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Archangel Michael: The Diamond Path
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- Written by AndEl

: The New Creative Adventure of Love and Abundance in 2015
On the first day of the year 2015 you are stepping into a new beginning and a new adventure on Planet Earth. 2014 was experienced by many as a difficult and chaotic year with personal challenges to many of you. But, Beloved Family of Light, it was also the year in which the gateways and portals of Magical Abundance and Creativity were anchored on the Earth. The challenges that you faced helped you to truly stand in your power and be the Creator of your own Reality. This is the essence of a Multi-Dimensional Master of Light.
In the year 2015, you will be given the opportunity to further develop your skills and abilities as the powerful Diamond Light energies create further acceleration of consciousness and further activations of DNA codes for spiritual and physical evolution. We call this new Time Spiral the Diamond Path, and on this path you will discover the power of Infinite Love and Compassion. You will discover your power within the Galactic and Cosmic energies and you will focus this into the creation of a loving and harmonious reality as you travel the Diamond Path as multi-dimensional Masters and Creators.
The Energies of the Year 2015
Beloved Family of Light, there will be three very powerful moments of Change and Transformation in 2015. The first will be in March and April of 2015, and it will be initiated at the time of the Equinox. At this time, the Earth will experience a Total Solar Eclipse that will provide the opportunity for the Planet to shift away from dualistic confrontation and aggression and into a more balanced and harmonious state of collective co-existence. For those of you who have opened up to a state of higher awareness and become Masters of Manifestation, this will be the moment to hold the energies of Inner Peace, Harmony and Love, and to focus on the Creation of a Reality of Harmony and Abundance on the Earth. You will have the ability to harness the creative magic of the Sixth Dimension and assist in manifesting a new reality.
There will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of April, and the period between the 20th March and the 4th of April will see many shifts and changes on the Earth, opening the way for new forms and new creations. These changes will be felt on the individual and the collective levels. We ask you not to be intimidated by these changes, Beloved Ones, but to hold the focus of Love and Creativity, seizing the opportunity to align with the new Timeline Energy of 2015 and to create Abundance and Harmony rather than to contribute to lower timeline energies of conflict and chaos.
The Second powerful moment will be at the Planetary New Year, from the 26th of July to the 12th of August, and will include the energies of the Lion's Gate as a fulcrum of evolutionary and creative progress. The high point will be on the 8th of August at the 8/8/8 Time Gate. The Cosmic Energies that pass through the Lion's Gate will amplify the new higher energies and create opportunities for many to begin new projects or to step into a new career path that will be more in alignment with their revised mission and purpose on Earth. At this time, the Higher Councils of the Galaxy, in alignment with the Solar Council and Earth Councils, will initiate many new energy vortexes or timelines that will allow for manifestation of the New Reality in physical form. These projects will prepare the way for the powerful initiations of 2016 and 2017. The adventure of the Diamond Path is certainly under way! Those of you who are ready will step forward into this new path of accelerated consciousness and opportunity.
The Third powerful moment will be at the September Equinox, which falls on the 23rd of September. In this month there will also be a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th of September and a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 28th of September. The themes of these powerful shifts will be a continuation of the new energies of higher awareness that were initiated at the March Equinox and Eclipses. There will also be further opportunities to anchor the Diamond Light of Harmony, Peace and Abundance and to create a New Reality. It will be an exciting and challenging time, but also filled with new opportunities. Again, we ask that you focus on these opportunities to empower yourself as Masters of Light and Creativity, and to assist in grounding the New Reality for Planet Earth into the Human Collective Consciousness grid so that form may follow on the material plane. This two week period will be rich in opportunities to work with the Beings of Light and the Angelic Realms, and also the Magical Elemental energies, to anchor this magical and miraculous New Reality.
The Diamond Path: Higher Consciousness and a Higher Frequency Reality
Beloved Family of Light, this higher consciousness and higher frequency of Being we call the Diamond Path. It is the frequency that anchors the sixth dimension and allows you to fully experience your multi-dimensional being.
At this stage, your anchor in the sixth dimension of elemental Magic and Miracles will allow you to move between dimensions of being without anxiety or loss of equilibrium. When you are centered in a deep sense of Inner Peace and Creative Compassion, then you will be able to experience the lower frequencies with this inner power and strength and without losing your inner connection and sense of direction. You will be able to adventure in the fifth, fourth and third dimensional energies without adverse effects.
Of course, Beloved Ones, if you should find yourself on a mission or an adventure in third-dimensional density, and surrounded by duality, conflict and chaos, you will know how to find your center in your heart, ground yourself into the Earth and follow the guidance of your Higher Self and Spirit and the Infinite Creative Wisdom of the Divine Creative Intelligence. And know, Beloved Ones, that simply as an act of magical choice, you will be able to return to the higher dimensions of consciousness.
How is this possible, you may ask? Well, you must ensure that you are well connected to your Magical Higher Self. You must cultivate the Magical Garden of Inner Peace, Serenity, Joy, Peace, Love and Abundance. As you create this inner garden, so it will also manifest in your outer world as a Sacred Space that will anchor and reflect your personal frequency or Energy Signature on Earth.
Your personal Sacred Space will also transmit your Energy Signature, and will begin to interact with and to shape the external world around you as you open up a multi-dimensional space on Planet Earth! Beloved Ones, the Earth herself is overjoyed to once again dance and play with Beings of Light in many dimensions.
So, Beloveds, the Diamond Path is your passage to Multi-Dimensional lightness and adventure. You are becoming creators of realities, initiators of timelines, and co-creators of planetary consciousness in the higher frequencies. You will gain the confidence to ride the Galactic waves and shift frequencies in creative adventures of light. And you will learn how to manifest light and energy into form as you create a New Reality.
The Blue Diamond Children of 2015
As you move into this new phase of Creativity and Empowerment, you will be supported, as always, by an incoming wave of newly arriving and incarnating souls. These will be called the "Blue Diamond Children".
These children will derive from, or have a close connection to, the Angelic Family of the Elohim. The Elohim are the Creators of Form in the Universe. The purpose and mission of these incarnating beings will be to support and assist the creation and manifestation of the new forms on the Earth as the New Reality begins to take shape on the Earth.
These children will be Cosmic Spirits who are closely connected to the Galactic Families and the Galactic Council. They will be Masters of Manifestation and will be skilled at bringing forth form in graceful and elegant ways.
They will also be empathic and powerful, and will be able to "read" the energies and the people around them. They will use their empathic skills to direct powerful energies of healing and abundance creation where they are needed.
These children will incarnate in Soul Pods or Groups, as twins or as siblings, or within communities where they can best work together to form a powerful focus of Blue Diamond Light to assist in the creation of new ideas and new forms of individual and collective being on the Earth.
Beloved Family of Light, we wish you a Grand Adventure on the Diamond Path in 2015!

© 2012-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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