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Open Your Heart like Beating Wings - God's Message

Open Your Heart like Beating Wings - God's Message

God Said:

The ship you ride on is My heart.

Think of it.

My heart cannot be separated from My vision.

They are one and the same.

As you see, you are.

You encompass all you see.

See Me.

Enliven Me.

Light My path on earth.

Giants walk the earth, and they are you.

You are greatness encapsulated into a human form.

Find out Who you are.

See bigger.

Do not accept the limits of your human form.

That is what you have been doing.

No longer accept limits.

Unlimit yourself.

I put no limits on you.

I never did, and I don't now.

What limit do you think that the Limitless can put?

You are not confined to your human form.

That is not the extent of you.

I am the Extent of you.

You are the song I sing.

You are the note I play.

How can you accept less than magnificence for yourself?

Cease believing in limits.

There are none but those in which you believe.

Your heart can travel anywhere.

Your heart can take you everywhere.

Your heart expands your mind.

Your mind accepts limits. Your heart knows better. In your heart of hearts, you know the vastness of this enterprise of life that you have set forth on.

Remove your clinging to limits as you would a vine that has wrapped itself around you.

You have been clinging to the vine of limits.

Cling now to the vastness of no limits.

Nothing limits you.

Do you hear this?

Nothing limits you.

Adherence to old ways blocks your view.

Look to your motivation.

Look to greatness and not selfishness.

Look to Me and you will abandon smallness. Selfishness is nothing but small vision.

You haven't been seeing far enough.

You haven't really seen what is right in front of you either.

Be a sighted human Being.

Eat the loaf of life. Know what you have been given. Accept what you have been given. You have been given everything. And you have accepted a small crust of it. That is rude rather than grateful. Grateful isn't an emotion. It is a seeing. See that which you have been given and then you will be magnanimous. Gratitude is seeing the treasures heaped upon you. Ingratitude is not seeing.

The change to make today is in your seeing. Then you can begin your life as it was given to you.

Splendid, splendid are your opportunities.

You have been given a grant from Heaven. How will you use it? This is the question. How do you want to use it? I will tell you.

You want to use it vastly.

You do not want confines of anything.

Be unconfined.

Open your heart like beating wings, and see where it takes you. It takes you to Me, and that is gratitude in the life you have been granted. Take wing on gratitude.

Gratitude is awareness.

If you do not see the food, how will you eat?

See the table set before you, and avail yourself of it.

You are My gift. I have given you. I haven't given you for nothing. I have given you for something, and that something is Greatness. Accept the possibility of what I say. I say you are My magnificence. Accept the title I give you. The title I give you is your Identity. Accept no other.

You live in a world bigger than you knew.

You are not held to time and space.

You are held to Great Love.

Be that which you are.

I name you Love. I appoint you Love. I appoint you Mine. And I set you forth to till the field. Till hearts. Till your own.

Accept the title I give you. Accept, Child of God.


Heavenletter #3 November 19, 2000
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