Ascension Update from Archangel Michael: Step into Your New Light
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- Written by Ailia Mira

Divine One,
The light within you grows and grows. And it is this increase, this expansion of light that is initiating the changes in your experiences at subtle levels which you sense and may feel are taking up a lot of your bandwidth nowadays.
Are you feeling like there is a lot happening and changes that you know are significant, but aren’t always or at all able to articulate? You are correct -- this is happening.
The thing is now and throughout the rest of this year and into the beginning of next year, there are deep levels of purification occurring with you. This is happening BECAUSE All That You Are, is the dominant energy within your field now. You’ve allowed this and oftentimes attuned to it and merged with it. And each time you did, a deeper level of purification has been happening.
And to be clear, by purification we simply mean a clarification of your energy and a spinning off, and digesting out of your physical form and exhaling through your breathing, aspects of your human energy system that were taken on through conditioning, through trauma, through experience. Energies that when the arose, you could not allow to completely come and go and flow through you. Some repressed, some taken on even though they were not yours or a match for you and what you prefer and want, and some created by interpretations of experience that are rooted in fear-sponsored energies.
And so, as these energies are being removed, the newness that is arising, is paralleling a very new energy arising within the planetary field too.
New, pure, clear true energies are coalescing and coming online, uninhibited by conflicting wave patterns that may have in the past cancelled them out, and these new, pure, clear true energies? They’re also of a much higher frequencies, they are 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional energies -- energies from Source. Energies from All That You Are. Energies that are fueling Earth and humanity’s ascension and you are attuning yourself to them, for the match and correspond and activate those who are in the vicinity of them, frequency wise and coherence wise and that now, includes YOU.
As this is happening there is a big sense of new beginnings and endings and a sense of deep change without really being able to articulate fully what you now are becoming, or feeling.
That is because this is the FIRST TIME, in this embodied experience that your energies have been so purely yours. For a lot of your life you would feel the inner conflict of your own preferences, inner knowing, functions, interests, knowing and the beliefs and stories that you were conditioned into and took on early in life, and largely unconsciously. Then you were vibrating with all of these energies and drawing to you, magnetizing resonant experiences which then made the conditioning seem real and true and it became stronger and more deeply entangled with your own energies.
All of that is changing now and with this you may feel unexpected emotions and so today we wish to talk about some of these.
You may feel a sense of anger or frustration as things you love and wanted to experience which you were discouraged from pursuing, or learned to not believe were available for you, or safe for you, are now arising, more clearly and directly within you as desire, because the beliefs and stories, the conditioning and patterns of thought that made them seem impossible or risky, are falling away.
Let the anger be felt -- if you have it -- as strong energy and choose to be glad for this strong energy. If the energy is strong and if you feel a strong sense of unhappiness or frustration about things you did not allow yourself to do, or be, or have or become, this is clarity.
And if, by chance, you even feel something so strong that it feels like you are living the totally wrong life for you now, that too is clarity.
Know that you can create whatever you want to create and you can line up energetically with what you want and learn to believe in its existence vibrationally and enjoying that knowing, you can begin to let it flow in and manifest, changing your experience.
You can do or be or having anything you desire and even if it seems too late, there is always a way to experience the essence of any desire and many desires can still quite explicitly and literally be made manifest, so enjoy reawakening to things that may have deeply mattered to you in the past and if you feel anger, discomfort, sadness, grief, frustration or simply even OUTRAGE about where you are relative to what now feels right to you, simply allow all of this to flow and know these energies will and you will come into a new state of harmony and balance and from this create yourself anew. And that can be a very joyful and powerful and fun experience to have now, or next.
The first wave of ascending humans are experiencing the coalescing and activation of their 7th dimensional LightBodies. This is a diamond LightBody and it is experienced as diamond field of golden and white light emanating from the heart chakra and structurally comprised of the two pyramid shapes of your Merkaba extending to form this diamond. This vehicle is your ascended light body and it is being activated for some and some of you are still shifting into 5th dimensional expression or working towards integrated ascension. Wherever you find yourself, you know that ascension is happening to this UNIVERSE as an experience of Oneness, or wholeness. Everything is part of it and as any part of it progresses, it draws everything else forward. So celebrate the ascension that is happening within anyone and everyone you know. You are empowering each another to be All That You Can Be, here. To fulfill your embodiment and to become the Creator that you truly, eternally are, here. Consciously.
So much of ascension is remembering and then from the new consciousness of that remembering, recreating yourself, your life, your experience.
Ascension is an inner game until it’s an outer game. The first wave is ascended and moving into higher ascension and because of this all Life is being drawn upwards.
Remember that everything must be illuminated so that it can be known or renown as the Divine Energy is fundamentally and completely is.
Nothing exists outside of the divinity that is All. All life is One. And All Life is moving into higher expression, as it can.
When you decide to accept your significance and innate worthiness... As you realize that abundance is yours and well-being is yours and creative prowess is yours and you begin to learn how to deliberately shape your energy state, care for your energy field and orient to your emotions with knowing, you also make these insightful states of awareness more readily available to others.
When you realize that your emotions are always indicating how in sync you are with what you are vibrationally; All That You’ve Become, then you begin to learn to see emotions as guidance.
Emotions and the amazing power of emotions is in their capacity to show you if the way you are focused is aligned with and furthering, serving that which you have chosen and prefer, or not.
And realizing that you create your emotions, by what you are focused upon and that your own vastness of being, your Divine Self is always also focused within and never sees, separation, lack, limitation, or anything but well-being and love and joy and peace and harmony and possibility for you, then you realize whenever you don’t see things this way, you diminish your resonance with your True Self and this diminished alignment generates what you may refer to as negative emotions. Likewise, positive emotions always indicate Oneness with Source. Unity with All That You Are and in that state you have access to all the resources, and capacities, clarity and energy you would like to flow and experience.
Knowing all of this can greatly simplify your experience and liberate you to a life of joyful creativity and flow. But know too, dear friends -- you are the forerunners, the way showers, the awakened ones, and you are the leading edge of ascension.
Many people do not understand what you know or are coming to know or may even think it is crazy or bypassing that you operate in these ways. That’s all right.
Be who you are. Cultivate states of relaxation, inner peace, ease, and openness. Operate vibrationally and multidimensionally. Live knowing that you are significantly present non-locally and non-physically while also being embodied here and that this embodiment is an emanation of All That You Are into this body, creating and thus being the Source of your aliveness.
Eventually these understandings will be commonplace and known by all. You, as you live your life, from an inspired aligned state of clarity and knowing, are demonstrating the possibilities for ease and joy, for well-being and radiance, for fun and abundance, for creativity and skillful manifesting and changing your experience to become more and more what you prefer. And this is infusing collective consciousness with truth and with a stronger presence of possibilities and making these perspectives more available to any who are reaching for what you have come to know.
Life evolves in these ways — from within, from the encodements and transformation of solar and other cosmic energies streaming in, and from the momentum and influence of those who precede and demonstrate, embody and express the new possibilities, and potentials.
And of course with our support too, for we are part of this co-creation! We inspired, support and offer guidance and reminders as we promised. We promised to come through those who agreed to be messengers and channels, to remind you and offer guidance that you would feel activating within you a deeper knowing and remembering of who you truly are and what is actually possible and promised. We promised to come whenever you asked and to do all we can to assist and encourage.
The love and support for you and for All Life in your world greatly exceeds the number of beings present there. We feel immense devotion towards you and have deep appreciation for what you are co-creating. We are joined in this field of positive expectation and enthusiasm by Ascended Masters, Star Beings, embodied masters, Dragons, Unicorns and so many other non-physical energies. The Earth-Game is a key to the ascension of this Universe.
As you remember these things. As you bring your focus to messages like this which encourage and empower your vision and understanding, you relax and open, allowing the energies of well-being, love, harmony and carrying keys and codes to be poured into your human presence. Open your energy field and drink deeply of all that we are transmitting to you now, for we are sharing with you, unique, personalized energies today that are specifically shared knowing where you are and what will be most beneficial to you, in accordance with your Divine Self.
Let this transmissions flow into your human energy system. Feel now, the increased energy coming in your crown chakra and your third eye. Knowingly be the world bridger you are, and feel the joy and elation of accomplishing what you intended when you came forth — the remembering — and being a profound and beautiful aspect of this ascending world.
We love you very much.
We are complete.
I AM Archangel Michael, with Ailia, Ashira, Naeshira, the Galactic Dragons, Serapis Bey, the Lemurian Masters, and the Telos Masters, the Maitreya Buddha, the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple and the Council of Radiant Light.
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