Archangel Michael: Watch your Thoughts
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- Written by Possidonius Neto

This is a time of great concentration. The moment is to be entirely in the Light; be entirely focused on your journey. Try to keep your thoughts focused only on walking.
When you feel like your thoughts are flying, they're getting out of control, call on Gaia, call on Source, call on any Being of Light you want, but bring your balance back..
Many ask themselves: “Why is it that even though they are terrified, with their master’s around them, they are still attacked?” And I answer them: You are inserted in the middle. The Matrix does not control you from the outside. You are inside it. So it's very easy for her to bring you anything. It is very easy to bring you sounds, sensations, words, because this is all their technology. But in reality, they are not physically close to you. Because then yes, I would tell you that all the work you did would have been in vain. And it certainly wasn't.
Believe me, all these events are designed to throw you out of control; so that you may have doubts; so that you let yourself be carried away by this energy of anger, of hatred. Always vibrate, Love. Do not connect to the energy of these events, which bring them to you.
Don't be afraid at any time. Those who are protected with their armor, with their protections, are vibrating loudly, rest assured, never doubt, we are there, on the side, together, involving you. You may ask me: “But how come they can still reach us?” And I repeat again: this is a technology that emanates from the.
So you receive the message in several ways. But they are not there, next to you. This is just a way to unbalance you. To make you doubt. To make you stop believing that we are there. Never doubt that. Our protection is constant. And it depends on your vibration, yes, but we don't abandon you.
So, know how to vibrate loudly. Know how to be protected, so that nothing can actually attack you. Because these…, these small attacks, if they find the right way, they propagate in their minds. It's nothing physical. It's a mental power. And no, it's not a chip or an implant. It is a technology that reaches the environment and aimed at whoever they want. Or do you think they don't know you??
They know who each of you is. They know their weaknesses, their quirks, because they control everything. They know your deepest fears. You know those thoughts that you don't tell anyone. But they know. So they populate their minds with these thoughts. They make you believe that the thoughts are yours. And if you recognize them like this, they start to invade your mind, all the time..
So be very careful. When you realize that the thoughts are not good, they are thoughts of any kind, dress yourself in Light immediately. And this all ends, because the Light destroys their technology; takes you away from their domain.
There is very little left, my brothers, for the Matrix to be completely destroyed. But you need to understand that you are inside it, and that they still have the control to populate your minds with whatever they want, because you are inside it. Do you understand, why is it not easy for us to act? Do you understand when we say that if we destroy them, without planning, they will destroy you, with a thought? Of course, not everyone will do what they are told, but some will. And we can't risk it.
Always fill yourself with Light. It is the medicine for this control. In fact, it is the only medicine. Dress in Light; dress in Love; vibrate loudly. Rest assured, my brothers, a good part of the Matrix has already fallen; the part that controlled the planet. The Matrix is an immense program that controls everything on the planet. But some pieces have already been destroyed. What remains now is to destroy the one who manipulates you, who affects you. Then yes, the victory will be complete. Because nothing else can attack you. Nothing else can reach them.
And no, at this moment, there is no way out of the Matrix. It needs to be destroyed. This program needs to stop running so that you can free yourselves. And you can effectively start thinking 100% with your own mind.
So be careful. If you feel something strange in your mind, dress in Light immediately. Because you don't even need to call for us; When you dress in Light, we will immediately be there. This is our role at this moment. And that's what we'll do.
Translation by
Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris -
All other images by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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