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Archangel Michael: The Golden Dawn - Begin Your Creation Journey Now

Archangel Michael: The Golden Dawn - Begin Your Creation Journey Now

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are JOYFUL (in the way we know that) for this opportunity to connect with you and share at this auspicious and important time, in the evolution of your world and of your species.

The Golden Dawn has arrived. And what we mean by this is: the time to create, to compose, to imagine, to step into, to give rise to the formation of a new world and for each of you to give form to a new version of BEING YOU is NOW.

This is a time for celebration and a time for energetic rebirthing of your most radiant desires, of your inner sense of capacity, and for daring to leap fully into believing in your own innate wisdom and starting to allow the Divine Flow of All That You Are, to fully energize you, empower you and lift you and propel you into frequencies that generate profound states of JOY, well-being, creativity, inspiration, connection, peace and love!

The opening of the Golden Age came together and arose in your experience as Pluto moved into Aquarius and with this era-changing energy shift, opened up new potentials and new tonalities which you can readily feel, tap into and center in, if you wish.

The energy is really different at a fundamental level. And with this if you’re available there will be really game-changing insights — insights where you see how much you’ve already changed. And there will be a wonderful energy of things easing up from now into the new year as you open to this new beginning that is ripening moment to moment already and join it.

And you might find you want to sleep quite a bit and we suggest you go with that if you feel it. Most of all? In all ways begin to notice and then adjust as needed so that you choose and live and feel that you can always do what feels best to you. That it is what is meant for you and that these choices ARE supported and all it takes to receive that support is to believe it.

You cannot receive what you do not believe you can have, so if you don’t believe this, then begin to think and feel and think and feel into it… like, “What I want always comes,” and, “Whenever I do what feels right things go so well for me. I see that. That is so great.” It’s just a matter of making these thoughts the familiar thoughts the ones you reference regularly.

Be easy with yourself as this change deepens and permeates your awareness and you begin to translate your experience from it and begin to realize how very different you are and perhaps even sense how different you can now make your experience…

This is really, REALLY big. And if you get it, you’re going to feel the key emotion, the propelling energy and tonality of this new golden age, which is JOY. When you really remember who you are, what you feel is JOY.

. . .

So while you’re opening to this and resting as it feels right, or playing, or being outside more, or just having fun…

At the same time, begin to act on — embrace, accept, step into, empower the version of you which is starting to come to light. There is a very fulfilled version of you that is available to you. Believe in this. And as pieces become visible to you, or you connect with invitations, opportunities, resources, experiences that will further that? Seize that moment. Not fearing it won’t come again, but with confidence in your capacity to have what you want now. Realize Beloveds — You are CREATORS. An elaboration of the Infinite, endowed to Create. Own it. Use it. Believe in WHO YOU ARE.

We’d like to begin to transmission with an attunement. One in which we usher you into conscious connection with this new golden light. This light is the light of unconditional love. It is the energy and frequency of your true Self and the light that is emanating from the core of your being, already. 

It is here and in fact, it has always been here to one degree or another, but now, it is the fundamental energy arising from the center of those capable of allowing it to flow and it is flowing into this realm, form the many non-physical beings sharing keys, codes, energies and information with you, in response to the heart-felt wish within humanity for more LOVE, more ALIVENESS, more LIFE, more CLARITY, more well-being, more abundance, more connection, more inclusivity, more acknowledgment of the Infinite Oneness and the Divine presenting in All Life...

It is the heartfelt desires of not only you living now, but your ancestors too and your future dependents who are all drawing forth this new, golden dawn. For the benefit of humanity and so that Earth might play its part in an ascending Universe.

Open now within you and turn your focus to the center of your chest. Imagine a white and golden swirling ball of energy and light located there. Feel it expand. Let it expand until it engulfs both your whole chest and your whole abdomen. Igniting both the heart chakra and the solar plexus with this knowing energy of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Galactic Dragons are arising now and they are emanating into your presence, infinite energies of confidence, power, belonging and deep expansive peace. If you welcome this infusion of cosmic light, say yes and then soften and open your heart.

Feel the energy filling up your energy presence now, lit from within and expanding.

There is a sense of fullness we know you are feeling and that fulness is the wellspring of the TRUE SELF.

Who you really are is SOUL and this is a SOUL INFUSION, because as we infuse you with these infinite cosmic energies the part within you -- the SOUL-- that knows Itself as these energies, that exists perpetually in these frequencies is activated further in your experience.

Of course you and your SOUL are One, the same way that you and your Soul Group/your I AM Presence/your Monadic Field are One, Yes.

But in your embodiment, you can tune your point of perspective to the localized human experience, to one of disempowerment, or feeling that you are being subjected to others choices, and not free... You can opt into a perspective of confidence and well-being, and still only see yourself as this singular human who when they die, will end their experience...

There are many many many perspectives of YOU that can be activated and be the point of perception from which you live your life.

And you might more accurately realize there are countless versions of you -- some physical, some vibrational, some present fully here, some mostly present in the non-physical and everything in between.

How you think of yourself and what frequency and version of you, you claim as identity and truly feel is who you are, determines how you perceive and what you can perceive.

And you can always and do often, change the version of you, you are being. Sometimes you’re the inspired connected, Infinite I AM embodied here and conscious of this. Sometimes you’re the Soul arising from within the human form lifting this human local presence into fulfillment and merged with it, as it, knowing Oneness in a very new and beautiful way.

All of this is to say, you came here to REMEMBER and then? Recreate who you are. Recreating who you are with the knowing of ALL that you are, with a conscious connection to that vaster wholeness and aware... That everything that exists in the material, physical world which you think of as reality, or your life, is first and foremost? A vibrational reality. And when you’re allowing it can come into physical form and be experienced by you, realized by you as idea, as circumstances, as experiences, as perception, as manifestation...

And now, now is a time to evolve and choose your new being. It is a time of composition. Selecting what is in, what you want to add, what to let go of and to do so freely, knowing who you truly are and energizing it accordingly with the knowing and expectations that you do, indeed get to choose.

You make real what becomes real. What you treat as real, you perpetuate and amplify. As you make fear, or anxiousness, real, they grow and this shapes who you get to be. As you choose to notice the freedom and ease of your life, that is formulating your future too and you can focus freely.

Right now, the new you is undefined for as you evolve into higher frequency you get to choose, what kind of experience you will have and who you want to be in it.

The world is not the place to go for inspiration about this, unless you’re looking to re-create what you see. This new creation is best sourced by feeling into your heart and giving yourself permission to shape your life accordingly.

Some will feel this is a far-fetched notion, especially those feeling a lot of disruption or anger, or unhappiness with “what-is.” But if you’re not in that momentum, you can feel within you the energy and light of something very different.

Divine Ones we tell you now, you have changed. It’s already happened. Now you simply have to allow it to be how you know yourself and how you know your life.

As you allow for this to inform you, you begin to realize that there is a wide open blank canvas upon which you get to decide who you will be, and how you will feel, and what you will be experiencing and what kind of world you will be envisioning and moving within.

The world has always been sorting you into experience by resonance, the difference is now, you have embodied and chosen to embodied the vastness of your being, in an earth-based way and you have remembered who you truly are.

In this remembering you have taken hold the keys to the kingdom. For Life is made for you, to create within. And the freedom to create is given at the moment of the inception of your being.

Embodying on Earth there is a deep and oftentimes, endless forgetting of all this, but not for those who have awakened and remembered. Now for those of you ready and willing, the leading edge is wide open to be given form and focus, by you.

And you are doing this already, by how you feel, by what you think, by what you give vision and focus to. By where you invest your energy and attention and by the emotions you are cultivating and allowing. 

Pair these with the pictures and expectations you hold and there you now have a sense of who you are becoming.

Does it feel like the same, or more of the same? Then change things in your awareness and in your sense of WHO YOU ARE BEING.

If it feels the same this doesn’t mean this inner change has not happened within you, it simply indicates you’ve been more focused on “what-is” than “what I want and love...” whether it’s here right now, in manifest expression or not. And the later will open you up to emanate an embody a different composition of YOU, a different variation of all the YOUs available to you.

This transmission is meant to help you deeply shift how you relate to your life and here, Divine Ones, is the most important part of this message:

You are not hear to create more money, more health, a perfect love relationship, or a peaceful world....you are here to create the VERSION OF YOU that is living these things.

You are here to create YOU.

And never before has the opportunity for that, been more wide open and supported than it is right now. Welcome to the beginning of the golden age. There is much to do and so much to create. Great waves of energy and light are available to you and being shared with you. You have everything you need to create, except maybe the belief that you can.

If you don’t have that yet, that would be a wonderful place to start generating the NEW YOU: I am a powerful creative being, eternal and infinite and I can create whatever I feel inspired to experience. Life loves me and trusts my choices. What I want is immediately created, vibrationally and as I then shift from what caused me to create it, into an awareness that it is DONE, I can begin to enjoy my creations NOW and know that enjoyment allows them to come.

You are CREATING YOU. Why not begin by creating a version of YOU who confidently creates? Isn’t that a bit like asking the Genie for your first wish, that you will have unlimited wishes? We think so and in this situation, you do really get to choose this, if you want.

Again — you make real what you treat as real and important. Choose YOURSELF! Be who you want to be. Choose a version of you, that feels fun to you, that makes your heart sing, that lifts your spirits that gives you a feeling of SOARING!! We are all about SOARING.

You were meant to fly high and feel the lift and stability of Life co-creating with you.

As a reminder of that, here we are — explaining our take on this and inviting you to seize the moment and let go of limitation, doubt, looking mostly at “what-is” and holding back from cheerfulness and joy.

We are happy to be sharing in this evolutionary moment of shimmering newness with you.

We see you, we know you, we remember who you truly are and WE BELIEVE IN YOU. Join us?

Dare to center in what you love, to be yourself genuinely and naturally and imagine the version of you, that you would LOVE to be now and begin to tune your vision, and your energy and your sense of Self — your identity — to that.

We love you very much.

We are complete.

I AM Archangel Michael, with Ailia, Ashira, Naeshira, the Golden Galactic Dragons, the Maitreya Buddha, Serapis Bey, Mother Mary, Elveron, Grace Elohim and the Council of the Radiant Light with the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple.

We bid you, a most wonderful day.

Archangel Michael


My name is Ailia Mira. I am a writer, artist, conscious channel* and solopreneur. I'm  exploring the ways of living that are in alignment with who I truly am. In addition to living this way myself, I am also an experienced coach, facilitator, teacher and guide. 
Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

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