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Melchizedek: Achieve Stability through Cosmic Oneness

Melchizedek: Achieve Stability through Cosmic Oneness

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

It is I, Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, with the Angelic Ones through Ailia. We are so very happy to have this opportunity to connect with you.

Take a moment now and call upon your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, activating that within you through acknowledgement, and then call upon me, Melchizedek the Universal Logos, and ask for an infusion of energy and light from me, to you.

You will now feel some type of sensation as I transmit this light, the energy of that which I AM, to you.

Enjoy this experience, and call forth more light and energy, as you wish. Allow yourself to become familiar with this experience of our connection, and let it be real to you.

Also? If you happen to feel a spinning type of energy, which Ailia just did, know that summoning this transmission may activate your Lightbody, your Merkaba and it’s spin may be something you pick up on or become aware of. This does not need to happen, we simply mention so you will understand what it is, if you do pick up on this.

Now, Dear Ones — it is important that you understand that you have connections with the Universal Oneness and the Oneness of the Multiverse, and beyond.

You are in connection with, and have relationships with, many cosmic beings and fields of Great Light. And the energy you receive through these connections is cosmic fuel, if you will, lifting you up and transforming your experience. These energies are keys to your ascension!

We — in the greater non-physical wholeness — speak to each and every one of you, consistently, and repeatedly and we do so, energetically.

Yes, you could channel us, as Ailia is doing, but many of you do not communicate and connect in that way or not yet and it isn’t necessary -- doing so is not required for your ascension journey. (Even though channeling is a powerful avenue for embodying higher levels of consciousness).

Nonetheless…The most important way that we communicate with you and empower you, and support you, is on energetic level. You feel, sense, or know your connection to any of us, and to Life Itself, on an energetic level.

And as you call upon us, as you awaken, as any of you are introduced to us, or on your own ask for and allow us to transmit to you, you begin to realize (we offer to you) that you are part of us, and we are a part of you and right now, aware of this perhaps?

Oneness becomes real in a very different way.

And this Oneness, which is really Cosmic Oneness, is expanding in your experience, which we will speak more about momentarily…

And this Cosmic Oneness can be more than how you access greater wholeness.

Cosmic Oneness, can be a means by which you build, balance, deepen, evolve and through these connections, stabilize your expression of unity. And that is what we wish to make you aware of, today.

For starters, know that your innate connections are diverse, and vast.

We have focused in much of our co-creation with you, on your connection with your Divine Self; the I AM presence, or the Monad. And this is essential; for this is the Source of your Being.

And yet, there are many fields of energy and light informing your ascension process and at this time we now turn to these broader fields with the intention to deepen your awareness and open you up to new potentials that these vaster fields are offering to you and can provide given where you are now.

There are masters and teachers and fields of energy and light at the solar and planetary level, at the galactic level, and at the universal level and at the level of the multiverse and even at the level closest to Source. And you have connections at every level throughout Creation.

We hope that you will begin to consider the implications of this.

And to grasp that your ascension journey is one of unifying with ever-expanding field of light — and given that, begin to sense what all of these innate connections offer to you — a means by which you can build a stable expression of Oneness in your embodiment.

As a means to open up these possibilities, let us begin to helping you to be more receptive.

We ENCOURAGE YOU, Beloved Ones, to pause now, and recognize, and FEEL your deep belonging and your innate worthiness.

Ask to feel, sense, know, become MORE aware of the deep and vast love that underlies and informs your experience, and to feel how very much you belong. How significant you are. How precious and beautiful you are in our eyes.

And then, if you wish, we encourage you to begin in an ongoing way, to explore your vast network of connections, more often and consciously.

In your daily life, you can simply call upon any of us and ask for us to send energy and light from ourselves to you. If you’re already doing this, expand upon it.

Call upon different fields that interest you. That occur to you. That you know of but may not have connected with before.

Do this often and as you do this, you will feel the unique and specific energies each offer to you, and through this, you will grow in confident knowing of the unwavering and continual support here for you and of your innate connection to All.

You will also sense what fields you have deeper and more significant resonance with and become more aware of where your affinities lie.

As you ask, you will always receive what you ask for and call forth, giving permission for it to be given. How you translate, or experience this will depend on you…

But as you do this, you will often feel a very physical, tangible feeling. It may be more subtle and soft, when you are new to perceiving subtle energy realms, or as you’ve not had much confidence in your ability to receive in this way, but that will open up, and expand as you grow more confident in your connections.

And as it does open up more for you, you will find that you can feel that the energies, are different, they vary and the way you are connected varies, too.

Divine Ones -- the time is NOW, for feeling how connected you are to everything. The time is now for humanity is becoming more psychically aware.

For we remind you friends, the new age is here.

Up until now, has been the time of the forerunners.

Prior to this, you were in a time of awakening, a time of coming to light, remembering. Then conditioning yourself to ever increasing levels of light. Remembering who you truly are, and reconnecting energetically and in consciousness, with the knowing of the true Self, the harmonic wholeness that is your essence.

But now, Earth and humanity has changed, evolved so significantly and simultaneously and in divine order, the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices has brought you into the new age!

As this new age arrives, you are already moving beyond being a forerunner, into becoming a worldbridger and into deepening level of presence and the demonstration of Unity and Oneness, that is growing within you as knowing.

You are evolving into an expression in which you embody Cosmic Oneness and the vastness of your being, when you’re in alignment and allowing that energy to flow freely.

You’re deepening into your ascension journey, developing integrated ascension and beginning Cosmic Ascension and we point out -- expanding your awareness of Cosmic Oneness.

Understand Beloved Ones, — for you to be interested in these things you’ve already completed a merger with your soul -- the third initiation in the ascension process. And many of you have received the 6th initiation; the initiation of ascension and are working toward the sustained completion of the 7th initiation: complete ascension.

You likely feel these milestones as an expansive, eternal level of being.

As this new age and this new year begins you may be sensing and feeling on the inner planes, an expansion unlike anything you’ve sensed, felt or experienced before. And finding it challenging to describe or name this.

This is because as you are evolving, awakening and elevating your energy presence and opening up your consciousness, the vast non-physical fields of light associated with Earth and Humanity’s ascension, have also been preparing and moving closer to you.

In the same way that you have a Merkaba — a LightBody — so too, does the Universe, and the multi-verse. 

And within the greater wholeness, the Masters, the Teachers, Archangels, Dragons and Guides have been not only transmitting to you on the inner planes and through embodied messengers, but also awakening within you, your own innate affinity with different Cosmic Qualities, functional tendencies, rays of embodiment and your own Family of Light.

You each have unique and special resonances within the Cosmic Wholeness -- connections you quite rightly could name as your lineage. 

And as this new year and this new age dawn, the Cosmic Realm is preparing to extend into the higher dimensional earth realms in very beautiful and specific ways which will activate within you, greater awareness of your innate connection with the vaster aspects of your own lineage, and your own Family of Light.

The translation of this experience may not be conscious but it will always include communication in a way that you can feel energetically. Trust this and allow energy to be a means of communication and your awareness of this, to provide you with an ever-expanding awareness of your own connections to the Infinite!

Great teachers from many non-physical realms are moving closer to Earth and in what has been called, “the externalization of the spiritual hierarchy,” gradually, now, some of these unique and loving Cosmic Beings are preparing to descend to Earth.

Along with this, there will be more walk-ins in the coming days, more soul-braids, more declensions of spirit, more blending within your own greater wholeness, for some. And with this, the collective consciousness, the energy and light in your world is being transformed, and there is more psychic awareness of the greater Universe, even among those who do not believe in life on other planets.

The inner knowing, the inner awareness of the greater Cosmic Wholeness is dawning upon humanity, from an inner plane of knowing. And from the collective field of consciousness shared by humanity as those ascending infuse this field with higher qualities of awareness which you/they now embody.

And remember, Friends -- this inner knowing arrives differently than any other type of communication. 

You know this, for you have each had your own inner knowing about various aspects of your own BEING, as you’ve awakened and opened to the greater Oneness in which you are essentially, perpetually present.

And so, you are moving into a time of even greater awakening and remembering. A time of continual expansion. A time of ever-increasing energy flowing into your experience. A time of solar maximum! A time of ongoing outer-world challenges and of great unknowns. 

A time of profound empowerment and a time for what you might call, Quantum Leaps, “on steroids.”

This past year has prepared you for this, by helping you to release all you’ve outgrown; limitation, stories or habits of thought that hold you back from your Divine Birthright of empowered sovereign creativity and from knowing your true significance and inherent worthiness.

Now is a time for those who were forerunners, to also understand that being drawn upward into higher expression. YOU ARE BECOMING the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy now, too.

Each of you are here as representatives, ambassadors of Cosmic Lineages which have deep investment in the Earth Realm and in the exaltation of humanity.

And so — it is for you Lightworkers, who have been forerunners, to now realize this and remember who you truly are in an expanded way.

In an expanded sense of knowing and in that clarity, you will begin to demonstrate once again, what is possible. You will shine this forth, from the evolution of your awareness and through the energies of your presence.

And as you become more whole. As you deepen the ascension initiations you have received by integrating them on the physical, mental and emotional levels, you will also be healing the illusionary separation of the Earth Realm with the rest of the Universe and beyond.

As most of you have experienced, as you evolve, you begin to see non-physical beings less as greater than you and more accurately, as those simply focused differently. As you ascend, the difference between you and the ascended masters and the spiritual hierarchy is slowly beginning to dissolve.

Each one of us carries unique pieces of the Cosmic Wholeness. Each one of us is part of a multidimensional team with an important part to play.

As you open to allow what wants to flow through you... As you learn and remember how to fully embrace yourself and love who you are... You cannot help but embody expanded states of Unity, and replicate the patterns of higher level fields of energy and light from which you emanate and flow.

As you expand, you will still have a very strong sense of Self, and feel the beauty and close connection with your own I AM, or Monadic Presence, but at the same time there is this knowing that your Family of Light and you, share the same functional interests/devotion and tendencies in contribution and creation. That you are part of vaster unified fields of co-creation, beyond your individual expression and that you are at home in these vaster collective fields, too.

There is a deepening awareness that you have unique and specific purpose in BEING YOU. And that BEING YOU, is a reflection of the greater harmonic patterns of the lineage that you have affinity with and from which you flow.

With this, you grow more self-loving and more capable of allowing yourself to heal and experience greater wholeness.

We see the coming days, as a time of tremendous expansion. And with expansion can come a great feeling of instability and what you might be inclined to interpret as less clarity as you evolve into the unknown. So we wish to address this specifically.

You have let go of so much that is no longer relevant in the energetic expression you’ve evolved into, yes.

But beyond that, it is also true that as you expand, your mental faculties in particular, might be becoming more spacious, more vast and you might feel quieter mentally. You might discover that you are alert, alive, joyful and even that you feel clear about what you want to be doing, or not doing (being), and yet there may come a time, in which there is more flow and much, much, MUCH less thought. And much less ability even to conjure up narrative ideas and perspectives.

Here’s why: as you become who you truly are… And as you allow the Cosmic Wholeness, to infuse you with the vast energies of Cosmic Oneness, it is actually quite natural to feel keenly aware and present, but without the need for thinking, or figuring things out, or analyzing, or in any way diminishing your experience of the present moment but filtering it or distracting yourself from it.

And in fact, as you are spiraling upward vibrationally and as you do this while increasing your light quotient, the boundaries of your lower mind or concrete mind, begin to dissolve and it begins to merge and eventually, fuse with the higher mind and this is the beginning of ascension or ascended consciousness.

Now we must highlight a very important ascension key: Know that for all of you evolutionary expansion is not permanent; one must continue to keep their energies clear, their frequency high, and to live in love and increasing alignment with higher mind, to allow it to remain and further develop.

This means bringing all aspects of your human experience into love, embracing everything.

Understand that Ascension Initiations -- many of which happen while you sleep -- are given when your spiritual body touches into a higher light quotient. 

Once this occurs, the work for each of you is then to integrate the full initiation. This often involves inner work in what you might think of as healing. There may be work with your health and body, your diet and with learning more about the specific aspects of self-care that allow you to thrive and live in balance, peace, sovereign alignment and inner harmony. 

There may be work psychologically, emotionally, with love, and with forgiveness... There may be healing needed in terms of your views, or judgements about yourself or others. Work with your beliefs and ideas, the lens you see Life through and your conditioned and practiced, perhaps hidden, patterns of thought.

To be able to be in 5th dimensional energies WITH your physical, mental and emotional bodies, along with your spiritual body, consistently, is to bring about integrated ascension, and the beginning of Cosmic Oneness, or wholeness.

We invite you to join with us, as we begin this new age in these very new energies, and to co-create. We would like to introduce you to many different levels of light and energy within the multi-verse that are available to support your growing unity and Divine Expression.

As we share with you these weekly transmissions and remote energy infusions you will find your connections within the solar and planetary levels, the galactic and universal levels and beyond, become more articulate, more familiar and learn to draw upon them to create the Life experience you wish to live.

You will be invited into discovering more about how you wish to send and give light to areas of concern, suffering or struggle and to find a way of sensing unity with All Things and Sending Light as a masterful emanation of All That You Are.

Cosmic Oneness and Expanding Unity, is the theme we’re offering as a way of framing this dawning of the new age.

The momentum of this new year, has likely felt to you, unlike any other that came before and that is accurate interpretation! Nothing has ever been as it is now and we find this both exciting and worthy of great feelings of appreciation and cherishing the previousness of participating in this new world in the new age.

We very much welcome the opportunity to share with you these observations and perspectives, thank you! We invite you to deepen your multidimensional path of ascension by opening to the higher possibilities of living an all-inclusive life.

Ascension is a synthesized and balanced integration of light, love, wisdom and service. A path which does not bypass anything, but synthesizes and ascends all four bodies, in unity, together -- a path not to emancipate any from this world, but instead to open you up to an abundant and love-filled life of authentic, true expression.

It is with this aim in mind -- the ultimate communion between the inner and outer worlds -- that we offer our support and guidance at this time.

Beloved One, there is only one Path, which unfolds in the uniqueness of each of you. I speak to you now, through Ailia, and yet I am already within you. We are spiraling through time and space together and this dance gives me great joy.

We are deepening our awareness of and connection to one another through the specific and beautiful Life that you are creating and expanding upon. I wish to draw you upwards into expanded states of being and to know the nuances of human experience as seen through your eyes. This is the divine mystery of our multidimensional expression. Know that this journey is both assured and unfolding through our co-creation, and that We Are One. I embrace you All.

I AM Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, with Ailia, Ashira, Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Serapis Bey, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.

Melchizedek: Achieve Stability through Cosmic Oneness


My name is Ailia Mira. I am a writer, artist, conscious channel* and solopreneur. I'm  exploring the ways of living that are in alignment with who I truly am. In addition to living this way myself, I am also an experienced coach, facilitator, teacher and guide. 
Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

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