Born for This Moment: Embrace Your Purpose Now
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- Written by Jennifer Chapin

“You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents.
You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history, and your priceless heritage–of who you truly are.”
“A master speaks less, listens more carefully, and maintains a detached attitude from what is occurring around him/her. You are to seek the serenity within the Sacred Heart. Therein resides your center of Power and Divine Will.“ ~ Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane
It is easy to feel diminished in the face of the chaos of the world, and yet it was for this time that we have been brought forward. If we could not do the task at hand, if we were not “up to the job,” then we would not have been given permission to incarnate.
It is a great privilege to be on the Earth at this time. Many souls are vying for this privilege, but we were chosen, and we were chosen for a good reason. As this text points out, we are powerful multi-dimensional Beings with a rich and complex heritage, and we are ALL well equipped to be in the current moment of time on the Earth.
This mission is not for the faint of heart. We were chosen for our courage and determination in the face of adversity, for our ability to “Let go and let God” in those moments that we do not understand. We are equipped with the “virtue of selfishness” which Lord Michael has said is an important component of our evolution right now.
Not that we don’t care about the suffering and extreme anxiety in the world around us, but that we care more about ourselves as we lovingly nurture and heal our own wounds so that we can then rise and shine as the beacons of Light that we truly are.
However, the important caveat here is that while we are seeking to fulfill our own mission and personal goals, our intent is to do this with the phrase ~
“For my greatest good that leads to the highest and most benevolent outcome for the Earth, humanity and for all of creation. Let it be so, and so it is. It is done!”
Perhaps this is the time for inner silence and observation. We must not add to the cacophony of the world, but from the vantage point of an ascending master becoming (or returning), we can observe what is happening in the world with great compassion and love. Then, we render our guidance when asked, but we also know when it is appropriate to remain silent.
If we breathe in Light and breathe out Love into the world, then we are accomplishing the mission that we came forward to do: to be great Sentinels of Light that reach out to other Light Bearers all across the globe in a web pf Golden Light that encircles our beloved home planet and extends beyond.
We are in a time of group ascension.
All is well, and we must trust the Divine plan. We cannot know the mind of God, but our faith is such that we wholly embrace God’s Divine Blueprint for this ascension time and for each one of us.
We are dearly loved.
Moment by moment, breath by sacred breath, we give thanks for the blessings in our life, and allow our gratitude to swell up inside us, to be sent out into the world that desperately needs us.
November 12, 2024,
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