Archangel Michael: Transforming Negativity into Divine Connection
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- Written by Asara Adams

Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Beloved One, God's Love is constantly streaming to you.
God's Love is streaming to you through others.
God's Love is streaming to you through your experiences.
God's Love is streaming to you through your body.
God's Love is streaming to you through your feelings.
God's Love is streaming to you through your mind.
So, what happens when people are unkind to you, experiences are unpleasant, your body gets sick, you feel negative emotions and your mind wanders to the worst-case scenarios of your life?
The truth is, that your Ego is also constantly streaming to you.
It is streaming all judgment, attack, lack, scarcity and the looming threat of death to you.
While God is reminding you of your immortality, your Ego mind will try everything it can for you to perceive all negativity through others and yourself.
As you are interacting with the world of Illusion and you begin to pay attention, you will see, when the Ego is acting or when God is acting.
What can you do when you see the Ego in action through others or yourself?
The first step is to remind yourself that the Ego has created your Illusion experience and both the Ego and the Illusion, are not real.
Only God and God's world is real.
When you notice an unpleasant thought or interaction with your body and others, say in your mind "This is not real. Only God's world is real."
It is important not to say this out loud to others, as it will mobilize the Ego even more.
When you say "This is not real. Only God's world is real." it begins to remove the power you gave to the Ego and the Illusion.
Then, you will have moments when you feel at peace and in harmony with yourself and your experience.
Someone might say or do something nice or loving.
Pay attention to that.
This is God acting through you and others to stream his Love to you.
You are a beloved child of God and you are beginning to perceive it.
You can choose to allow God's Love into your life through your thoughts, feelings, words, actions and interactions with others.
You can choose to let God act through you to uplift your world, and to lift you out of the illusion into the Higher Dimensions/Heaven on Earth.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
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