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Archangel Michael: Your Flower and Path Forward

Archangel Michael: Your Flower and Path Forward


As I promised, today I will explain a little about the flowers you received. And like I said yesterday; Even those who have not yet done the 11/11 Portal Meditation, do not try to get the flower you want.

Each one will receive the flower they deserve; the flower that is ready for the walk.

Many received flowers, never seen before, because they are not flowers of this size. They are flowers, extremely beautiful and powerful. Those who received light flowers; white, pink, yellow, or other tones within these colors, I would say they are in a moment of calm; a moment of peaceful walking. Even some other color that I haven't mentioned here, but that is light; blue, green, which has a light tone; these are peaceful moments of walking.

As much as you sometimes think not, there is still a long way to go. So it's as if I'm positioning you within a large circle, where the distance from the radius to the center is the distance to the Light. So you're on a quiet stretch of the walk. Where the obstacles will be easy, they will be small, but easily surmountable. I can say that you have reached the ends of the circle; you are inside it. And what does this mean? It means that if you maintain the path you are on, keep your hearts, vibrating high, vibrating Love, vibrating Light, you are able to evolve, to move to the next phase. At no point here am I saying that the passage will be to the Fifth Dimension. It will be for the next phase. Very good.

A slightly smaller group received flowers in vibrant tones: red, darker blues, darker greens; more closed tones, but still colorful. So I would say you are halfway there. They managed to get to the middle. They are preparing, strengthening themselves, for the final phase. They are being prepared for the great challenges. Remember: strong but colorful colors.

And then we go to a small group, who received black flowers; completely colorless. Black. Roses, tulips, black sunflowers. Most don't want to believe what they saw. You think you're going to die. You interpret everything wrong. There is no such symbolism for us, because death for us does not exist. And it would be really funny, to bring you to this point and for you to die before your time. It would be very funny. No, it's nothing like that. Whoever received black flowers is because they are at a walking point very close to the center of this large circle. And I would say that you are ready for the big challenges.

No, don't think that as you get closer to the big point, everything will get easier. It's not quite like that. On the contrary, everything becomes more difficult, because these are exactly the big tests. The tests that will guarantee evolution. How will you reach the next phase? Ah, I can add that everyone within this big circle is ready for the next phase; that no one knows what it will be, nor how it will be.

So you who received the black flowers, take up your weapons of Light; fill your hearts with Love, with Light; Put on your covers of Light, because the battle is about to begin. Yes, battles come ahead. But notice what I said: you have guns. And these weapons can be used at any time to destroy what comes next. And what will come next? Big obstacles, big changes, paths never before navigated, completely new paths.

Lots of curves on the way. Where you won't know what you'll find around the next bend. The path now becomes winding, full of curves and obstacles. The only thing I can guarantee each of you is that you have the weapons. It's like a game. You accumulated weapons and got here. So now is the time to use them. And you will need to use them. Because at these…, at these points along the way, at these curves, there will always be a great challenge. Something that you will have to search inside your heart and find the way out. Which weapon to use? How will you get through there? But I already give the answer: Filling your heart with Love; filling your heart with Light. And every time you do this, the obstacles will disappear. And there you will have learned a lesson, important for the next phase.

So, my brothers, there is no point in wanting which flower you will receive. It is as if you are now aware of where you are on your journey. The vast majority are in the first block, of light and beautiful flowers. Very few are at the second level. And very few more are in the first, the closest to the center.

I'm not saying this to make you afraid. Oh, and even the flower you received is also a weapon of Light. So, guard it with lots of Love, because at the right time you will need to use it. Have faith, have confidence. You've come this far. But now come the final tests, which will allow each of you to position yourself in the next phase. Ah, important: For those who are close by, what if they don't pass the tests? They will return to the previous level, so they can prepare a little more. And later they will be here again, doing the same tests again.

Yes, my brothers, you will all get this far. Don't think you'll have it easy. No. They're just further ahead, you'll all get this far. It's a walk, isn't it? Then everyone will reach this point. It's just that many, the vast majority, are still stuck with what they shouldn’t, which I should have already released. That's why there are so many there on the edge. They still think they will be able to carry everything that they will be able to carry whoever they want. No. Lose the illusion.

So, let's continue the walk. It was just a repositioning, so you know exactly what you've achieved so far. Then many may ask me: “But I didn’t see any roses. I've repeated it several times and haven't seen anything. What does that mean?” That you still need to give up a lot; open your heart; be ready. Then yes, you will enter the circle, the great circle. So I would tell you to make a greater effort, because what you are doing is not enough.

I would say this was a gift to cheer everyone up. Many are not very excited; they are scared. Beware of fear. Fear can return you to the first group, huh? Where's the courage? Do you have so many weapons in your hand? Weapons of Light. You are able to break every obstacle that will come. Why the fear? This is no longer a time to be afraid. You have already lived a lot. They've been through a lot and got here. Congratulations! It won't be long before you get rid of all this, it won't be long before.

Don't give up now. Don't be cowards now. It takes courage. And move on. Will I be together? Always. Any of us you call to help will be there. Of course, we won't remove obstacles, but we will help you to be strong and courageous..

So, come on, shall we continue the walk? No, don't be disappointed. Many are, “Oh, I worked so hard, I did so much. I’m still here in the first group!” I could tell you that the bands are not the same size. The first track is quite large. The one closest to the center is very small. The second, a little bigger. The third, which is where the vast majority are. It's very big, it's wide, very wide. So you are not that far from the center. You just need to walk a little further on more complex terrain to reach the other tracks.

But many are close. And after a while, you will be able to repeat this meditation. And see if the rose changed color. Be careful, because you might also come back. Whoever is there in the black roses, in the black flowers, go back to the beginning. Everything is possible. So keep moving forward, always. Don't be disappointed, you are here. They are ready for the next phase. And those who are not even inside the circle?

So, be grateful for being in there. Be grateful that you have already achieved this point. It doesn't matter where, at what height, how far. You have already conquered the next phase. So, stay within it. So stay within this big circle. This is the goal, you are already there. And no, it doesn't matter what the next phase will be like. It matters that you are ready for it. Believe this. And keep walking forward, so that you arrive at the center. That is the ultimate goal. Come on, let's stay brave and strong? This is not the time to weaken. This is not the time to give up. It's time to walk. It's time to fight. And it's time to evolve.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca

All other images by crystalwind.ca

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

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