Embracing Divine Guidance: Archangel Michael and Adama Lead a Transformative Meditation
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues

But what am I doing here? I believe that many of you have already forgotten what I already said a while ago.
It is clear that Adama is a powerful being of light, but what have I always been saying here? Group meditations will always have one of us, so that the meditation happens without any kind of problem, without any kind of attack, so to speak. Do not think that everyone who is here at this moment is vibrating light, there are some vibrating… I won't even say what! I would only say the following: you are wasting your time, because my sword is in the middle of this egregore and nothing, no attempt at anything against it will succeed. I am who I am! This group is under my protection. Then you will achieve nothing! They lost some time – or who knows, they will let themselves be involved by the energy that will be emanated here, today.
So, I'm here commanding this egregore, commanding this meditation. No, I won't say anything! I'm just introducing myself and explaining why I'm here, and always will be! You will always have one of us as guardian and protector of the whole process! Here we are not just talking about my teachings, we are talking about something a little bigger. Beings who, when they reach the surface of the planet, will bring the truth, they will bring everything that was always hidden from you. So, there is always an attempt to silence these voices. But, not here! But not today and not ever! After all, I am who I am and nothing goes unnoticed by me and no other being who will always be here protecting this work! Live this journey with a lot of love in your heart and at the end be sure: you will never be the same! Let's say you're getting a great gift! A gift from Father/Mother God and each of you will receive at least one gift! Which? Don't be curious! Wait and see! But the number of gifts won will be proportional to the size of the heart, the size of the wrapping, the size of the absorbed light. This is not a journey of simply reading a book, there is a whole energy that is being emanated in it and that will be emanated here, today. So join in! But from the heart! Surrender to everything that comes. It's no use wanting to run away from the walk of your souls. Your souls have walked many paths, sometimes in the light, sometimes not so much and many times in the non-light. But it's no use now for you to cry or judge your souls, now is a different time. Judgment is something you can no longer worship. The moment is of light and forgiveness, this is the feeling that has to be experienced for each thing remembered about your souls, no matter to whom or no matter who the request for forgiveness or forgiveness will happen, your soul knows. This is the big moment!
So, I've already said too much! I'll let you know about Brother Adama's driving. And be sure, see a very rough sea, with big waves, I can guarantee that today's meditation will do that to you, you will be shaken a lot. But, there's no use running away now! Accept whatever comes up! The bottom will be well remitted and all the garbage will come to the surface. What to do with this garbage? Simply looking at it with love and understanding that there was a life, an action, a moment. It's looking with love and using forgiveness, but nothing! And everything will dissolve easily. So I'll leave you now with Brother Adama. And you can do this meditation as many times as you want and without shifting time, just do it. Open your hearts and live this moment intensely.
My brothers, it is with great joy that I can be here today leading a meditation. It's an honor to have Miguel here, by my side, bringing the necessary protection and balance. Of course we know that everything we try to do is being closely watched, but we are not afraid. We are beings of pure love and pure light. And it is this love and this light that I want to bring to each of you today.
Put your feet on the ground, you don't have to take your shoes off. Connect with Gaia, each one in her own way: through roots, through a beam of light, it doesn't matter. Feel Gaia's energy rising through her body, her legs, filling her entire torso, her arms, her neck and her head. Breathe deeply! Hold a deep breath, pulling all the light around and expelling everything that no longer serves you. Imagine that at this moment each of you is moved by Gaia to the same location. All of you are together and stay connected to the planet. See yourself standing, profiled, united. Hold hands, no matter who is by your side, know that in each of your hands you have the hand of another brother. Unite in this great mass of minds and hearts!
Imagine that this great place is under the beam of the Sun. It is a beautiful place and the sun's rays penetrate the hearts of each one of you. Ahead is Me and a large group of Lemurians, mainly priests. Right now they are around this whole group, anchoring the necessary energy for our work. The sun warms their hearts. Don't be afraid, I won't bring back bad memories of that time. What I want to bring is the awareness of what you lived and why you lived. Why do I say you? Because the vast majority who are here lived in Lemuria, they went through the sinking. Others went through other processes, but this does not invalidate their presence here. At this time, your hearts are warmed more and more by the rays of the Sun. And from his feet water begins to flow. This water will not pass your feet, but it will penetrate everybody. And she has the power to bring out everything that needs to be looked at with love and forgiveness. Feel the water acting like a great whirlpool within your bodies. If you feel dizzy, nausea is normal, as the water is messing with your body's liquid balance. If you feel like crying, cry! It will be feelings that are being put out.
In that instant, white rose petals fall on you, representing love, representing light. And when those petals fall, they take with them all the pain, all the suffering, all the trauma of each of the souls that went through that moment. The water starts to descend from inside their bodies and the petals also stop falling. And you are immersed in a great sea of white rose petals. The water is absorbed by Gaia. And Gaia will transmute all the energy that was absorbed by her, cleaning every heart, every soul of everything that could be cleaned. Feel your hearts glowing! The sun's rays no longer warm them, but they have become brilliant balls of light! You can let go of your hands. The objective here was this cleaning as a whole, because the process happened with a group, not individually. Now, everyone's heart shines, their bodies are lighter. All pain, all trauma was absorbed by Gaia, penetrated her entrails through that water, which swept all feelings from her body. Now, in this instant, each of you returns to your places of origin. And make sure we'll always be together!
The time for our meeting has arrived! It is with great joy that the people of Telos recognize each one of you. And those with pure, clean hearts will receive our contact. Believe me, this whole process is not happening by chance, everything had already been established by Father/Mother God. Each of you will remain with this shining heart for a long time to come. It will be up to each one to know how to keep it shining through the emanation of love and light. It is an energy that dissipates when you don't emanate love and grows when you are filled with love. So, know how to keep your hearts lit! Live always seeking love and harmony! And I tell you, each one of you who follows this path will distance yourself further and further from everything that happens in your world today. Don't ask me how, everything will happen as it has to happen. Just walk to live this moment. The how is in the hands of the Universe, beings of light and Father/Mother God! Do not be afraid of what will come and how it will come! Give your hearts and you will see how much you will have to gain, and how much you can prepare yourself more and more for the new journey of the Fifth Dimension.
That circle formed by the people of Telos, by the priests and by me, will remain around this egregore created with this group and you will be cared for and treated. Just open your hearts. It is enough that you apply all the teachings you have received and we will do our part. But, only for those who effectively keep their hearts enlightened! But those who cannot, at this moment, still keep their hearts enlightened, we will not abandon them, on the contrary, we will be helping them to find the way to an enlightened heart. So, the journey is long! Our journey will be long! The speed at which each one walks will depend on each one, but we will be watching over everyone.
Gratitude for this moment today, for being able to exercise and create this moment today! Right now, all my people are clapping their hands to you brave beings of light who have chosen to ascend! And we can only say: welcome our brothers! Illuminate your hearts and surely you will get there! Count us in! Vibrate with us, each in their own time and with their conscience! But, the time now is to look forward always! And we will be there, at the end of the journey, at the end of this time of the Third Dimension of this planet, waiting for each one of you with honors and glory!
Take all the energy of my people! And believe me: you will win every challenge of this ascension battle! Be with all my love and with all the peace of my people!
Translation by CrystalWind.ca.
Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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