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The Triple Gateway Initiation ~ Archangel Michael

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Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn

The Time Capsule Awakening And Stepping Into Your New Soul Mission

Beloved Light Family, the shifts and transformations on your Earth continue to accelerate. There is much confusion and uncertainty as the old systems begin to fail and break down and the new begins to emerge into manifestation. At this stage, the collapse of the old may seem more evident than the rise of the new, but be assured that the New Earth is gaining in power as its comes into manifestation.

At this time, you are passing through what we call The Triple Gateway and the Initiation into your Augmented and Higher Soul Mission at the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th of November.

The first of these Star Gates or Stellar Portals was the 10/10 on the 10th of October.  This first gate was the activation into new beginnings.  Many of you felt as if you no longer were comfortable in the old reality and longed for the New Reality to become manifest.  This intense discomfort and longing for the new was an indication that your Soul was in the process of the Triple Gateway Initiation.

The second Gateway on the 11th of November is the 11/11 Gateway, and it is the Gateway of Initiation in which your Soul accepts and begins to express its new or augmented soul mission on Earth.  This is an important initiation in which deep levels of “old” imprints, beliefs and limitations are finally released, allowing you to fully embrace your New Reality and your new perception of yourself and your soul mission in that New Reality.

The Third Gateway is on the 12th December at the 12/12, where you gain the power to begin manifesting your life according to your new mission and within the holographic grids of the New Earth.  At this time, you are free of all old perceptions and links with the past, and ready to embrace the gifts of the New Earth Future Timeline as they manifest in the present moment.  You will become more aware of how these gifts are presented to you as opportunities and ideas, and you will take action on them as you create your new reality without anxiety or fear.

These three gateways will find climax and completion at the time of the December Solstice on the 21st December of 2017.  At this time, Beloveds, you will be able to bring these emerging energies into balance with the Divine Light and the powerful Galactic Lights codes that emanate from the Galactic Center as it aligns with the Earth at this time.

It will indeed be a time of celebration and joy as you move forward in the spiral of creation at a higher and deeper and more profound level.

The Time Capsule Awakenings

Beloved Family of Light, there is a very powerful and beautiful energy that is moving across your planet with the Diamond Light right now.  It is a gift that comes to you from a future time when Galactic Consciousness is fully anchored on the Earth and the wisdom of Time Travel and Time Creation is fully understood.

Visualize if you will, a meeting of the Planetary Council of Elders in this future time.  As they review the struggles and suffering of early 21st century society, they resolve to send a Team of highly evolved spiritual warriors of light to assist in accelerating and facilitating the Ascension and Transformation process.  But, they know that the only way that such an intervention may be achieved is by allowing these advanced souls to incarnate into physical bodies in this Timeline to be part of its manifestation and creation.

So, Beloveds, since 2012, among the Diamond Children who have been incarnating on the Earth, is a Team of high-level Galactic souls whose purpose is to be a “Time Capsule of Awakening”.  These ones exist in both places simultaneously, as children in this reality and as adults in the future reality.  They are briefly in a “suspended sleep or dream state” as they come to live out a lifetime in your era to contribute to the shift and the great awakening simply by being who they are and transmitting their advanced Energy Signature into the Collective Consciousness on Earth.  Their experience on your Timeline is the length of a dream in their (future) home, as time wizards of that era know the techniques of time compression and expansion.  They are not here to do anything other than to contribute a high frequency Galactic energy to the emerging timeline.

As more of them come into physical incarnation, their powerful Galactic Soul Signatures are raising frequency on the Earth.  They are living embodiments of a future energy that has been placed on Earth to act as an activation in the ongoing Awakening and Transformation process.

Their presence, as it grows in power, accelerates the Awakening process on Earth.  In this period after the Lion’s Gate and the Solar Eclipse in August 2017, there has been a huge awakening process that is producing a greater wave of awakening than has been experienced on the Earth before.  And it us this wave of awakening that will continue into 2018.

This increase of newly awakened souls will also require an increase in those who are ready to act as guides, teachers and way showers for these ones.  This means that many of you are being called to release the past and make yourselves ready for new or augmented Soul Missions, to guide these newly awakened souls into the New Earth Reality.

Stepping into your New or Augmented Soul Mission within the New Earth Reality

For those of you who have been Light Workers, Healers and Teachers for many years, there may have been a recent period of confusion where you felt unsure of what you were doing.  Or you may have experienced health problems that seemed to hold you back and make you stop and rest, rather than work even when there seemed much to do.

This is an indication that your soul is urging you to stop and “down tools” while you are undergoing what might be called a “re-orientation” period that will bring you into alignment with this new direction of your soul mission for this new time.

These new missions require new perceptions of self, of how to manifest and create and how to heal and align within these new energies.  You simply cannot be doing the same things that you were doing in the old energy.

In the past, Beloved Ones, your energies were focused on transition and awakening, and how to work with awakening and how to deal with the trauma as people awakened.  But now, there are enough awakened ones on the planet to facilitate the creation of a Template for an acceleration of this process.

Now, the need is to create a Template to assist the awakened ones into the New Earth consciousness.  In order to do this, you must yourself be a part of the creation of that Template.  You must be living within the consciousness of the New Earth and with the consciousness of your role as a pioneer in the New.  You must have moved beyond duality and victim consciousness and must be creating an empowered life that also empowers others.

As you reach this space or place of alignment with Higher Consciousness and your Soul, you will quite naturally align with your augmented or new Soul Mission.  You do not need to push or search for it.  Sometimes, what is most needed is simply complete rest and quiet so that you may hear the urgings of the soul through intuition and synchronicity.

When this connection is made, you will have one of two options :  either the Augmented Soul Mission where your former soul mission or work will be augmented by new understandings and new directions, or you will have a completely new soul mission.  In the case of the Augmented Soul Mission you will continue to work with the wisdom that you have gained over the years, but you will be aware of new perceptions and new approaches that are necessary for this new period.

On the other hand, you may also feel the need to step away from the past completely, and embrace something completely new and that better expresses your sense of who you are now.  This will be the process that will lead you into a completely new soul mission that is more in alignment with the needs and expressions of the New Reality.  In this case, you may be drawn to a way of life that is more creative and more connected to the Earth, and that better expresses who you are at this time.

Beloved Ones, it is an exciting time of Change and Creation. 

We wish you all a great adventure of Time and Space in your New Earth creation.

© 2006-17 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.
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