now coming true. I thank you for the success I experience in my outer world now that I feel the positive attention, acknowledgement and encouragement of the feminine and masculine aspects of my higher self.
  1. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Father for healing and repairing my root chakra by filling my bucket labelled Emotional Safety and Security with ruby, red, maroon, pink light. I feel grounded and secure with the knowledge that all my needs are met from Divine Source. The pipeline of direct access to Pure Love Consciousness is open and flowing.
  1. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Father, the feminine and masculine aspects of my Higher Self, for filling my bucket of confidence and self-esteem with the golden energy of happiness, personal power, respect, bravery and vitality. Mixing in the sapphire blues of will power, strength and courage, I feel the pure, undiluted love of source consciousness vibrating in all cells of my being.  I now have the courage to express my truth and creative genius. All limiting attachments to the past are now severed and dissolved and have gone back to Divine Source for healing and reparation.
  1. All the wealth I need comes from the inside. The easiest way to receive abundance is by calling in and feeling the love of Divine Source, the Divine Mother and Divine Father and feeling their loving embrace enfolding my inner child within.
  1. I forgive the old story of fear, neglect and lack that I and my ancestors experienced in this and past lives. I feel the love and light from Divine Source and am safe and provided for through my divine self. Old stories of fear and neglect have been washed clean by the healing, forgiving purple light of the crown chakra. My DNA has been scrubbed of all feelings of lack stored within my cells, molecules and atoms.
  2. I am focused and listen to my intuition and know clearly what action or task that I need to do right now to move towards my goal. I listen to my feelings to understand what needs to be healed and my conscious mind stays in the present moment to know exactly what I need to do right now.
  1. I embrace change. I let go of control. I want positive changes in my life. I want to experience the growth and expanded horizons that change brings. To receive the abundance I want, change is needed. Change is a good thing. Change is invigorating. Change keeps me fresh and alive and vibrant and learning new things.
  1. Growth is change. I want to grow. Expansion is change. I want to expand. Growth and Expansion is the essence of life. The offering of abundance brings new experiences. I welcome the change that new experiences bring. To receive prosperous abundance, I embrace change, let go of control and hear the inspiration that comes directly from Divine Source.
  1. My energy flows easily and I have more than enough to spare. I am motivated and focused and feel blessed to be doing work that makes my Soul sing. My internal savings accounts are abundant and growing each moment.
  1. I expect a positive result from sharing my passions and creativity and interests with the world and receiving my paycheque directly from Divine Source. My prosperity comes as I spend my time doing the work I love, being my authentic self, communicating exactly what I wish to share with the world. I speak and act my truth, with complete joy and freedom. Receiving my paycheque directly from Divine Source by sharing what I love to learn is my dream come true. That is true happiness to me.
  1. My Soul has the wisdom on how to use my gifts to receive prosperity. As I share my gifts, talents, interests, passions and abilities that serve the collective, then I must receive for that service. My Soul knows how to recreate the wealth that I experience in heaven.  I have everything I need to do my Soul’s work right now. There is nothing I need that I do not already have to do my Soul’s work right now. I have the motivation, inspiration, energy, faith and trust in myself to share my gifts with the world right now.
  1. I allow all financial resources that make their way to me to come from Divine Source. Thank you, Divine Source, for the blessing of the financial resources already flowing to me. I listen to the voice of my soul, my heart chakra, my inner innocent child each time I need guidance.
  1. I am worthy of living the life that I desire. A life that inspires and uplifts others. My manifestations are on their way.
  1. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Father, the Feminine and Masculine aspects of my Higher Self, Divine Source, My Angel Guides, Elementals and All Benevolent Beings that Surrounded me as these Abundance Affirmations replaced Negative, Old Stories stored within my cells. Thank you.

These affirmations were written by Teresa Dawn of EssentialTonics.com and inspired by Belinda Womack and the 12 Archangels through the life-enhancing course, ⁠⁠Wealth Re-creation and Inner Worth Transformation⁠⁠.  Take this course and experience the layers of healing yourself. Use COUPON CODE: TERESA10% to receive 10% off.

Author Bio:
Essential Tonics, Inc.

igh vibe creator, curator and disseminator, Teresa Dawn comes from a long line of healers and believers; pioneering prairie women who homesteaded, knew the earth and were one with it.  She runs Essential Tonics, a proudly Canadian supplier of 100% pure essential oils and related resources.  
This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Teresa Dawn Roulette

© 2024 CrystalWind.ca.All rights reserved. Do Not Copy. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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