Archangel Michael Reveals the Sacred Seed of Life!
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- Written by Jahn J Kassl

The human being's natural vibration deserves the greatest attention in this time, which is overlaid by a wide variety of energy fields.
Protecting them from contamination through mindfulness is your primary task so that everyday life doesn't mess them up. Perceiving the diverse and complex fields of interference without being influenced by them is the challenge that every day places on you. Regularly addressing the I AM strengthens you where strength is needed and protects you where protection is needed.
You are the I AM
To claim the power of the human spirit and the power of your divine soul, to know who you are and live accordingly, to develop respect for yourself through self-knowledge, and to perceive God as the Gardener of your heart - you are the I AM - and that's why is what this message is about.
I am now among you!
Loved people,
sometimes your strength fails you, sometimes you don't know what to do, sometimes you feel separated from God and you can't find a way out of the labyrinth of time. Sometimes, despite all the experience and knowledge, it is difficult to maintain one's center and reach the kingdom of peace within. Sometimes meditation techniques seem as ineffective as prayers or a well-established spiritual practice.
Time leaves traces
Sometimes it is dark when you long for the light, it is sad when you want to be in joy, and it is - justified or unfounded - hopeless.
This time leaves its mark on your soul and it is imprinted on your heart. This time demands everything from you and you often reach your limits. But this time promises you change and the new man - bright and sublime, sprouting as the seed of the Creator.
How close or far is this reality for you? How long do you have to wait and where do you get the cw strength and energy for these tests? When will you reach the gates of knowledge and return to the luminous being? What can serve you, strengthen you and carry you when everyday life hits you?
I am with you now to replenish your spiritual batteries, I am with you to strengthen your soul, I am with you to remember.
The most powerful tool for transformation
I am with you now to bring you the most powerful tool of transformation and the most powerful instrument of self-empowerment.
If you feel weakened, if you are off track, if fears trigger you, if you seem to be getting off track, if you are agitated by everyday life, if you think you have lost your center - then remember who and what you are, then remember your I AM:
- I AM means activating your divinity and entering the space of your soul.
- I AM means connecting with the divine and connecting with the heart.
- I AM means guiding your thinking instead of letting your thinking lead you.
- I AM means directing your feelings instead of being directed by the feelings.
- I AM means determining your actions YOURSELF instead of letting someone else determine your actions.
You are the Creator's seed, now sprouting after eons in time. You were at the beginning of time and you are at the end of time on earth. You are pure divine consciousness, now recognizing, now re-remembering, now re-finding. You complete yourself as a human being and are reborn into this existence.
The scope of a human life
You are often too unaware of the significance of your arrival on earth. You often pay too little attention to the meaning of your life. You often get lost in everyday life and forget who you really are and what power you have.
Your days are often full of activities and you often don't know how to get out of this cycle.
Gradually, sluggish energy fields settle over your aura and cloud your view of your own being and the reality around you.
I am with you today to remind you of the practical application, the simplest and most effective tool of self-empowerment:
That I am!
You can and should ALWAYS use this tool, in the middle of everyday life, where you are, where you have to be, where life challenges you.
The I AM ENERGY instantly returns all scattered energies to the natural divine order. Chaos is resolved, protection is built and the flow of life is restored.
The “I AM ENERGY” is activated by saying it once and established by saying it repeatedly.
Activate your I AM!
The exercise is simple:
Add to your I AM what your I AM needs at the moment.
The pronounced I AM instantly turns the energy, instantly orders chaotic energy fields or instantly creates protection.
Whatever a situation requires, add it to the I AM and it happens.
If you want to strengthen yourself or remain exempt from unwanted phenomena of time, then activate your I AM.
JJK: I AM PROTECTED! This is my protection mantra, which I refer to several times a day, especially when I'm in crowds, when I get in the car or, for example, when I walk under scaffolding. Old walls are usually full of old energies that are released with the movement of rubble. These are just three examples of how I build energetic protection in everyday life. Is this recommended for everyone?
ARCH MICHAEL: As long as different energy fields are effective, as long as discharges are part of the transformation process and as long as the ascension has not been completed, appropriate protection must be built up. The I AM is the tool. Yes!
JJK: Can you also do that for a fellow human being - for your children, for example?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: For young people up to the age of 14, parents or fellow human beings can take cw over this activation. If this is done to the best of our knowledge and with pure intentions, then everything is done. There is no wrong because this luminous energy cannot be misused. It works as it is appropriate and desired by the soul.
JJK: When I feel weakened, I often say the following I AM INvocation:
I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. I repeat this until I feel strengthened and supported. This always works for me! This should be valuable for everyone, no one has to believe in it, just try it out - right?
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: You are the seed of God! Every person is the seed of God and so this self-empowerment is helpful, strengthening and healing for every person. It's easy:
I AM...and now you decide what you are and what you want to be. Activate your creative power! What you are is your I AM!
The I AM is the simplest and most efficient tool of transformation and protection in everyday life.
Reminding you of this is the mission with which I have come to you today, is my message that I bring to you and to all people on behalf of the Creator.
The I AM is GOD's gift to man to remove the separation from GOD. The I AM strengthens you as a human being and nourishes your divine consciousness.
This symbiosis leads to a happy life, to a harmonious existence - connected to the source, integrated into current events - as a unique expression of creation, as the seed of the Creator.
Now please breathe in deeply through your nose three times and slowly exhale through your nose...
Now please take three deep breaths and speak while breathing in
and exhaling LOVE
Pause …
In this way an inner transformation takes place within you. Your energy flow changes, you become harmonized, internally strengthened and attuned to the energy of love.
The human being's natural vibration deserves the greatest attention in this time, which is overlaid by a wide variety of energy fields. Protecting them from contamination through mindfulness is your primary task so that everyday life doesn't mess them up. Perceiving the diverse and complex fields of interference without being influenced by them is the challenge that every day places on you. Regularly addressing the I AM strengthens you where strength is needed and protects you where protection is needed.
Your I AM is the key to the success of your everyday life.
So that part of the message is given.
Pause …
Insight into the Great Awakening
In the second part, it is my responsibility to give you an insight into the great awakening of humanity.
You are the seed that is now sprouting, a seed that was planted by the Creator eons ago and that is now bearing fruit.
Why are you repeatedly told that the light has prevailed and that the luminous change is irreversible? Why is this announced to you when external events do not necessarily indicate this?
It is because this change follows an inherent divine dynamic. People are at the center of everything. Through the influx of spiritual energy, more and more people's memories are activated, the memory of who they really are. The fact that the seeds sprout describes this process. It is a process that cannot be stopped by anything or anyone.
The number of people waking up grows every day. With each passing day, evil loses strength and good gains power. What is happening now is irreversible: the healing of all human entanglements with the old matrix and the dissolution of the contracts with the rulers of this matrix.
You ask yourself: How much longer or why does it take so long until something visibly changes?
I tell you: it is happening within you!
Once you have truly come into your inner self, you look at the world with different eyes. Because to understand that on the outside is to see on the inside.
The deeper you delve into your own secret, the more clearly you can see a dynamic in the phenomena of time.
As soon as your inside is visible to you, you can also perceive the outside without distortion. Anyone who has found the door to themselves will open the gates to life.
In this way you will be encouraged to continue your transformation work in everyday life. Are you tired, do you need a break? Grant it to yourself, then move on. Whatever burdens you inside, release it. Approach your glory and your true essence step by step.
The awakening of people is taking place at the speed appropriate to the change. In this way you can integrate insights and grow into the changes. It takes time and you have that time. The time is short when the opportunities to wake up are missed and when a person closes himself to the bright developments. In the end, this person will run out of time because it takes many small steps to grow out of this matrix.
I AM defines the future!
In the near future, more and more people will confront evil and self-confidently express their will, their I AM. Destructive forces are increasingly losing ground, luminous forces are taking over the scepter on earth.
Your commitment is producing positive results and your work is showing clear successes, because many of the restrictive measures that were planned have to be withdrawn. The power of your I AM impacts, shapes and defines the future.
Stay committed to your path of light,
stay true to your path of love,
remains in the care of GOD and
under HIS protection and blessing!
I am sword, shield and protection.
I am strength, liberation and guidance.
I am strength, healing and light.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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