Archangels Michael & Faith: Shine Your Heartlight
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- Written by Kerstin Eriksson

Today I will talk about something different, but actually it is the most important thing of all. And it is about family.
And you are rooted deep down into Mother Earth and at the same time you are connected with the universe. And this is how you stay connected!
Sometimes there are so much darkness, and you meet evil in different shapes and you fight till you are so broken that you can´t stand up.
This is the moment when you forget about your true family.
The darkness surround you and you cannot get a clear sight right through it all.
The sun always shines above the dark clouds.
But attempts are done to hide the sun and its light, to make you live in the grey.
Ohana! You are bonded with your family, and your family will never abandon you, no matter what you go through, your family always awaits you.
In fact your family is proud of you! And your family cherishes you and loves you more than you can ever know.
Family! Family is not only blood relation. It reaches over any border, there are no limits to your family!
You might be caught up in the dark web of fear and horror, but it is only temporary, for we are here on the other side waiting for you, to remember us.
Every time you sleep you met us! But you rarely remember it. For going back down into your physical body each night, you pass through different layers of dimensions and you lose the memory, and then you awaken to your main reality, living on Earth.
As if you were a plant, care for yourself, water yourself, give yourself new soil, every now and then, allow yourself to stand in the sunshine, in the light of the day and enjoy life.
Let your roots grow deep into your ground where you live and love every drop of water! Your family is a big part of you. Your family is in a way also a plant of Earth. And you are connected via your roots that meet deep in the earth.
Love your feet and love your roots and you will feel an instant connection, a tingling in the soles of your feet, maybe even in the palms of your hands. You see, the bond is highly physical! You can feel it when you focus with your heart!
The connection to your family always goes via your love in your heart, and love will always win no matter of the grey clouds or dark webs that try to hinder the connection. Just work on it, don´t give up!
Love is forever, and all the other will fall aside and vanish eventually, just have faith in your heart light, and know it is already there, you just have to turn it on!
We love you,
Michael and Faith
(Channeled through Kerstin Eriksson Aug 8, 2024)
Archangel Faith ~ Angel letters for you!
(A channeling with Archangel Uriel through Kerstin Eriksson
Since the year 2014 written 3 books. Channelings with God, Mary Magdalene and Thor the Archangels.
Re-blogged with written permission from Kerstin Eriksson on All rights reserved.
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